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his choice

sc12's picture

So my ss and I were talking and he told me he was confused about a lot of things like what to call me and why if he has two daddies and two mommies, why his daddy was daddy number one but I was mommy number two. I told him that he can call me whatever he like. As long as it was appropriate. He said he wanted to call me mama "my name". I told him that was ok. He said he likes having two mommies and two daddies. It makes him special. However bm boyfriend tells him that he is his father and dh is not. I honestly do not know how to explain the birds and bees to a 5 year old. For a few years the number thing worked. But now he wants more.


stormabruin's picture

Why would the birds & the bees be necessary to introduce here???

Given he'll be calling you mama______, & his stepdad is telling the kid he's his dad, I can understand the kid'd confusion.

IMO, it's best for EVERYone involved to let mom & dad be "mom" & "dad" & the stepparents are called by name. That keeps it clear.

As hard as you tried you couldn't explain the birds & the bees to a 5-year old. Their minds aren't built for that at 5. Even when it is appropriate, it's a conversation probably best had between him & his dad.

sc12's picture

Bm insist that the flavor of the week month or year be called daddy. That's the other issue. She makes him call flavors daddy. And my thought us let him decide what he wants to call the step parents. He has had 4 daddies. And been put through two divorces and about to go through that again. I don't care if he calls me my name. It's his choice. I just don't know how to explain to a 5 year old that mommy is mommy daddy is daddy and why daddy's wife isn't mommy and y mommies bf is daddy, he asks me this stuff cause I'm honest and tell him so he can understand without the brain washing games. And he also tells me stuff he doesnt. Tell anyone.

RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

"Daddies do a special daddy magic to put a baby in a mommy's tummy. Your daddy did special daddy magic to put you in BMs tummy because he knew he was going to love you so much. BMs boyfriend didnt know you when you were a baby, but he sure is glad he knows you now that youre a big kid!"