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There is nowhere else I can say this...

mama_althea's picture


My good God what a whiny-ass effing brat. From hell.

Gah. I'm on my phone and the website is all tiny and difficult to read or post on, so that's all I have right now. If anyone else would like to join me, please feel free. Oh, and I may have had several beers...but seriously who the fuck could blame me?


Mpjcmom's picture

Ha ha, I will join in on this! Sd12 has been with me/us for 6 days now. During this time, me and/or my DH have taken her to the pool twice, McDonalds twice, let her rent movies and bought her lots of crap. Ugh! Hearing lots and lots of "Daaaddddyy!!!". Yuck. Hiding in my room while DH is at the gym. Ironically, she has a friend over that I actually kind of like! This little girl has good manners and seems very smart for her age. I think she might be bored with sd, because she keeps trying to talk to me! Wow, I sure am glad to have found this board....definitely the only place where I can admit such things!!