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what are all the posts on Crew about??

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

Apparently I missed something but I keep seeing comments talking about drama going on with Crew and comments talking about a newbie war going on for the last couple of days?? Just would like to know wth everyone is talking about... So if someone could clue me in or post some links I would appreciate it. Im not positive but I thought Crew was somebody I liked and her posts were always similar to my own experiences... But then again im horrible with remembering names and I always have to go thru someones blogs to recall who exactly they are... Lol. So who knows. I could be thinking of somone completely diff for all I know. Wish I could forget BM the way I do everything else but I just havent figured out how to erase so much stupid BM moments from my brain. Lmao.


Anonymous_stepmom's picture

In a nutshell she came on here saying that her SD3 kicked her dog "Lulu" down the stairs, the dog apparently broke it's back and had to be put down but some incredible sleuths here uncovered the truth. She lied about the whole thing, when she was called out on the lie she erased her blogs and deleted her account.

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

Ok after scamming thru a few posts, I do remember who Crew is and I did like her but no her stories did not relate to mine. Can someone please clue me in as to why Crew, a long time steptalk user, would have made up this story about the passing of her dog? I read someone say that she admitted to lying about it,is this true?? I just hate to think someone would make this up... I guess im just a very gullible person, one of those that sees the best in people and looks past their flaws for the greater good. It does tend to get me hurt or let down or used at times though. So, in saying that I could be very wrong on this... But is there any way her time lines were messed up due to her emotional trama? Is there any way her dh did do this,more than likely was pissed at something the dog did, kicked it, didnt ever mean for the dog to get injured and thats what killed the dog. He got scared and blamed the 3 yr old? Is that a possibility? I could see a 3-4 yr old having the strength to do this as well... My 3 almost 4yr old is very strong and very big for her age. She can easily pass for 5 due to her height. Is there any way this is the same for Crews SD? My DD3 hits our dog at times, usually when she gets frightened that the dog is going to bite her, even though our dog has never given her a reason to feel this way, this is how she feels at times though. And I could see a 3-4yr old kicking a old dog as they are walking down the stairs, the toddler never expecting or knowing such a horrible thing could result from this, the old dog lossing its balance, sending the dog tumbling down, landing completely wrong, and breaking its fagile back. Everyone deals with pain diffidently and maybe Crew left to a hotel because she couldn't stand to stay in a house where her bloved dog was killed? And while at the hotel she saw it offered massages, and decided to get one to releave some stress?

I know, wishful thinking. But gosh I really hate to think that Crew would have made all of these stories up..

Im really sorry for anyone that was caused pain because of any of this and I do not wish to make any of you relive any pain. Im only trying to see if any one has thought of these possibilities. Only because A)I would really feel just horrible if Crew was telling the truth and was going thru such a traumatic time and everyone accused her of being fake. B)) I really hate that this affected so many animal lovers just for them to find out it was all a lie. C) I hate to think that my steptalk safe haven would have people on it, making up fake stories, giving empty advice, ect just for attention or just BC their sick in the head or whatever the reason may be... I just dont like the thought that there are ppl using steptalk and pretending to be a stepparent.

Its lame, it sucks and my only thought is that if Crew did make up everything, she must be a BM trying to befriend her kids stepmom on here to get very personal information out of her... And that scares me even more. So for anyone that Crew may have hurt, do not think im taking her side at all. All around this whole thing just sucks.

GizmoBarnOwl's picture

Thats assuming that our BMs would think to join a site like this?

... I HOPE my BM has seen my stuff. She might see then that she needs help!!!!

What worries me is that a few kind hearted people even offered her money for vet fees to save the dogs life (if it could have been saved) Imagine if she had taken them up on it???!!!

I think it has been a lesson learned that you cant always trust what you read...

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

Well after reading some more posts I feel like a jackass for even trying to make send of Crews mess. My apologies to all I had no idea how far her BS went. I dont follow peoples blogs so I had no clue about all of her elaborate stories. I will agree and call bullshit on this one. I admit when im wrong and I have stood up for her in the past. like I said my whole motto to try and only see the good in ppl and look past their flaws, has and can lead me to get hurt, used, ect. Guess thats what happened here. Never realised that ppl on here would be making up shit just for attention. Seems like to much work for me. Lol. But hey I guess this world is full of crazies so stalk is bound to get a few. Im sorry that I got defensive towards some posters on here that were calling BS its nothing personal, I just have a very strong view on bullying so when I see someone getting attacked, I tend to not even see why it is theyre being attacked, only that someone is being attacked. I guess sometimes the person just out right deserves it. Ill try and do more research before I open my mouth to defend, take the weaker persons side, ect. I do not mean any harm when I do this. Its just well, I have seen some horrible things come from a group of ppl ganging up on a weaker minority and it just flat out strikes a sensitive spot and I instantly feel the need to stand up for the person. I suppose it would be best if I made sure I was standing up for the person/ppl in the right first... Sorry for being so sensitive when ive seen any of this type of behavior going on.

GizmoBarnOwl's picture

OMG!!! I just found this out! Its amazing what can happen in the space of 24 hours on here!! WOW! I am shocked! I cried for that dog!! It was even more poignant to me as today is the 1 year anniversary of the loss of my beloved (yet pain in the backside) dog Mikey.

I am glad she did the right thing and deleted her account. But I wonder what made her say something so awful!!!! I did think it was a little suspect that a 3 year old would have the strength to kick a dog down the stairs (especially as it went from a "little dog" to her posting a pick of a Beagle which isnt exactly a lap dog! But then, I thought to myself sometimes things like this happen I guess.

What a shocker!

Lalena75's picture

I was hurt that it was all a sham, and felt I lost face when I had to tell those I shared her stories with that it was bull. But.....
I have a sneaky suspicion she's already back, new name, and already jumped on the it was a sham band wagon when that new persona had been created in less than a day hmmmmm I'm gonna keep watching and be more aware of the bullshit meter, can I be put on the bullshit list too please. I didn't get caught up till last night.