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StubbornEnough's picture

When I read the part about peeing on the ring, all I could think of was that a ring would have gone right down the old turd hole! Weirdo.


AliceP's picture

in retrospect the other things nagging at my head while reading her posts besides how quickly things unfolded, was her dad booked her into a 5 star hotel for 5 days and a massage and told her to order anything, that's a couple grand, even if her dad had a couple grand to spend in such short notice people that have that kind of money usually don't spend it so easily....

oncechoosetosmile's picture

But because of the freaking time difference I woke up in the morning and all crews blogs were deleted, I really don't now who found out and how??????????

ConfusedStep's picture

It was actually the egg story that did me in - I just didn't believe it. It was too "perfect" with the one egg breaking then the millions of other eggs exploding.
Anyway, I'm not on here much so I wasn't sure if I was thinking of the right person, so I googled her name and read the cached blogs. There were some good ones that had me giggling (in addition to the awesomely funny blogs today). I missed the dog story so I was confused for a while, but I've been loving the aftermath fun.

Most Evil's picture

I never read her blogs as they seemed very dramatic and self agrandizing (sp?), in a too much way, and I hate to be manipulated!!

I was skeptical but in the end posted about my dog, just in case I was wrong.!!

Today I took down my dog pic because someone pointed out maybe you could be identified by your dog!