This is really horrible but have you ever wished
that your DH/FH/SO would do something really horrible - i mean so ghastly and unforgivable - like seriously cheat or get arrested with a transvestite hooker or turn out to have been a mass murderer in the 1980's - that you would have the absolute right and damned near OBLIGATION to get the hell out of dodge?????
No guilt - no recrimination - no need to explain. You could just escape the hell you originally thought would be heaven but that slowly started getting hotter and hotter until you looked around and all you saw were demon spawn and their oddly ineffectual leader.
Freedom with no strings.....
Wow - can you tell i am REALLY PISSED at my FH right now and wondering what the hell i have done to my life???
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well...fh isn't dh...i don't
well...fh isn't dh...i don't think i've thought THAT exactly...but it has been VERY hard and i've wondered why i'm subjecting myself to this particular form of hell.
Neither of us thought that
Neither of us thought that his divorce could POSSIBLY take this long so we went ahead and got a house together, our businesses are in the same building that we own jointly...all sort of complications that may as well make him my dH without the actual "honest woman' part!
^^ this right here is why I
If you're wishing that, isn't
If you're wishing that, isn't that a sign your relationship is pretty much in the toilet? Just break up, already.
I don't think it means your
I don't think it means your relationship is necessarily dowm the toilet, but that there are aspects of it that cause you pain and you don't/can't make it better so you'd like a clean slate.
I have a pretty awesome relationship, but I find myself wishing it from time to time, to have him do something irreparable and leave so I can avoid the horrible stepfuture I feel is around the corner.
But I know that's irrational, and it doesn't mean I don't love him, just a fear of things to come (or things that have already happened.)
So yes, sometimes, when I'm angry or hopeless or sad, I wish that.
I'm glad - but also sad -
I'm glad - but also sad - that i'm not the only one. Glad because it means I am not insane but sad because someone else is hurting this much.......
But DAMN...I wish he would just...I don't know....get caught having sex with a barnyard animal....or take LSD and run naked through the neighborhood shouting 'I am the Lizard King". Anyone know where i can get some lSD or know where I can get a really sexy cow???? }:)
LOL!!! Mooooo baby! Sorry - just cracked myself up but I needed that!
Exactly! So the question
Exactly! So the question remains. How do we get them to fuck a cow at high-noon in the middle of our respective towns? Or a goat i suppose would do if that is more easily obtainable. We are bright girls - we can figure this out..... }:)
A tranny hooker arrest would
A tranny hooker arrest would work too - but only if it was in the newspaper. It would have to be bad enough that i would have NO - repeat NO - choice but to get the hell out.
No tranny hookers where you
No tranny hookers where you live?? But then how do you know what NOT to wear??? :?
The animal would probably be easier for you to arrange then....we have much planning to do ....(insert evil laugh, - sound of wheels turning - smoke coming out of ears)
And if there is going to be any Vegas trip taking, I think it should be a group of us Steptalkers going and having a ball ourselves on DH/FH/SO"S credit cards. Have you ever been? The spas at the major hotels there are to die for - endless pools of water of various temperatures, steam rooms, waterfall showers, saunas and every treatment you can imagine. You can hang there all day either indoor or outside. It is heaven. We have damned well earned it!!!
The websites for the major
The websites for the major hotels have special sections detailing the spas. they relax you just looking at them1 Check out the Venitian, JW Marriott (my favorite!) and Bellagio!
Oh - I would be beyond
Oh - I would be beyond piss-ed off about that (hint, hint!) but I am totally joking about the tranny and the barnyard animals!!!!! An earlier post got me going and started down a bizarre path that made me get the giggles.
The part i am serious about is that I sometimes really do wish he would do something irretrievable so that i could bail with no guilt and not look back. I am so angry with him and have been for a good month or so now. i don't see any end in sight to my anger. I really wish he would do something that crosses the line enough that i can point to it and say - there, done!
have you thought about
have you thought about counseling? i almost went once when i was angry with dh for what felt like a long time to me.
it might help you decide what you REALLY want.
We are in counseling -
We are in counseling - individually and together - and it is not helping. He is absolutely convinced that he is right and will not bend an inch and I am absolutely convinced that he has really turned into an asshole for refusing to even consider that i might have a valid point.
That i have been busting my
That i have been busting my ass and taking an amazing amount of crap from both the skids and him due to his issues with his BM and endless divorce proceeding but when my first husband of 17 years died, with whom i was very good friends, he was great for about 2 weeks and then expected me to go back to catering to him and his needs. i am the executor of my late husband's estate which is being done in another state and is rather complex. Plus I am still grieving. And he is downright ANNOYED that I am not my cheery self and keeping up with things around the house as I used to. He claims it is not jealousy - just that it is irritating to him.
So he decided that I needed "tough love' and started telling me to "suck it up" and "deal with reality" and said some downright cruel things like getting in my face and shouting "HE"S DEAD!!!" But he feels he is justified and was only trying to "help" me - even when i told him how much he was hurting me.
I feel that after all I have done for the past 4 years I deserve some TLC for a little more than 2 weeks. He does not. it has now been 4 months and with the near constant fighting w/ FH I am not really healing well from my grief - i have no peaceful place in which to do it. He feels that I don't need it and that I need to get a grip. I think he needs to bite me!!!!!
People really show you who
People really show you who they are when the shit hits the fan, huh? He used to joke that it was always "me, me, me" with him. Apparently it was not a joke and I should have believed him.......
teristepmom, three things
teristepmom, three things jump out at me. You irritate him. He hurts you. He is telling the truth when he says the relationship is about him. Cut and run girl. You don't need a dramatic, public, made-for-teevee reason. You have three very good ones right here.