OT-while the loser has babies and skips school and we pay for her, my son's therapy costs 75USD per week...sigh
I tell you, it just drives me CRAZY knowing that we have to pay for this loser skid every month, who just has babies and skips school, while we are having to pay 75USD a week, for just 30 minutes of MUCH NEEDED speech therapy for our son. He's 10, almost 11 and at a 6-7yr old level on speech...
Don't get me wrong, now I PAY FOR IT, just like I always did...it just makes me sick that the courts don't give a rat's ass about him, but want my DH to support that loser who never goes to school and only has learned to spread her legs and have babies...sick...just sick!
PS - thanks for letting me vent :sick:
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In my state, if a Female
In my state, if a Female child gives birth they are considered to be imancipated. When that happens you don't get child support. I would check into it in your state.
I would check into it.
I would check into it. Hopefully you don't live in a state such as CA, MA, NJ or NY which have daddykins paying CS well into the twenties whether or not said "child" has crotch droppings, lives at home, etc. or not.
Same with our state. SD had
Same with our state. SD had child at 16 and quite the little money maker in BMs household!
- SD gets CS paid for her by DH
- SD gets CS paid for the baby from her baby daddy
- SD gets government subsidized daycare when she "works." In reality, she leaves grandbaby with BM whenever she wants to have her "alone time" and since BM is licensed daycare, she just makes up a bill and SD submits it for reimbursement. I'm sure they have a little scam going on that one.
- SD somehow qualified for foodstamps and medicaid even though she was living in BM's household and was covered under, not one but TWO different insurances through her dad and stepdad. She also qualified for WIC but those qualifications are more lenient.
In fact, I am kind of amazed that BM kicked her out within a month of her turning 18. Maybe it was because of the stepdad or maybe it was because she had to focus on her NEXT paycheck...er, baby. Yes, BM got pregnant within a couple of weeks after SD gave birth and had another baby of her own!! I called that one a LONG time ago, saying that she would need to have more kids once my skids got close to majority age when her Gravy Train would dry up. Well, since this idiot MARRIED her TOO, she will keep him around for another year or so, have another kid and be set (between CS and alimony) until she is almost RETIRED!! Retired from what?? Being a breeder, of course.
Texas doesn't care...Texas
Texas doesn't care...Texas wants you to support the morons even if they have 10 darn kids and don't go to school until they are 18...sigh...just counting down, but it still pisses me off! It's ridiculous that we have to spend so much on therapy and idiot gets a free ride to spread her legs! :sick:
Yes, DH has talked to an
Yes, DH has talked to an attorney...he wanted a few K but also told him that in Texas, even if she has 10 kids, if she's under 18 and NOT married, he still has to pay...so, what's the point? sigh