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If you PAY child support in Texas, MAKE SURE YOU calculate the CS yourself!!! The Texas AG tables are WRONG!

herewegoagain's picture

I just spent a few hours looking up the Tax tables for Texas, calculate child support...these tables are wrong! I won't say they are wrong by much, but at least in our case the difference in CS is about 200USD a year, which you know, pays for 5 speech therapies for my son! ARGH#@$#@%#$

Anyway, if you pay CS in Texas and have to go for a modification or are thinking of asking for a modification, do the calculations YOURSELF least to come up with the basic NET...I am still trying to figure out how they "deduct" the health insurance cost, although the law just says "deduct the cost", but I think the AG does some other funky thing, which of course, is probably NOT what the law says, just like in this case...

Every single income that I checked with the spreadsheet I did came up higher based on the AGs calculations...some may not consider 200USD much, but for some of us, that pays therapies, one month's electricity or a couple of months of water bills...