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Day care mom is a psycho!

glam-mom's picture

ughhhhhh!!!! i walked in to pick my son up from daycare today only to step in a pile of dog crap belonging to one of the twelve freaking mutts my day care provider breeds... what if that were a child let alone me in my work shoes? an the house wreaks like dog pee and that sooooo can not be legal!? can it? i dont think so... once her stupid dog bit my kid and she has the nerve to ask me "well u have ins. right?" uh WHAT!!??? doesnt hers cover that? okay back up so i step in the dog poo and then say to my son "okay lets go mommy has to go the bank before it closes" and it closes in fifteen minutes by the way... and my day care mom says "no he has to pick up before he leaves... seriusly" what!!??? really so here i find myself rushing to pick up all these damn toys so i can make it to the bank... i pick my kid up the same time every day... why isnt his coat on? why havent u cleaned up all ready? why is there dog shit on my shoe? any ways... the whole reason i am not already seeing a different provider is bc she has been watching the kids since my daughter was 3 months old and she is now 6 and in kind. now and although she doesnt attened there regularly anymore my son still does and these kids and the "provider" are all like family to them! and i feel awful even thinking about going somewhere else but i am reaching my ends here... and i am to scared to say anything.... one day i came early and heard her yelling at her sister who lives with her who is like disabled bc she had a stroke anyways she was yelling at her and called her a dumbass right in front of all the kids!!! wtf??!! omg am i really dealing with this why cant ife be simple? haha and so please what can i do i want a clean break i dont wanna do the whole 2 weeks notice thing cause thats just awkward i just wanna go an i do get county assistance so i dunno if that has anything to do with it... and fyi my soulmate relationship is still going! we are doing great and i still havent let him stay the night while the kids are home mostly bc of their dad still isnt with the fact that i am with someoone other than him and also bc he cant stand the fact of some other dude spending more time with his kids than him... but when it comes wn to it hes always to busy working r drinking or sleeping or something i have s much to talk about really but that will all have to come in time right now im just freaked over this whole day care scenerio... help!!!


jennaspace's picture

That's crazy! You really need to get your child out of there. Prioritize your child over her feelings. Sounds like a lobster in boiling water (water got hotter and hotter, while you got acclimated) scenario. Your child is your 1st priority, get him out now. I've never had a daycare worker act like this, it's totally unacceptable.

glam-mom's picture

im scared haha! i know its totally innapropriate and i know she doesnt believe in vaccs. so all these dogs arent up to date either... and one of them is phyically visably ill... she has it like wrapped in a towel with duct tape so it doesnt like scratch at its oozing sores... ugh... i am just scared of her i love her to death but she just wasnt made for this job... i hate confrontations... im gonna bring my ex with me for sure when i tell her haha he wont tolerate anything lol...

newbie88's picture

My boyfriends ex didn't want to take her BS out of the home day care he was in either. She had the same feelings that she really liked the woman and didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. But really all that aside you need to be putting your son first. The oozing dog with towels wrapped around it would be enough for me. I do agree that your son should take the time to clean up the toys he was playing with so if you pick him up at the same time each day have her tell him to clean up early so he is ready to go.

But frankly I think you should find somewhere else for your children to attend. It doesn't sound like a very sanitary environment at all. Also her yelling at her disabled sister in front of the children and degrading her...this isn't acceptable either.

I would be looking for other facilities like yesterday. Don't feel bad, people move on all the time. Child care providers are used to things like this!

youngmama1b1g's picture

OMG... I was just considering moving daycares because the center no longer provides food.

You have real concerns here!
Dog bites are NEVER acceptable. My child has health insurance, but if she's having animals in and around the children- there has to be a limit to the exposure or supervised exposure. As a dog owner, it's her responsibility if her animals bite someone, how is it any different when those bitten are in her care as well?
Additionally, I would be livid if I stepped in dog shit. And I would never go back because of that alone- to make you wait while you're child "cleaned up" afterward is completely ridiculous. As a caregiver myself, I would never force a child to clean up any mess if the parent said they were in a rush.

It's not horrible to move- as another poster said these providers are used to it, they have people move all the time.
I'm sure you can find a better center that will still accept county assistance- I know there's several places that do around me.

stepsonhatesme's picture

OMG I would have major issues with this! I mean let alone the whole issue with your child.(which is a MAJOR issue) What she seems to be doing to the dogs. I would turn her in to the ASPCA for neglect on those animals. " and one of them is phyically visably ill... she has it like wrapped in a towel with duct tape so it doesnt like scratch at its oozing sores" THat is NOT the sign of a real animal lover. and not getting any of the dogs vaccines. That in itself would have had me worried, the dog that bit your child had NO shots.If she takes care of dogs that way, that would lead me to wonder how she actually cares for your child when your not around. (let alone the cussing at the sister)
Those living conditions that you mentioned.....the urine smell and all the feces is just completely unacceptable!!!

Get your child out of there now and I would call the health dept on her.

herewegoagain's picture

Sorry, but why haven't you pulled your child out? This person is obviously not trustworthy and you continue to take your chid there?

glam-mom's picture

okay first of all i wasnt laughing at the situation i was laughing at the fact that im scared of my day care which isnt really funny more along the lines of rediculous which makes it a little funny... damn! and second i called and reported her... when i get my tax return i am more than likely going to switch bc i cant afford to just pay her 2 weeks now and have no other options... also the dog didnt bite my son it bit my daughter bc she was taking a crayon from his mouth which still isnt right but als everyone needs to keep in mind shit happens by no means am i sticking up for her but a home day care and a home setting shit can happen... i do plan on pulling my kids out and did reprt her and thank u all for the advice...

Disneyfan's picture

You reported her AND left your there? So it's bad enough to report but not bad enough to pull your child out ASAP.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks this is crazy

glam-mom's picture

ill look into it i just dont think they can pay 2 places at once... like pay for the notice and for a new daycare... i cant afford to pay her right now but i can in a week or 2 when i get my taxes back... i know where everyone is coming from and i agree but theres not much i can do right now...