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I may just cancel exh darn ticket...I'll be THAT EX

overit2's picture

God this man is a trip!!! He asked me for a pass (I work for an airline) to go see his parents (and fiance he's never met) ...his dad is ill but not on death bed (they live in another country) I've asked him countless times since he doesn't go often to wait till the kids are off from school and take them with him so they can meet and spend time w/his family. He keeps saying how much he wants to take them over and over, but every time you somehow can't take them? His family would be ALL OVER THEM and he could spend most of his time doing whatever he wanted-YES there would be some language issues but his bil speaks english very well and could help translate for them also.

BUT NO...why would he EVER use ANY of HIS vacation time with his children like I do???? Anyways-I told him to send me the details and his cc info to ticket his pass....but not w/out letting the bm psycho in me come out and let him have it.....told him in the future if he was traveling for pleasure then he can buy his own darn ticket, why should I help him out when he never in 8 years has spent the time w/the kids he should (i left out that he is thousands in arrears from past years) in addition he's making me switch wknds around AGAIN for HIS convenience, he never split the last two weeks as he said, when he returns he will have seen the boys 1 1/2days in 1 1/2MONTHS and he lives 45 min away.

Keeps promising to split holidays or weeks off or summer and never does. Yet he expects me to help him? I WAS DUMB, my fault, I shoudl have just said know what? When you take the kids with you on a trip i'll gladly help you out by providing you a pass (he still pays a cost and taxes for these, and it's no cost to me)...but to go visit his family and finally meet his gf/fiancee whatever she is? NOPE.

So...he owes me two weeks in CS-he pays weekly, he assured me he would deposit both weeks yesterday am (should have deposited one last friday), he hasn't. he assured me he wanted to contribute towards the big gifts for xmas (which I didn't ask him to) and he didn't but that's ok, he did presents on his own also.

I also asked if he would be advancing one week (since he will be gone for two) or how he would handle that? But I'm not demanding that be deposited. So far my bank does not show the two weeks. And the other thing is since he will have been off from work (I THINK his vacation is unpaid don't know) he will likely be late AGAIN when he returns because he spent all his money there and hasn't been paid.

I swear to God I will LOSE a pass BUT if he does not deposit by close of bsns I will cancel the ticket-and refund him ONLY when I get the CS owed. I will NOT be made a fool of. This man has traveled every time down there on MY passes as a FAVOR which I don't owe him SHIT and never takes his children-ALL his vacation time is spent on HIM. I will PULL a PSYCHO BM on his ass so fast his head will spin. I'm the poster child of GOOD BM and ex-wife but darn even I have my limits.

I will not say a word, he can find out when he gets to the airport tonight and his ticket is cancelled.


ThatGirl's picture

"I don't know what happened? I guess it is no longer a good idea to try this pass thing with me. They've implemented more stringent rules of which I was unaware."

This is perfect!

Jsmom's picture

I take it you work for the airlines. Just pull his pass. Why do it for him, if it is not benefiting the kids? You are not married to him anymore.

skylarksms's picture

I agree. All it is going to do is make you more resentful. You owe him nothing...especially if he can't bother to take his own children on vacation with him.

overit2's picture

YES I was dumb!! Still waiting to see if he answers my text asking him about the deposit. He could pay $450 for the pass but not half of that for the CS....ok.

No lol no mail order bride but just as odd...he started chatting via fb, then phone w/a neighbor of his sister...he knew her back in high school apparently but they never dated. They are both in their late 40's and lonely i a long distance (for REAL though) relationship started....after only a few weeks I spot my ex w/a silver ring (which guys wear engagement rings there)..and asked him and he said they were engaged. ODD...because if you have no more then just phone calls and skype or emails and such...guess they are old and lonely and desperate who knows.

I doubt she would move here to the US, he would move back down there if his job opened an office I know that much. I don't see him settling w/anyone here but he may w/someone of his nationality back in his country. Reality is no reason for him to be here, he has very little involvement by HIS choice w/the boys-bf and i are thinking of moving in a cpl years and he should just go be happy you know? BUT problem is he would see them less-and I doubt he would continue to pay CS-they could go for extended visits but I doubt they would want to-who knows when they are teens they might find it a LOT of fun, I know there is more freedom and fun and safe for teens there then here. I loved growing up there. He hasn't gone on to form a family here or a steady relationship, etc...

overit2's picture

Well he put the deposit in and it seems he's not flying tonite as he's running late lol so he'll shoot for tomorrow, see he might as well just gone in feb with the kids u know? and this was his wknd with them too, we r always getting off schedule and it's always because of his ex or mine, we never mess with it darn fools!!