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Who wants to chuck it all and head to the beach for Christmas???

depressed's picture

I'm so ready to be out of here!! I'm tired of all of this drama ruining every holiday.


bestwife's picture

We just got back from our Christmas celebration in Florida. Would have spent more time there but I needed to get back for a funeral.

SS24 is supposed to come over Christmas night. His BM (trash lady) is supposedly having him over at noon. We'll see. She got knocked up twice from one night stands. Both sons she ditched at 14-15 as it was just too much trouble. Plus it interfered with her dating. She is more interested in spreading her legs than taking care of her sons.

She can go a year or two without even talking to him. We all live within walking distance of each other. She has a degree and has been in a great job for almost 30 years - but she is still as white trash as they come. Now married to ex-felon, addict, low-life who doesn't want SS around.

stepsonhatesme's picture

Can I please come? Pretty Please with sugar on top? I sooooooo need to get away.

depressed's picture

Yum! Margarita's in Mexico and beach party. Sounds so perfect. I've decided I'm having fun and no drama allowed. If drama shows up, drama is asked to leave. I'm having a merry Christmas and a very happy new year!! The same to all of you guys. Hang in there mi amigas and amigos!!! Smile