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New Here :) My Story

The Brighter Side's picture

I've been lurking around here for a while now. I'm a SM, I have been since SS was 5mo old. I married his dad when he was 18 months. His BM HATES ME!!! (we'll call her The Whale) She wants me to die. She has physically attacked me on my property then raced me to the court house to press charges against me. We fought 1 month after our wedding exactly. I confronted her about sending the baby in clothes that fit. She was sending him in WAYYY too small clothes. She smacked me and as a reaction I smacked her back. She dropped the baby on the gravel driveway and took me to the ground my the front of my shirt.

I weigh 150. She weights 300. She changed her story so many times I can't remember them all, but I do remember her saying that I RAN off the pourch and attacked her for no reason. WOW

We filed for full custody and ended up extending our 50/50 to week on week off vs. every other 2 days, and she was CO to take parenting classes. IDK if she has taken them or not. Judging my her behavior I would say no.

She teaches the baby to tell me I suck and he want's to go back to mothers. He is almost 3 now and he's starting to tell on her. He freaked out last night when I tried to clip his nails. He says he's scared because his Mother hurts him.

She doesn't have a job. She lives with her mentally retarded mom and creepy old step dad and her brother who raped her over and over when she was a teen. In a single wide. With 3 rooms. She sleeps with SS in the same bed. She leaves him with her disfunctional family to go out with friends and go to school 2 days a week.

I hate The Whale. She drives me insane and every single thing that she does is either to benifit herself, or make our lives harder.

We are just waiting for her to fuck up so we can get full custody. When I read the blog about the BM how took her kids out of town on their dads week i was SOO jealous. I just WISH something like that would happen for us.

I have a mile long list of the things she has done to piss us off and intrude on our lifes and time with the baby.

I consider him to be my son. There is only ONE thing that she has done that I haven't done and that is carry/birth him. Other than that this is an equal playing field. She is a terrible person. Sad

I am just looking for a place to get this shit off my chest to ppl that will understand me and not flame me for being a SM.



icecubenow's picture

Oooo, FormerAAGirl!! You are so dead on.

When we went through our custody battle, it felt like we were trying to win. The moment I heard that we had gained full custody of my (then) SD8, I thought I'd jump for joy at the news. I remember clearly that moment. The disbelief, the uncertainty...what in the WORLD just happened??

There were NO winners in it. The judge ordered SD to live with us. It's been a tough road...for ME. Hasn't exactly been wonderful for SD17, either. Her BM crushes her, whenever she backs out of a visitation. BM lives 4 hours away and SD17 sees her once a month for a weekend. Most times, she sees her every other major holiday. This year, we have SD17 for Tgiving, and BM has her for Xmas. We have her the second week of the winter break. Now that SD is older, it's harder for her to leave her life here and her friends to go to BM's house where she knows no one and BM sleeps all the time.

There are no winners in a custody issue...only the possibility of a civil arrangement.