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BM's lack of parenting common sense....SS4 stealing.

SteppingUp's picture

When a child steals something from a store, what do you do? Do you just say "oh well" and let the kid keep the toy???? Arggg!

Today I picked up SS4 from daycare and he pulled a toy cell phone out of his bag and told me it is new. I didn't think much of it until I picked up SD6 shortly after, and she informed me that the toy was stolen from the store, and that BM didn't realize it until they were already home. I explained a few times that the toy should be returned, but both kids thought that since it was brought home that wasn't possible, so they practically argues with me about it! I took the toy from SS4 and told him it is not his toy, therefore it will be returned.

Obviously this is yet another example of BM having absolutely no parenting common sense! You don't let a kid keep/play with a stolen toy!! Wow, that really taught him not to do that again.

This all makes so much sense now-- last night SS4 left gymnastics with one of the books fromthe waiting area. I made him go put it back. I told DH last night that I couldn't figure out if he did it on accident or on purpose...but now that we know that BM allowed him to steal this weekend, we both agree he probably did it on purpose.

So DH wants to bring this up to BM but she is so impossible to communicate with. How do we approach this?


GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

BM should have taken SS and the toy back to the store and had loss prevention have a talk with him. Since she didn't, your DH will now need to do it. Make SS return the phone and loss prevention can explain the consequences.

SteppingUp's picture

Yes I would have packed us all back up in the car and done that!! DH has the day off tomorrow so he is going to go do that in the am. But do we say something to BM about this???

purpledaisies's picture

I agree with normajean (hi norma) but do you know what store it was that he took it from? that could be a problem.

I would make sure he took it back too. Sorry I understand where you are coming from as I have an aunt that did that with all 5 of her boys and all but have been in and out of jail or on drugs and such.

AMM730's picture

Our BM's response was to say/do nothing at the moment... She waited until they were back home and called FDH and told him HE needed to have a talk with SS who was 9 at the time. Even though she WATCHED him do it! Like, no, it's NOT your son too... Had it been my child, I would have made them return it immediately! As I did when not more than 2 months later, SD8 stole silk flowers from the craft store! Who steals random silk flowers anyways???

CalgonTakeMeAway's picture

I would bring it up to BM. If she allowed him to keep it after knowing it was stolen, she's as guilty as he is. I think they call that "accomplice", or harboring a cell phone or some such thing! Maybe you should take SS back to the store and have him return it and have THEM call BM. THEY can explain how idiotic she is. Hopefully she'll be so embarrassed she won't let that happen again.

SteppingUp's picture

Like I said above, DH and I decided that today he'll just go to Walmart (not sure that's where it's from but we're pretty sure). Even if it's not from there the store manager can atleast 'pretend' to take it back or whatever. It has no price tags or anything on it so really we'll have no way of knowing what store it came from and the store won't be able to scan it or anything.

DH is going to call BM today and discuss this with her. She obviously taught him that it was okay which is why he took the book the next night. Even if she feels attacked for it she needs to understand what the right thing to do was, because she obviously has no clue.

Auteur's picture

Ahhh the golden uteri training their budding young felons. So HEARTWARMING!!

I'm glad I'm old enough that i'll probably be DEAD by the time today's four year olds start to govern the world.

Mom2's picture

I would make him return it to the store, I am so against stealing or forgetting something in my cart. I will bring it right back in and pay for it. But I bet my BM has you all beat. A little background… This happened in 2003, when my DD was 2 weeks old. When one of my SD’s was 15 she came over for a visit. At the end of the visit, DH drove her home. My SD17 (at the time) came over the next weekend. I had been looking my DD’s pacifier, DD didn’t like the pacifier, but it was enough to hold her off for a few minutes while I made her bottle. I asked SD17, did your sister bring home a pacifier last weekend? She said yeah. But I don’t know if it’s DD’s. (Who else would it be?) Well she calls SD15 and asked her for it. Her response was does Dad and SM know I took it.

Less then 5 mins later BM calls SD17:
BM: why did you tell SM that SD15 took DD’s Pacifier?
SD17: I didn’t they asked if she brought one home.
BM: You told her she did, SD17, Why would you?
SD17: no they asked if she brought one home and I said she had one.
BM: well she lost it
SD17: Well she just wants the clip (it was a gift), she can keep the pacifier. SM would have given her one if she just asked. But DD will only take that one.
BM: Yeah Right! Whenever SD 15 asks for something they always say no. So she felt that she needed to take it. If they want to know if SD15 took something they should have called her or me. You shouldn’t be involved they are just trying to get you mad at each other and we don’t need that over here.
Just to clarify, I didn’t ask her to call she called herself.

Same BM… Gave the SD15 (when she was 17) a cell phone BM husband found on the side of the road. (SD lived with us and had for 3 months prior). Well SD told me where she got it and I explained to her, what if it was yours and you lost it, wouldn’t you want it returned? She agreed and I told her because she was working she could get a prepay. Well she returned the phone and left $100 in the phone case by accident. Well they wouldn’t answer the cell phone. BM said that I have to give her the money back. As if I would, Karma Sucks…lol