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BM on Facebook!!

SMto5's picture

Can someone please tell me why it bugs the shit out of me when BM adds my DH's family or his friends on Facebook. Friends he had before they were married, even his high school friends. DH says some of this people she is adding to her friends list, she hardly had contact with or didn't even like when she was with DH. So, why would she want to be friends with them now??!! It seems this b@#ch will never get her own life!!!


Kes's picture

A few weeks ago I discovered that DH had accepted BM's friend request. I thought this was not acceptable, and asked him why he had done it. "Because she kept on asking me" was this reply. Er, hello? Then you keep on ignoring her, yes? Apparently not. Then a week ago we were having a row and to settle it I insisted he unfriend her, which he did. She only wanted to be his friend to stalk us, anyway. I am no longer on Facebook because I loathe it and the nasty influence it is in people's lives.

NCMilGal's picture

DH has BM blocked, and the rest of his family loathes BM with a burning passion, so they would be more likely to message him with a "wtf is she thinking?"

I don't have BM blocked, but it doesn't matter; we KNOW (and SD15 admitted) that BM will be logging into SD15's Facebook page and snooping on our stuff. It's okay; we've already deleted or blocked incriminating photos, and if BM wants to make fun of me because my dog is scared of thunderstorms or because I have an old lady hobby (I knit) that's quite okay by me.

Soon-to-be-Step-Mommy's picture

Yes that would bother me...luckily my MIL does not have BM as a friend on her FB. I would hope she knows better!!

Auteur's picture

The SNuffleupagus (the Behemoth's husband aka stepDAD) has added all of the Behemoth's and GG's mutual friends during the marriage as well as high school friends they (GG & BM) had while dating.

ANY mutual friends and of course all of her side of the family has friended the Snuffleupagus. (insert massive eyeroll)

That old saying is true: "You don't know who your REAL friends are until AFTER a divorce."

In GG's case they are/were pretty much all "turncoats" and glommed on to the Behemoth's lies/sob story.

Auteur's picture

Her sob story is that the breakup should never have happened. GG should have stayed in the marriage and took her abuse.

She told the skids that "good people don't get divorced"

He did file first only after my prompting and 18 mos after the breakup; she was obviously dragging her feet b/c why divorce the bull when you get the CS for free w/o a court order?? (guilty daddy)

She was so insulted that he filed first after 18 mos of separation that she immediately found a bulldog attorney and filed against him. He let his pro se filing just drop and she put the screws to him.

Really she didn't want a pro se divorce even with the "mediation" b/c she wanted to "teach him a lesson" for DARING to break up with her.

areyoukiddingme's picture

I have to tell you that when I saw wedding pictures and old pics of DH on his ex-wife's/BM Facebook, I was furious. This was also a couple of years after she had remarried. I can tell you that DH and BM do not get along. They never have and never will. She is a vicious, vindictive and controlling person. She also has a few of his best friends that he has been friends with since elementary school. I also have her blocked because my want to kidney punch her increases when I see her crap on Facebook. There is nothing wrong with venting.

stepfamilyfriend's picture

I am on FB and I have grown to hate it a lot of the time. It's where grownups get to back to high school. Clicks, backstabbing, ignoring, popularity contests, slynposts and updates to send a message to someone. At least in high school people had to show up to pretend to be something they are not. On FB you will see someone you know that isn't a nice person, post some quotes they don't even come close to living by, and their new fan club likes and cheers a hundred times. Sorry, can you tell FB has irked me? Thankfully my SO would not even dream of having an account. Tha's all I'd need .....
Yeah , your situation would bother me too.

bscs1214's picture

Boy would it bother me, My DH's ex has really no friends except for my hubby's mom.. Yes this is a pain but my hubby was raised by his grandmother so they never really had a relationship and the ex and his mom are so much alike.. So be it. There are still times that BM shows up at our family get togethers and at first I was like WTH ?? Then DH said well she has no family here or friends. Me "so what" she needs to go make some. Sorry but you 2 split we are now married she needs to go bye bye. ( they were married for 18 yrs) There was even a time when we first got together that she would call him to fix her car, he felt like he had to because his daughter rode in that car again I was pissed told him no longer married to her she needs to take care of herself.. Now she's pretty much out of our lives DH can't seem to understand why I don't want her around he says this is normal for him when his parents divorced his mom still hanged around even after his dad remarried, Not normal to me. So I'm not having it. ANd I haven't for many yrs. There's a reason why there no longer married so why friend them on FB you don't have to accept it so don't.

truebloodfreak's picture

My SO friended his BM on Facebook too. His reason was it so she could see pictures of her own kids. SO has been taking care of his 2 boys wotjoit any help from her for the last 7 years. She never sees her kids but has the nerve to have her profile picture of her and all 4 of her kids the one week she them.for.

Unfreakingreal's picture

BM has every member of my in laws on FB. However, DH and I have blocked them all. Sisters, nieces, nephews, cousins. We figured if they chose her over us than they can keep her and they don't need to know anything about us. We don't even speak to any of them. MIL included.

godess-clueless's picture

My husband and his 1st wife divorced about 33 yrs. ago. They both went on to have other marriages. It always leaves me scratching my head in amazement when I see the family members she has on facebook.

Except for 1 person I make a point of not friending any of my husbands family. I assume it is meant to be a jab at me either by her or the 4 daughters. She is on almost every one of my husbands relative's. Never knew she had such an on-going friendship with all these people, especially the one's who live 5-6 states away. Even family born after she was well out of the picture are friends with her and her daughters. The newest one is a spouse that just married into the family 5 months ago. I think the girls initiate a lot of it.

I just stay out of it. I don't know if it is a way to gain access to what is going on in our household. We moved out of state for a reason they were too close for comfort.

workinthruthetoughstuff's picture

It bothers me that my husband's ex tries so hard to connect with people from his family and past, because she does it just to prove that she can. After all the hell that she put my husband and his family through, one would think they would all hate her. But SIL, nephews...all of them are 'friends' and BM even went so far as to say that her intent is to 'fix' my husband and his brother's relationship. It seems that the amount of crap that people talk about BM is inversely equal to the 'friendship' they have with her. The less I know about them all -- the better. Once I know a little my mind tends to start worrying. I agree with others about FB. It tends to bring out the snarkiness, sneakiness and bullsh** in people.