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I love the beginning of the month ..

livizzle's picture


This is the time when CS starts eating up 60% of our only income, and all of our bills are due the same week as my birthday. YAY!


livizzle's picture

DH is commision only, so to guarantee that BM gets "her" (gag!) $$, our lovely state takes 60% of each check until CS is paid.

Willow2010's picture

So why doesn’t he get it changed? How many kids does he have? I also thought they could only take 50%?

livizzle's picture

DH said that it's always been set up to be deducted from his check. He had his CS lowered last summer. He pays $667/mo for two kids.

Oi Vey's picture

I don't understand this.
My XH is commission only. He has been for the last 20 years, so when he paid CS to his XW, it was never more than half. Now, (now that he's working again!!) he's still commission only, and they don't take more than half to send to me. (He says it's 60%, too.)
I'm wondering, are you "rounding up?" Are there other deductions that come out? It's 50% after taxes and such, but not "elective" deductions.

livizzle's picture

I'm 99% positive that 60% of his check is taken each time until CS is paid. Starting a new month, DH has to make around $1500 for us to see $450.

Willow2010's picture

I still don't get how he pays 60% for two kids!!!?? He needs to change it again. It should be about 25%. Not 60.

livizzle's picture

I believe there's been a miscommunication. LOL 60% of DH's check is garnished each week UNTIL his CS of $667 is paid for the month. After it has been paid, the garnishment stops, whether that's after his first check or third.

smileygirl's picture

Actually, typical order (legal) in my state is 50% if your not behind and 60% if you have back support and can of course be higher if the down economy has decreased you pay since the order was put into place but not by enough to get a review. I know we fell less than $1.00 short of the state min. change to qualify after DH had to change professions a few years back.

In her cafe I think she was saying because his wage can change so much they take 60% of his pay per check each week until he has paid X amount in full.

Willow2010's picture

OH OK. I get it now. LOL. It still stinks for you all though. I have never heard of it being like that.

herewegoagain's picture

How an adult is supposed to live off 450 while two kids need 667 per month to live is beyond me! My kiddo never cost me that much, except his privately paid speech therapies...if he didn't have speech therapy, there is NO WAY that I would ever have to spend that much on one's pathetic!