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I am so pi**ed

briarmommy's picture

I am so mad right now, I blogged about how my husband had switched the june weekend where my ss goes to see his mom during the summer to 3 weekdays instead without even asking me to see if we had anything planned that weekend I thought we would have. I have since moved on, ok I can deal, he said that BM had to change it because there was a wedding that weekend and she couldn't get off any other weekend. So ok I guess thats fair, I still would have liked to be consolted but ok. Then I get on her facebook Mon. she had been off work all last weekend and had spent it meeting her boyfriends family. I'm upset because I think her kid should take precidence but I can move past it because it was planned and it was a big deal for her. Then I log on and see that she is off all weekend this weekend and is spending it with her boyfriend, she even got a mani/pedi to get ready for it. Now I am pissed, I told my DH that if he said no to the switch and had just stuck to the parenting plan then she would have found a way to be off one weekend this month but he said he had already told her it was ok. Now I found out she is off 3weekends this month, if he had made her stick to the parenting plan she would have given up one of those weekends and took her kid because she has to. I prep myself for dealing with all the crap over the summer by marking a calender and looking forward to the weekend I get in June, the weekend where it is just DH, our kid, and me, a weekend where he is off work(he only works mon-fri so if its a weekend we get to spend it together) But now I guess I should be happy that I get a few nights without babysitting this kid but the days he is gone my husband will work and the mornings always go by so fast before he goes in. I just wanted a weekend with my DH, I watch his kid by myself 9hrs a day 5days a week, I think I earned a weekend with my DH without that child here. Please don't be mean in the comments, I just needed to vent, I know that he is a child and it is not his fault and that BM can do whatever she wants when her child is here, but my point is she broke the parenting plan with help from my DH so it should be her time with him, not mine.


briarmommy's picture

Problem is I don't want him to call me mom, plus bm live and hour and a half away and we can't afford daycare so I am just sort of stuck with him(I am a SAHM) But thank you for the suggestion it would be great.....if I could stomach him calling me mom.

briarmommy's picture

I talked to my DH when he got home last night from work and told him how I feel. A big part of my thing is that I want my DH to spend time with him before he goes to work, if he actually spent some time with him, I wouldn't feel so used because this summer long visit would actually be for my DH to see his kid. But if in the mornings before work my DH doesn't do anything with him and just plays video games or watch t.v. I feel like what's the point of this kid being here? I told my DH that if he doesn't start spenind the mornings with his kid he would have to find someone else to watch him while he is at work and next summer he will have to try to change the parenting plan to every other weekend instead off all summer, I think that got to him. He seemed contimplative and told me that he had never thought like that before. The problem is they used to live with my MIL until I came along and she kept my DH helpless and wanted my SS for herself so he thinks its normal for someone else to do everything for his kid, I told him thats not going to fly.

MamaBecky's picture

I cant relate...I get allot of time with DH being NCP so I can imagine it would be frustrating. Maybe you could speak to your DH and tell him you would like some one on one time (kid free) if it has to be during a time SKID is with you just get a babysitter for a night or two. Grandparent, trusted family friend, inlaw (sister or brother) 50 bucks well spent. Would he be open to that?

briarmommy's picture

He will get a babysitter every now and then for a few hours but its not even just alone him and me time. I want some solid time with us together giving attention to just our daughter, her time to be with her parents just her.