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...most hated phrase: "I know!".

Step Up's picture

The conversations have literally been on repeat over the last 6 years, and THIS phrase will always be the one that gets so far under my skin, that DH has to tell me to 'relax'.

They range anywhere from:

SD15: when are you taking me to practice driving?
DH: when you have your permit.
SD15: but I have my permit.
DH: no you don't, you have a temporary card and you can't officially have your real permit until you're 16. You can't drive until then.
SD15: I know.

SD15: I've applied for 6 jobs.
DH: good for you!
SD15: one of them is only on weekends and you need to work overnight, but I have school on Monday so I can't work on Sunday nights.
DH: no, because of child labor laws, you're not able to work past a certain time of night.
SD15: I know.

SD15: I want to get my permit on my birthday, can you take me?
DH: You're in school that day, and with your mom, she needs to take you.
SD15: She's taking the day off that day.
DH: Then why are you asking me? You'll be with her.
SD15: I know.
DH: (silence)

This is all last night. I know kids love attention and they just talk for the sake of talking, but damnnnn. I took her to the dentist last week and she's repeating stories.

SD15: Did you know the dentist said I had perfect teeth?
Me: YES... I was with you.
SD15: Daddy, did you know the dentist said I had perfect teeth?
DH: I just heard you tell your SM.
SD15: I know.

SD15: I need to get my roots done. I want my hair colored blonde.
Me: You have dark hair, you're lightening you hair, so it's really bleaching. Color isn't bleaching because of your dark hair.
SD15: No, it's coloring.
Me: (showing her the packet from the salon used for her hair) - see, it's bleach.
SD15: I know.

Were we all this self absorbed (or sounded this way) at this age?

I feel like beating my head against the wall. I'm surprised there's not a flat spot there already.


liks's picture

how about this one...

ss: need to buy me a car...what are you doing about that?

MARLA_823's picture

Lol funny! My most hated phrase ever that makes me literally have to walk away is "I don't know." I have told SD countless times I won't accept that as an answer and she still always says it! Makes me want to pull my hair out! It's not like I'm asking her the meaning of life, just why she didn't brush her teeth? Or why she pushed her sister?

mommy_of_4's picture

I hate when you tell them that they were suppose to do something and they say "I know". Umm really if you know...then why isn't it done. my SD13 likes to act like shes mentally challenged and thinks by acting that way we will let things slip "oh ok, well you need to remember next time" HAHA NOT. And let me tell you aside from lying, nothing pisses daddy off more. its kinda funny.

Step Up's picture

...I don't know might be the 2nd best one, for sure. I gave it to my mom a zillion times. Now I know why she had to lock herself in a bedroom not to throttle me!

SS17 has to be forced to read 6 pages of a chapter for school. Where are you so far in the book? 2 pages? What's it about? I don't know.

Then you're not reading, or just lazy, well, just both.

SD15, why did you invite your friends over when you know you weren't supposed to? I don't know.

You do know, you wanted to have fun and be cool and invite your friends over and didn't think you'd get caught.

I'd rather hear that answer, honestly.

francke125's picture

Here's a good one. My sd17 knows everything, has done everything or knows somebody who has done everything. For example....if I say Henry went skydiving, crashed into the ocean and was eaten by sharks, she would say, oh yeah, my friends cousin just did that last week. lol
It drives me crazy to the point where I just have to walk away sometimes. I notice that dh just ignores her and doesn't even say anything when she does that. She also does the "I know" thing too.

sweetthing's picture

My favorite is " I forget" when you ask them a question about something. Drives me fricken nuts.

mommy_of_4's picture

Yep...I get that one to. I asked SD13 one time why shy didn't put her bag of dirty clothes away and she said "I forgot". Umm REALLY? The dam bag was sitting right in front of her bedroom door. She had to walk over it to get out of her room. GRRRR. I get the "I forgot" ALL THE TIME!!

mommy_of_4's picture

Yep...I get that one to. I asked SD13 one time why she didn't put her bag of dirty clothes away and she said "I forgot". Umm REALLY? The dam bag was sitting right in front of her bedroom door. She had to walk over it to get out of her room. GRRRR. I get the "I forgot" ALL THE TIME!!

paul_in_utah's picture

"That's stupid" is my SD17's favorite phrase.

DW: You need to put your shoes in the closet when you get home form school.
SD17: Why? That's stupid!

DW: You need to pick your clothes up off the floor in your bedroom.
SD17: Why? That's stupid!

DW: You can't mess with Paul's work computer, it's not yours to use.
SD17: Why? That's stupid!

There are a million of them, but you get the idea.

Shaman29's picture

DH's daughter (15) also uses the "I know" phrase. I finally responded with " you know? You already know that you weren't supposed to do that? I guess that means you purposely F'd up and I now KNOW I can't trust you."

Auteur's picture

Most hated skidisms:

"where's my dad"
"i forgot"
"i don't know"
"i can't find my _____" (this is skid for: I want you to get that stuff FOR me"
"what FUN things will we be doing this weekend, daddy-o?"

manicmom's picture

"Well, I thought..." is the one that has been getting to me lately. My SD13 is pretty absent-minded but very bossy (a bad mix). She inserts herself into all types of situations with the other kids and usually screws it up somehow. When we confront her, her answers all begin with "Well, I thought...". Or if something dumb happens, like she doesn't have a ride home from somewhere, or she doesn't do her school work, or she makes a bad grade, or she makes a mess, or forgets her chores, or, well, you may get the picture... the answers ALL begin with "Well, I thought..." We have started telling her NOT to think. I just don't know how to deal with someone with such horrible judgement! The other three all say "I know" or "I'm about to", but somehow it doesn't bother me as bad as "Well, I thought..."

Step Up's picture

I think the phrase that used to get me all the time was:

"My mom does/says this"

Not that she does it better, but that for some reason the SD has to interject her BM in there every turn. No concept that I don't care, that it makes me uncomfortable, etc. I'll give her benefit of the doubt at 8, but not at 15.

I have to thrown in my irritating phrase as a response:

"Must be nice."