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To my dearest stepson

Dudes Mom's picture

Dear SS24,
I Have been the closest thing to a mother you had for the past 15 years.
I have been at all your cricket matches
I have been the one called into school if something was wrong
I have been the one that helped you do your homework
I have been the one that that was crying myself to sleep when your heart was broken by your first girlfriend
I have always been there for you since you were 8 years old through bad and good times.

Yes I was very sad when you told us that you want to move to your BM at the age of 24 when most 24 year olds already stay on their own.
It is not my fault that your BM was so busy this weekend that you couldnt move to her house.(please can you tell me why you were pissed of at me for this)

But now after 15 years I cant wait for you to move out, the way I feel about you now I want to go into your room and throw all you stuff in garbage bags and leave them on the pavement.

Who the hell gave you the right to have sex with your girlfriend so load that it sounds like you are making a porn movie in this house, and then when I knocked on the door to tell you that if you want to make a pron movie, thats fine but not in this house, you shout at me that you are tired of this shit. You were the apple of my eye for the past 15 years.

But I think it is time you leave!


herewegoagain's picture

oh my! what is wrong with these skids nowadays??? You know what the problem is? That bs of I can go to mommy or daddy's place...if it weren't for that, they would never dare say such things...I'm sorry for you...I saw that crap coming years ago and disengaged quickly.

Dudes Mom's picture

Yes, I was waiting for this day to come though! Thank goodness that DH and me are fully on the same page. DH told SS that this bs is over now, but I wouldnt hold my breath up on that.