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Social Security benefits when divorced

stepmom31's picture

Here's why BM will probably never get remarried unless she can find an old guy that will have her or a rich guy that will have her, or better yet, an old, rich guy.,0,1315052.column?t...

She stuck it out with DH for 10 years, frustrating the divorce process to extend the length of the marriage. No wonder she still talks about him having to bust his a$$ working hard for her! In a sense, she's right! The more money DH works for, the more money she collects at retirement age. :sick:

She also won't get married and get a decent job until the kids finish college because that'll mess up her plan for them to get Financial Aid for college (and of course have DH pay for anything that Financial Aid doesn't cover).

These kind of women sure knows how to work the system to benefit them, all without having to do much of a hard day's work in their life...


stepmom31's picture

Nope, it doesn't seem that it will affect what your DH will get, or even you, if you're getting based on your DH.

What it'll mean though is that your DH will get his 100%, ex-W get the 50% she's entitled to, and you get the 50% you're entitled to, and in the end, if things continue to be like this, the Social Security bank is going to run out of money, because the only person is paying in while 3 or more are benefitting.

No wonder all the talk about Social Security in crisis!

MadeMyBed's picture

Question on this though: does it work both ways? For example, our BM actually works. She makes a lot more than DH in fact. Does the fact that he is remarried and she is not affect this? Can he claim her benefits? muh aha ha ah aha }:)

stepmom31's picture

Sorry, but once remarried before age 60, your DH would lose the right to claim using her benefits...

But here's the kicker, your DH can get divorced from you, wait til age 60 to get remarried to you, and yup, he'd be able to collect based on her earnings as long as he was married to her for 10+ years.

MadeMyBed's picture

you know, thats something BM would do for a few extra bucks. Cheap, greedy biatch. But I could never do that

skylarksms's picture

People still think they are going to get Social Security when they retire??

Personally, I think anyone 40 or under are SOL...

That's why I am not going to bother to stick it out another year with NN.

Stupid's picture

I agree with stepmom31. It won't be there when it comes time for me to retire. Bm won't remarry because! Will, lets face it no one would would want her. Dh SSOO traded up Blum 3 . Anyway BM is very aware of this law and made sure that it was noted in divorce. This from the women that showed SS's the suit she was going to bury their father in. Some people are so white trash. Anyway I asked the lawyer if there was a way around it. His answer NO. Even though she never worked but last 2yrs of marraige.