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Frustrated and wanting to leave

desslock's picture

I met my wife when my stepson was 22.

My stepson is now 30 years old.

He has had ongoing issues with authority, believes he is smarter than everyone else and seems to benefit from an endless stream of handouts from "friends." He has been working laborer jobs in construction that haven't lasted a year. For the past year he has been working as a security guard. I had been hoping he had turned his life around with a steady job.

Ten years ago, my stepson was discharged from the army.
During boot, he was apparently badly beaten in a blanket party.
On weekend leave, he did not return to base. My wife found him and dragged him back to base. After a few months he received an other than honorable discharge.
Since then he has been bragging about being a "special forces sniper." Having done multiple tours in Bosnia and the middle east. And that he was discharged for hitting a superior officer.
None of my in-laws seems to have a problem with this behavior. I am alone in voicing that this is wrong and dishonors legitimate veterans.

Seven years ago, he attended Georgia Military College to study history with financial aid from his grandfather. He flunked out in his freshman year. He now tells everyone that his mother could not afford his continued studies.

My wife raised him as a single mother. She did the best she could to provide for him and often had to work two jobs. He has always whined about not getting enough attention. He has a six year old child born out of wedlock. To this date, I do not believe he has ever spent a dime on child support. He lives in a different state from this boy.

Last year he got into a fight with a teenaged girl and broke her nose.

This year he got a large obnoxious "Erinn go brach" tattoo and argued when his mother told him that his family was not irish. By the way, he brags about fighting and being a tough guy on his facebook.

He constantly hounds my wife for financial assistance.

I don't have much of a relationship with him. The few times I've tried to counsel or suggest anything to him, I've been told I'm stupid.

I really don't want anything to do with him. Recently he asked my wife if he could stay with us because of the flooding in Iowa. I seriously contemplated divorce.

winehead's picture

This guy needs a reality check and some serious help. Is your wife considering letting him stay with you? That's a decision that you and she need to make together. No unilaterial decisions about anything that involves you both.

desslock's picture

Thanks for the suggestion. I agree with you its a crime. But reporting him will only result being asked to foot the bill for his defense lawyer and of course his fine.

helena_brass's picture

Unfortunately for your wife, it's likely that one day the boy will say the wrong thing to the wrong person and wind up in the hospital or worse. Blanket parties are not something they just do to anyone.

I seriously hope that your wife does not give him permission to stay without consulting you. He sounds unstable, and someone mentioned perhaps a bit mentally ill. From what you described, I would not want to live anywhere near this person. I would worry about him smothering me with a pillow in the middle of the night.

Madamx28's picture

The fact that a 30 year old man got in a physical fight with a teenage girl is enough for me to forbid him to even step foot inside my house. He's lucky he's not in jail for all the crap he has pulled.

If your wife allows him in, then I'd leave if I were you, it's as simple as that. If she allows someone who behaves like THAT into her house then she can have him and she can deal with his BS all by herself. You don't need that aggravation and worry in your life and yor wife is doing nothing to prevent it either. If he's allowed in, it's obvious she's not thinking about you at all so I'd just tell her she's on her own. Absolutely ridiculous!

frustratedstepdad's picture

Please...for the love of God. Do NOT let him move in with you. Go ahead and tell your wife "HELL NO". Sounds like he has ruined his own life, and letting him move in would just ruin your marriage.

GlitterGal79's picture
