Invisible Me
So I haven't been here in a while. I thought I pretty much had it all figured out. I think I have it pretty good. A wonderful man to call my husband and 5 kiddos that only 2 of I actually took part in the making of. BM hasn't been my problem for a really long time. There is also a new stepmama-figure in my sons' life who is just the sweetest little thing. (I can call her little cause she's 13 years my junior. ) My exH did good.
I feel like I've lost myself a bit though. I seem to be defined by my abilities to be an ATM, a cook, a maid, a cabdriver, a homework checker, a referee to who had the chair first, a stopper at the store cause the milk/juice/soda/cereal/dishsoap ran out, and I could go on and on.
I feel invisible. I ask the kids to pick up their stuff and they don't. Take out the trash and they don't. Actually put their dishes in the dishwasher and they don't... so I scream and yell like a crazy person and I think it makes them scatter by the time I get home after a long day at work. I wanted to have Family movie night and instead it was just me and the youngest. Everyone made other plans.
Computers, Ipods, texting, Facebook, Buddies, and pool seemed to take precedent over what it is that I wanted. I made plans the next day to see my dad who is in the final stages of his illness and again, it was just me. Husband made other plans to play softball with his friends and the kids. Left with the choice, they all chose to go play rather then see my dying father. I played cribbage all afternoon just feeling overly sad... and angry.
I brought home a grand puzzle to work on to help me relax a little, and like a stampede they came in and wanted to help. Which included yelling and snatching of pieces. All in a moment my role went from relaxed puzzle creator to Mediator of arguing children. My husband sat on the couch, beer in hand, and revealed to me thru a half burp, "Your Turn".
So I suppose they can't win for losing, I was mad that they wanted to be somewhere else, and I was even more mad once they got home. It just felt like I adapted to their absence and was bombarded with their presence.
Maybe my grief is getting the best of me? I love my family, but I feel like I don't matter unless I'm providing whatever service is needed by someone else. I can't remember the last time someone did something nice for me without an explicit request/demand on my part.
I just feel like I don't exist.
- Colorado Girl's blog
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I am sorry you feel like you
I am sorry you feel like you do. I have been feeling much the same lately. I love my DH. I love my kids beyond words. We have a good life. But life seems to be getting away from us. I feel more and more like you describe.
In reality it takes such little appreciation, affection, love to set the world right again. I hope you find it soon !
I don't have any real advise, other than to make time to do somthing nice for yourself. if no one else will, do it yourself !
Thank you. I agree with your
Thank you.
I agree with your sentiment on doing something nice for myself. I really was going to get a pedicure today - but the little poops used all the hot water and I just didn't have enough in order to shave my sasquatch legs.
Welcome to the pity party.
Hi vicks. Bad, bad weekend I
Hi vicks.
Bad, bad weekend I think. I love my kids and I feel terrible for just not liking them at all right now. It "feels" like they are sucking the life out of me, but I "know" that they are just being kids!!
So where I feel and what I know are having a terrible conflict of interests right now.
The kids are ALL scattering this weekend to their other half of their parents. I'm hoping to rejuvenate the soul a little bit.
I can come down this weekend.
I can come down this weekend. We can go get a drink.
How about lunch on Sunday
How about lunch on Sunday instead?
I'll text you when I find my
I'll text you when I find my phone.
It probably fell under the bed.
Um, that sounds interesting
Um, that sounds interesting for sure.
I don't think my kids are like dogs though. And their not following thru is when they get home from school by themselves. I walk into a house in shambles from two hours of five children doing what it is they want rather then what I want them to do. Once I walk in the front door, "I forgot" and "it's not my mess, I cleaned MY mess" is the common theme. Someone clogged the toilet the other day and strangely no one had pooped that day. Hmmmm....
I just don't want to be the Beast who walks thru the front door screaming everyday who everybody hates. But I also don't want to clean up after 5 kids. It's too exhausting.
That's what I do. The kids
That's what I do. The kids get home several hours before me in the afternoons and it is so depressing to come home to a trashed house. I was soooo happy yesterday and my bs11 had cleaned the kitchen, living room, and his own room. Did dishes and everything. Spontaneously without being asked. Now, he had ulterior motives. He is grounded for bad behavior early this week so he has been on his best behavior all week. I decided I need to ground him more often.
Sometimes my kids will do it before I get home, but often not. When I get there-I simply turn off the tv, make them come inside, stop whatever they are doing and tell them no one is getting free time until everything is picked up. They will argue for a few over who is doing what, but then eventually work it out on their own and it gets down-perhaps not as thoroughly as I might like, but I dont mind going behind them if most of everything is clean. My two oldest are at the age when they really want to do things with friends, so it's quite simple to tell them-they can only go if they first do such and such chore.
I do empathize with you-my kids all know how to clean, do laundry, cook, etc and can do good jobs with this stuff-but for them it has to be a defined time to clean-they dont understand the concept-if you get a snack-you dont just leave the wrapper on the counter, you dont leave a dirty dish in the living room, you dont drop your dirty clothes in the living room. They eventually have to go back and clean these things, but are horrid about picking up as they make their messes.
Hello!! I am sorry you are
Hello!! I am sorry you are feeling this way.......Loosing yourself is very easy to do.
I tried to do something for just "me" the other day and for the life of me - I really couldn't remember what I enjoyed. Sad isn't it.
Just don't let it swallow you