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Tax frustrations myself!!

afrazier212's picture

So BM hasnt contacted the kids in a year now and didn't pay for anything in the first place (ie. we take care of insurance, school, sports etc. expenses)and she gets to claim SD....Grrrrrr...I think we need to visit the court system again, but this time make her sign over all rights!! I can't imagine stiffing somebody like that and claiming my child I don't rightfully take care of! The nerve of this woman gets so far under my skin!! She really just doesn't care about anybody except herself!! "When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to discover it doesn't revolve around them!" "Maturity does not come with age but rather with the acceptance of responsibility!" I'd love to express these quotes to her right about now!! Poor skids!! My heart breaks for them almost on a daily basis!!


somerg's picture

i would go ahead and beat her to the punch, file taxes then take her to court so she can't file it against the you have receipts, school documents something showing you take care of the kiddo full time? if so, then irs will probably look at that too and deny her req.

afrazier212's picture

FDH says when they got divorced CO was 50/50 time share, and 50/50 claim, there are 2 kiddos from this marriage. He said he claimed both one year and got in trouble for it. FDH took BM to court last year, nothing court ordered was happening anymore and the kids were 10 yrs older and it needed up dated anyways. He got awarded CS and BM parenting time went to 1 hr./wk and every other weekend. Of course she hasnt done any of the above!! I told him to go ahead and claim her. What are the courts gonna do if he does, he carries all expenses now and she hasnt had them for a year. She can't claim them right? Last year FDH was asked if he had records for the child being claimed, so i figured BM would have to answer the same questions, but Im sure she has noooo problamo lieing!! HaHa.....We'll just go ahead and claim both this year, take her to court if she beat us to the punch!! At least we get the CS now though!! Smile And actually I really wouldnt mind recieving $0.00 from her and having her sign over all rights!!

somerg's picture

if you've given them more than half your support, i'd claim them before she does and let her take you back to court:)