CS is obviously a hot button topic.
How do we quantify love for a child and how do we quantify support or how support is spent? It is not possible.
In MOST cases (but not all) CS is just part of the CP household income, it blends in with the rest of the income and is used to pay the bills and there are no issues with how it is spent because the CP is caring, responsible and is not out to screw the NCP. At least that is how it appears to me.
The system is flawed and run by people who are not capable of fixing it. This is what happens when government gets involved in the lives of families and takes control over any part of family life.
My opinion is that an NCP should pay CS and that kid(s) should receive equitable benefit to both of their parent's income.
I also believe that CS should never be more than a reasonably small percentage of the CP's income. The CP should have to bring home at least as much as the NCP pays in CS. If the CP is remarried and is a SAHP then the new spouse's bring home should be at least what the NCP is paying in CS. Not popular I am sure, but that is the way I think it should be.
My own experiences with this system have jaded me considerably. The courts don't seem to care about fairness and don't really appear to even give a shit about the kids. My son's (SS) BioDad was a gangbanger wanabe, was arrested for running from the police, carrying a gun in the kids diaper bag and abandoning the kid in the car when he bailed to fun from the police. His worthless POS parents wanted him to get custody of my son. The judge ruled to give full physical and legal to my wife but when the dipshit in the stupid black robe said "any child would be blessed to have the love and support of this family and BioDad will retain visitation" and then the moron judge ordered that BioDad would receive a $1000/mo income credit to lower his income for CS calculation purposes due to MY high income and ordered $110/mo in CS I wrote the judge and the system off as self serving and completely ineffectual.
The final straw on the family law issue for me was when the same judge said “the kid has diaper rash, so what” when we submitted photos of my SS’s bleeding raw anus, puss filled welt covered butt cheeks and Doc reports on the obvious neglectful cause of the conditions. We also submitted the air line ticket showing the Doc appt two days after we got my son back from visitation with the SpermClan.
At that point my wife and I reconfirmed our commitment to making education a key priority for both of us and for our son (my SS) so that we could forever put the SpermClan far, far behind us and never have to stoop to their level of existence. The max income credit due to SParent income a judge can award is $1000/mo so we figured the more we made the better we could live and support your son and the more we could piss off BioDad, SpermGrandMa and the family court judge.
We were right. We both finished grad school and have reasonably high paying careers and they still whine and bitch about how unfair it is that BioDad had to pay CS for my SS when he had three more out of wedlock children by two more mothers and that we did not need the money.
They were right, we have never needed the money but I will be dipped in shit, rolled in peanuts and called a candy bar if I would let them get away with not providing my SS equity access to his BioDad's income whether we needed it or not. My fondest experience with this system has been when we have been back to court to get CS raised and combined we make 7X what BioDad makes. }:) It absolutely pissed off the judge but there was not a damned thing he could do about it but re-award the $1000/mo income credit he awarded BioDad a week and a half after my wife and I married. Up CS went as it did every time BioDad attempted to lower it after each of his out-of-wedlock spawn were added. Not my problem.
CS certainly should not be punitive but we used it as a punitive motivator to control DickHead and SpermGrandMa and to protect the best interests of my son.
My son will never have to hear or feel that his BioDad did not care enough to support him. BioDad did not want to but we gave him no choice.
It is unfortunate that a few bad apples on both the CP and NCP side of the fence cause so much disagreement and drama regarding the CS topic and clog the court system with pathetic manipulative crap. Fortunately the overwhelming majority of CPs, NCPs and SPs are reasonable adults and caring parents who refuse to give bottom 10%er family law judges any access or control over their families.
- Rags's blog
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OF COURSE parents should
OF COURSE parents should contribute financially to the upbringing of their child, but should a NCP starve or potentially be homeless in order to pay CS? Should a NCP be forced to pay CS that never goes to the child and goes to the state because the CP won't get their lazy arse up and work (as is the case for our BM).
My SD doesn't see the great majority of the CS that SO pays because it goes to our state to pay back the aid that BM gets for SD. So, when SD could be having MORE and a better life because of CS, instead she has the same life she would have if SO didn't pay a dime of CS and BM just stayed on welfare. How is that fair?
In our case, I am fortuante that I don't need CS to support my kids, but you better be damned right I filed for it. I did it because XH created life, so he can't just abandon it. I don't discuss CS with my kids, and I don't do it to be petty.
I specifically told the case manager that I wanted the amount based on is actual income since he is self-employed in a job that makes A LOT of money, but I know he's not making that much. I do not want him to starve or struggle to pay CS because the simple fact of the matter is we don't really need the money, and doing that would be just to be a bytch. I believe in being fair.
The sad thing is there is no way to fix the system to make it fair. CPs will continue to exploit the system, as will NCP's. Parents who share custody equally, but one is still forced to pay, will continue to do that, even though they actually contribute equally finacially for the upbringing of their kids.
It's sad that people can't just be adults and responsible, isn't it?
Same here! I just ranted on
Same here! I just ranted on another blog on this topic and it pisses me off that the BM in our case is an educated woman, and work, but get a shit load of money from my BF. He gets the kids EOW (so additional money is being spent then ) and he has sacrificed his life to struggle and pay this exorbitant amount of money. Not until just recently he went for a modification and got it reduced a mere $200 and when I say mere it is because she is getting around $500 to much a month. She is now appealing the $200 reduction BF was granted and dragging him into court to fight over $200. she owns a home, drives a decent car and BF is driving a 12-13 year old vehicle and God forbid he cant get to work to support her oh and the kids (yeah right). I know for a fact based on the lack of activities the kids are NOT involved in and their ages that the majority of the money she get is paying for a lifestyle she want.the kids are not eating hundreds of dollars a month in food, Who says that the BM has to live in a house she might not could afford, or shop or go out of town etc... If the Dad has to scale down his life why should the BM not have to do the same. Why is it always the father that get Screwed without a condom because a marriage failed??
Yes, it is not fair and the
Yes, it is not fair and the system can not be fixed unless some MAJOR changes are made to the basic concept of custody/visitation/support.
I agree that NCPs and CPs should be held equally accountable for supporting their children but neither should be bankrupted to do it.
I wish I had THE answer. I am not sure there is one.
I know what you mean. I
I know what you mean. I highly doubt if my H could afford to live on his own with his CS and all other court-ordered financial obligations for his kids.
And why? So BM doesn't have to work FT. She needs to be around "for the children." Ummm, excuse me? The kids are 17 and 16 - they don't need their mommy there all the time and actually prefer it if she is NOT there!
And of course, if (WHEN) BM goes to court to get CS raise...if it gets LOWERED instead - oh my lord, you would think that H paid off the entire court system! Not to mention more visitation interference.
How is the system fair when H and I both work our butts off FT and BM barely works at all but has nicer stuff than ours?
Hello from a custodial SM!
Hello from a custodial SM! We've had custody of my 2 SSs for 6+ years and haven't received a dime in support from their beloved BM (who only gets supervised visitation, of course). We've never asked for CS b/c:
1. My DH is a sweet schmuck who wants to be the nice guy and;
2. Stupid Crackwhore hasn't had a job (besides hooking)in 6 years. We could pay our lawyer $1000 to get a child support order and she would be required to pay our state's minimum of $50/month. Total. For 2 boys (13 & 10) that eat like horses. Except that she wouldn't pay the $50/month and nothing would happen to her. And $50 is our cereal budget for one month. Wouldn't pay for school clothes, sporting activities, field trips, school lunches, school supplies, etc. So it's not really worth it, is it?
But I think I've finally convinced DH to do the court thing because F*@& HER! We eat ramen for dinner every Thursday b/c money is tight and she doesn't give us anything to support her children. So we'll go to court and get CS ordered but never paid and nothing will happen to her and I'll be $1000 poorer and you know what? It'll totally be worth it to me cuz you know why? F*@& HER is why. I wish the court would award us $8000/month. We don't need $8000/month but F*@& HER! I wish the court could order her to work in some Thai sweat shop to pay the CS b/c F*@& HER! I wish the court would force her to sell her dilapidated single-wide and give us the proceeds ($200) b/c F*@& HER! After all the abuse she has subjected these boys to, after all the missed visitations and the drugs and the lies etc etc etc...F*@& HER! If there was any way I could screw her w/an exorbitant CS order I totally would. I know that makes me a horrible person but I've made peace with it.
"Hot button topic," Rags? That's an understatement!
OMG you all keep goin on and
OMG you all keep goin on and on about the CS thing. I have stayed totally way far away from the topic. Till now. I just don't care. It is just something else to hold over someone's head and to be angry about and to use against someone. I don't care.
We have two kids in our house the we have ALL the time. The other parents do not see them, nor have either one of them paid CS in well over a year, and two years for the one. I don't care!
WE are still stuck doing what we have to do regardless. We don't have to speak to one parent at all, so to us it is a fair trade. The other...I just don't care...its on his conscience not mine. The kids know each parents does not pay. They can do with that information what they want. We don't have to deal with either of the "other" parents and that is fine by us. Everything is our decision and we don't have to consult with anyone. Period. We like it that way.
I have a friend who is the same way. She gets her CS but she would rather NOT at all and give it back or not have him pay, but the CSE told her she has to take it if he pays.
Definitely an interesting
Definitely an interesting point. I would gladly give up all CS thoughts if this woman would drop off the face of the earth. But as it is she spends her 3 hours of visitation a week bad-mouthing my DH and I and making threats against us. Threats that are veiled just enough that we can't get a RO. I feel very bitter paying for EVERYTHING while she continues to psychologically abuse MY kids (and yes, my SSs are my kids). She misses visitations and tells them she's gonna buy them a pony and tells them that she's gonna definitely be at her visitation next time blah blah blah.
I never complain on this forum about my SSs b/c they're actually pretty good kids (even though one of them is 13 - blech). And I never complain about my DH b/c he's about as good as they come. But this BM works my last nerve. I hate her not b/c of the lack of CS. I hate her for not loving her kids like she should. That I can't fix. But every time she skips her visitation I'd love to be able to take the boys to a movie or order a pizza. Maybe I could put all that CS ($50/month) into a college fund for her boys. Maybe I could buy name brand peanut butter occasionally. Maybe, gasp, just maybe I could buy chicken breast from time to time. This out-of-work bum has enough money for cigarettes, crack, and beer but we can't have chicken?
Both parents should pay a decent amount for their children. Willingly. But yep - I'd give it all up if she would stay out of their lives forever. She usually is gone for a few months to a year. But if it could be forever...I'd forego that grand sum of $50/month. Gladly.
I think both parents should
I think both parents should be contributing equal $$$ to their kids. However, I don't believe those responsible for paying CS should have to just scrape by. I think both parents should be working unless they made an agreement stating otherwise, and should be living within their means. I also think BM and BD should come to an agreement about where the kids go when a) they're not in school and b) one (or both) of the parents is/are working. For the BMs we blog about here they'd actually have to spend the CS on their kid(s) and not on designer shoes, clothes, bags, jewelry, and fancy hairstyling. It kills me when I see kids walking around in filthy, horrible clothes and see their parents with fancy hairstyles, designer stuff, etc. The NCPs, if they are good people busting their butts to be there for their kids in all ways they can, should be able to sleep at night knowing their children are being fed, clothed, bathed, and receiving proper medical treatment.
My SS12 was just here for his
My SS12 was just here for his xmas visit. We went outfor a sit down lunch, and he orderd a $9 double cheeseburger meal... And ate every last bite. When his books are good with the lunch lady he will order extra treats every day with lunch. I believe the amount we send now is fair. We'll see how I feel when that $250 jumps up to $600, if my hubby can find a decent job again.
Fabumom, thank you for so
Fabumom, thank you for so eloquently stating EXACTLY why CS even EXISTS in this country (USA) - nothing short of the fed & state govts looking out for their own bank accounts. If they can legally FORCE one parent to pick up the slack for the shortcomings of the other parent, the govt won't have to pick up the "welfare" tab. The more CS $$ is ordered, the less welfare cases will exist. Also, a very important fact: the more CS$ a state collects from 1 parent, the fed. govt "rewards" that state with matching funds for the amounts collected that year. I just LOVE how the govt tries to MASK the true intent of CS$$ with the typical "for the sake of the children" (TM) garbage. Please!!!!
^^^^^^^^^LIKE everything Fabumom posted above^^^^^^^^^^^^
I agree with Fabumom 100% about PREPARING yourself and EXPECTING to have to financially support your children yourself 100% when you have a child. If more greedy BM's had CONSEQUENCES like this (knew they may still have to support their child 100% if something goes wrong with the relationship (i.e. divorce, death, etc...), maybe they would reconsider the whole "spawning for profit/not having to work" mentality.
Also, I have nothing but the utmost respect for you, Fabumom - with what you did with your exH and declining CS$ from him. That's exactly the correct attitude "I can support my own children." "I am able to support the children I bring to this world". It is called PRIDE and SELF-WORTH and you have obviously been raised PERFECTLY by your parents. It's too bad more women don't think this way (as a whole). We spend years and years trying to "break the glass ceiling" fighting for equality with men, whether it be "equal pay for equal work" or otherwise. We fight for women to become empowered, become more educated, become more independent, etc... Then this whole "I'm the victim" mentality that these BM's come along with...just literally erases the foundation of all of the YEARS of hard work of women. GET EDUCATED! GET A JOB! LEARN HOW TO SURVIVE/TO TAKE CARE OF ONESELF!! It's amazing how much PRIDE comes with the satisfaction of knowing that "I DEPEND ON ME" and that you don't NEED anyone else to take care of you.
One more thing, studies have time and time again shown that when one parent isn't FORCED to pay CS (in the form of the standard monthly/biweekly payments), but where both parents spend their money as they see necessary in order to raise their child, there is LESS CONFLICT, LESS PARENTAL ALIENATION, LESS BITTERNESS, LESS EMOTIONAL DAMAGE TO THE CHILDREN, etc.... Studies have proven that, guess what? There are MANY, MANY fathers that WANT to be in their kids' lives, that WANT to financially support their children, that WANT to be good fathers - and will do so VOLUNTARILY with no problems - without having to be COURT ORDERED to do so.
The "deadbeat parent" is NOT the norm/rule, it is the EXCEPTION to the rule. Unfortunately, the laws were promulgated to deal with how to handle the "deadbeat parent" situation and extends that to ALL situations as a general rule of thumb. Wrong, wrong, wrong...(did I say WRONG) way to deal with it!! What's next in our country? Our criminal laws say "Innocent until PROVEN GUILTY in a court of law" - is that going to be reversed soon as well? "Guilty until proven innocent"? Because that's EXACTLY the way the family laws & judges in our country seem to be treating fathers...no matter WHAT THE TRUE FACTS ARE in any given case.
Sorry for my rant. I come from a situation where we share true joint legal & physical 50/50 custody of skids (SD16 & SS13) with the BM - and have been doing so for about 7 years. Yet my FDH has to pay her $1,600/month in CS$$ on top of the money it costs us to support the kids the 3-4 days/week they live here in our home!! We also have to provide 100% health insurance for the skids and pay 90% of any expenses that aren't covered by insurance (i.e. over $5,000 in orthodontic work for 2 kids out of pocket!!). I'm surprised that this hasn't financially DESTROYED us by now!! This is INSANE these NYS laws - it's the equivalent of LEGALIZED EMBEZZLEMENT, I swear!! Yet, the BM's can literally sit home, not work and NOT be penalized for this!!! The BM in our situation works part-time (translation: when she feels like going to work) and literally spends MOST of the CS$$ on herself - yet doesn't have to take care of HER OWN CHILDREN 50% of the week!!! What's wrong with THIS picture?? So we keep on working our ASSES off to keep up with all of OUR living expenses (mortgage, insurance, utilities, medical, etc...)and struggle to pay massive CS$$ to BM (biweekly payments ordered, because heaven forbid BM have to wait a whole MONTH for each check!) and BM literally gets to "ride our coattails" of our promotions and successes - BM literally has NO INCENTIVE to GET AN EDUCATION, GET A CAREER, HAVE THE ABILITY TO SUPPORT HERSELF!!!
Fabumom, you are one classy woman. I wish you were our BM. Keep up the great work!!!
Hi I am new here and have
Hi I am new here and have never posted before but the cs pushes alot of buttons with me... I think the courts definitely work in favor of the mothers or cp (in my experience that is the mom). I agree that the NCP should have to pay child support but I think the court also needs to look at the overall picture. When BM and my husband split she left him with alot and I mean alot of debt (we have gone to court to try and get it split but were denied). BM keeps taking DH to court trying to get more money out of him. She'll go and spend money without consulting him but expects him to pay whatever she asks; stating they are section 7 expenses. That's fine but he does not have it and he's tried to explain that to her and has asked that she include him in the decision to spend extra money. Anyway the cs wasn't set as high as she would like so when DH and I got married guess what we got as a wedding gift. Yep served with court papers because she thinks she is entitled to some of my wage. I nearly lost it. I went to school for many years to get where I am now and I am not giving her a cent of my money. She doesn't work and has a grade 8 education, I am sorry but I am not going to work so she can stay at home and do nothing. This has been going on for over a year now and it doesn't look like there is any end in sight![Sad](https://prod-cdn-1.ststatic.com/sites/all/modules/contrib/smiley/packs/kolobok/sad.gif)
Also, DH and I just had our first child together, my first his second. When he tried to address this in court the judge basically said that he didn't care about my son he was only concerned with the welfare of ss8. What? So one child's welfare is more important than anothers? And I know when you are having a child you should consider if you can afford to have one (we did and I can support my child and future children) but I don't think that our children should suffer because BM can't get off her lazy a$$ and get a job. Agh I am just so angry and disgusted with the whole legal system.
I apologize for the rambling I am just so angry.
As DH is a non-custodial
As DH is a non-custodial parent, we pay out the ass for child support. I would feel great about paying the 1200+ a month if the BM would take responsibility for the skids and not let them run feral all over town and quit sending them to us for fixing. I'd rather pay her to raise them than raise them myself.
If a person is paying child support, the least they could expect is that the other parent makes sure the child attends school and has proper supervision when they are away. This should be done without the ncp having to enforce it in court. We pay every month as expected and the other party should at least do these two things, as expected.
When I am more of a mother to my skids than BM is, it makes me mad that she doesn't step up and make sure they go to school. I don't care if she works or not, but she definately should quit bitching about not having enough money to buy the kids clothes. $1200 a month is a generous amount, but she is too lazy to get off her pot smoking ass and she is too selfish to give any of that money to the skids for their clothing or deodorant, etc.
So I'm a little irritated about CS. Our skank bm is a lazy brainless selfish twit. I hope I am not insulting the word "twit." It may be giving her too much credit :/
You're right rags. There are responsibilities on both parties and they each should participate appropriately, instead of one of them just being a genetic garbage.
I live in a military town and
I live in a military town and CS is a major issue here. Some (not all) of these local girls see making a baby with some young military guy as a major source of income. They very often have more than one child with more than one military man. Max child support PER child. They don't have to work, and it doesn't technically count as income, so they still qualify (notice I did NOT say "are entitled to") for every free handout there is.
From personal experience, my son-in-law got nailed for child support. He was the 7th (yes, I said SEVENTH) guy BM had DNA tested for support. Apparently, she was a very busy girl! All of these guys were military. All of them were one-night-stands, picked up at a club. Granted, he should have used protection, but we all know men aren't real smart when it comes to this. He swears on a stack of bibles she told him that she was on the pill. At any rate, you can't tell me she wasn't looking to make a "baby check". Courts didn't care. By the time they finally found the "lucky guy", they nailed him for the hospital bill, back child support (for a kid he didn't even know was his!), and a hefty monthly installment for the next 18 years. BM does NOT work, doesn't ever plan to, gets full services from the tax payers, too. In my opinion, this is just prostitution on the installment plan!
"In my opinion, this is just
"In my opinion, this is just prostitution on the installment plan!"
AMEN to that!
DH and I know that if CS were
DH and I know that if CS were recalculated now, it would go up between $200-$400/month, for a single child. As I've said repeatedly, if the money were going to SD15, we'd have no problem. But it goes toward BM's status symbols; her "sexy" convertible and her 5BR house with a pool. SD15 is dressed in thrift store clothes and has (literally) 3 pairs of shoes. She has to beg DH for the cash for her band instrument.
So fuck BM. It's on her to go back to court, and we will fight hard to keep CS as low as possible.
SD15 can come live with us at any time, and we'll spoil her rotten within reason. Band money? Private school? Decent clothes and food? Summer camps for what she's passionate about? Sure thing. Cell phones and designer anything? Not a chance in hell.
One real problem I see with
One real problem I see with Child Support, is that it refers only to that portion paid by the NCP when people are talking about it.
Child Support, to me at least, is that sum of money which the courts have calculated that is needed by the child to maintain their standard of living, and usually it uses both parents' income in the calculation. So money allocated to support children from (both the parents) should be labelled as Child Support, and be set aside by BOTH parents and clearly shown as such, instead of the NCP's share becoming a part of the CP's general income.
In my mind, NO divorced parent who is NOT entitled to receive alimony should be able to claim an income less than a certain minimum required to support themselves, AND including, some minimum amount which goes toward supporting his/her child/ren. Any divorced parent not receiving alimony should automatically be imputed an income to a certain level, whether they are working or not, because they should NOT be using child support to support themselves, and there should be some minimum financial allocation to the children. If a CP chooses not to work, income should definitely be imputed to the level of income they could receive based on education, (plus some punitive amount based of years of experience lost by choosing not to gain work experience and better their chances of getting a better paying job), similar to the way it would be done for a NCP who chooses not to work. Then apply the same "punishments" to these CPs who fail to clearly put their share in, as they would to NCPs who fail to pay their share. If the courts would criminalize the CPs inability and inaction to pay, in the same way that they do for NCPs, BOTH parents would be more motivated to financially support their children, CPs because of the fear of revoking of license, etc and NCPs because of some semblance of fairness in the system.
I agree 100% I am a bm and a
I agree 100% I am a bm and a sm so yes I see both sides. I really believe that each parent should be help accountable for supporting their kids. IF we held each parent accountable it will bring most of the CS wars to a halt.
Not fair at all. My wife was
Not fair at all. My wife was a 16yo single teen mom from a very low income family and went on to a BS and an MBA both with honors and is now a CPA. BioDad spawned three more out of wedlock spawn and he and his mother were on an incessant quest to get the CS paid for my SS eliminated. They have a similar perspective as that of your XH. Since my wife is professionally employed and StepDad is "rich" BioDad should not be financially responsible for his oldest child.
I am glad to support my SS and to be his dad but I refused to let BioDad of the hook for CS. We insured that my SS had equity access to his SpermClan's resources and that SS would never have to hear that his BioDad did not care enough about him to support him. Though BioDad really does not give a shit nor does SpermGrandMa and SpermGrandPa we insured CS was paid and that visitation was not denied.