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Cell phone issue

buttercookie's picture

This is about my own kid not a skid. Daughter 19 who has a 3 year old was cut off my moms cell plan by my mom during one of their numerous fights. I added her to our plan to help her out. She's being a typical brat who thinks she's entitled to stuff just because she exists. Now that her and my mom aren't fighting they talk constantly, I have the phone records to prove it, she's even shared the wonderful things my mother (who I stopped talking to because everything wrong in her life is my fault and I look so much like my father she divorced etc.) says about me. Problem solved I'm tired of her behavior, she acts like the skids we post about here and she treats my husband like crap. She's been given notice her phone will be shut off Jan 17, if she didn't have a kid it'd be immediately. BTW she pays nothing towards this phone, I agreed to pay her bill until she gets on her feet if she behaves she's not even looking for a job. I wouldn't put up with it from SS Stain I'm not putting up with it from her.


buttercookie's picture

And yes this hurts to do but its only the right thing to do. My daughter is playing two ends from the middle to see if she can use me and my mother to see if we will compete to buy her things. I did that in the distant past when she was younger, not playing anymore. stick a fork in me I"m done.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

The girl is old enough to have a 3 year old and old enough to manipulate. She is old enough to maintain a cell phone account of her own and pay for it.

Sorry you have to so something that sucks. But I'm glad you're doing it. She'll be netter off.

buttercookie's picture

thanks I needed to hear that. Its hard making kids behave even when they are adults, I'm upset because my kid thinks she's going to get away with behaving how my ss stain thought he was going to. Didn't take it from him ain't taking it from her. I guess I felt she knew better. But in fairness she's getting the same treatment the skid did and would get.

buttercookie's picture

Oh oldest SS is on my account, but he pays his portion of the bill and is good about not going over.

ddakan's picture

The kid is good at getting. Cut off the phone when you say you will. I did this with sd21 a few months ago and I feel sooooo freeeee of the drama. I didn't deserve the drama and now I don't have to care.

I couldn't help sd21 be more responsible by catering to her, so I cut her completely off. Monday night she went to jail for a speeding ticket warrant. I had told her to make a payment plan, she FINALLY did, but then missed a payment. Nothing I say to her makes a difference. It's the bad things that happen to her that teaches her the lesson because she is a hard head. To bad, life didn't have to be that hard, they just make it hard by not being responsible.

buttercookie's picture

Well my daughter feels the need to talk crap about me on facebook and she does it with her phone so guess what? Phone is suspended immediatly as of 4 minutes ago. Not paying for her to post crap about me. Haven't decided if I'll block her there or not. Sooo over the drama