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Tornado :(

purpledaisies's picture

We were all huddled up in the closet. We had all 5 kids kids. My dh was at work so it was just me. The sirens went off (I live a block and a half from the sirens so it was LOUD!) It was scary, I have been trough them before but this time I was by myself with all the kids! ss13 texted him mom but no response from her. We are all safe nothing happened but can't say the same for the people about 10 miles form us. Sad

Then about 9 bm finally called dh all panicky and wanted to know if everyone was ok. He told her that yes everyone is fine and Purple took care of everyone and if everything wasn't ok I would have called you ok! That seemed to calm her down. It was scary for about 45 mins! B/c it got very calm, it stopped raining and then it is was very still I just knew it was about to come but then nothing! Thanks goodness!

We had 4 people die in this storm. Sad It was very close. There was only one other time I was in a tornado that DID come through our house and it torn it up pretty good but we went in the house at the time.


mom2five's picture

((hugs)) I've been there a few times. It is terrifying. But it's over. Everyone is ok. Take a deep breath. And get a big ole glass of wine! Glad y'all are safe.

distorted reality's picture

Glad to hear you got through the storm okay. Been through a close call with a tornado myself...very unsettling to say the least. One more reason to appreciate a happy new year!

purpledaisies's picture

Thanks ladies. I felt for my step sons, I don't think they got it that it was as bad as it was. But they were good for me and listened. Smile

I woke them all up and just told them they need to listen and go in the living room till I tell them different as I had 3 bed rooms to go to to get everyone. I didn't tell them what was going on till all kids were there. I'm just so glad they like me and trust me.

purpledaisies's picture

We just heard that the tornado went just a few miles from our house and turned. :jawdrop:

purpledaisies's picture

Felicity0224 I have been through this more times that I want to remember so I know that if I panicked it wouldn't be good. I didn't want the kids to panic so I said nothing to them till we were all together. I got blankets and was on the phone with dh the whole time.

Chavez's picture

Oh Girl I was worried about you!!!! I was watching the news and thinking HOLY SHIT that's right where purpledaises lives!!!! So glad you guys are all right.

purpledaisies's picture

Robsmom wow where in Ar? That is close. And yes we are all ok thanks goodness.

Chaves thanks for thinking of us. Smile We are ok and dh came home early!!!! Smile Smile Smile