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Update on Christmas present issues

Not the Evil Stepmom's picture

Update on Christmas present issues. So the BM and her BF are getting the three SD 18,15 and 13 netbooks for Christmas. They said that they were going to get the SS11 a XBox but now they have said that they ran out of money and they won't be able to get him very much at all! And I felt like crap for spending less on them myself! His own mother isn't even being fair.


caregiver1127's picture

How the hell can you run out of money when you are buying gifts for your children - I say bullshit - they just want you and your man to buy him the X-box - I mean really you don't know how much money you have the bank - I know down to the penny. I find this so odd - did she not want a boy - why do the daughters get such great gifts but not the son - I think they want you to buy it for him and I wouldn't if I were you all!!

purpledaisies's picture

I agree with caregiver. that was my first thought when i read this. tell them to take the notebooks back and divide the money and it is not your issue it is hers!