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Things That Make Me Go Grrrrrrr

Not the Evil Stepmom's picture

Late afternoon yesterday my H picked up my SS11 from his mother's. He lives with us. My H wasn't feeling well and I told him he should just leave him there. He insisted on getting him anyway. I knew how things would go. My H spent the entire evening asleep on the couch and didn't say one word to his son. SS11 in turn spent the entire evening in his room because according to SS11 I'm scary. So about 9:30 I tell my H just to go ahead and go to bed that I would be in shortly. So I did a few things and went to bed about 10:00. My H's brother called. Really?! Is that nessesary at 10:00? So my H proceeded to talk to him in bed for 45 minutes. grrrrr He finally gets off the phone and I just start to fall asleep when SS11 decides to start texting his dad from the other room. grrrrr SS thinks he needs some cold medicine. This kid thinks he is sick all the time and H plays right along with him. So of course H won't get up. Here come SS with the medicine and they carry on a very loud conversation. By this time it's 11:00 and I'm pissed and tired. I yell why is it so hard to be quiet after 10:30 at night?! I'm the only one that has to get up in the morning. When I get up I don't even turn on any lights except in the bathroom. My H says well I have to get up and move my car so you can leave. (He didn't have to park behind me.) I said well you can go back to bed! I just don't understand why it is too much to ask for it to be quiet after 10:30. I mean fine if you don't want to go to bed but at least be considerate to others. Maybe it's just me. My H seems to think so.


SusiQ's picture

It's not just you!
My DH has no idea how loud he is when he gets up early. The slamming of the doors and cabinets - drives me insane because he just doesn't get it.

Heck I'm working this week and he's home with the kids - since he's home, he's been covering the nights with DD who is 4 months old but I swear the huffing and jerking of the bedsheets wakes me up - I'd almost rather just do it myself.