Skids and your wedding?
I'm curious as how everyone here feels about this subject. When you got married to your DH, were the skid(s) in your wedding? Was that your choice or DH's? If you aren't married yet but plan to be, will you have skid(s) in your wedding? why/why not?
When DH and I got married, his daughter was one of the flower girls. His choice, not mine....We had an all adult reception.
- tofurkey's blog
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Oh when we let the word out
Oh when we let the word out we were having an all adult reception the shit hit the fan. It somehow turned into all of the inlaws saying "what about sd? sd can't come?! she will be heart broken to not be with her daddy!" Well that's not really my concern. My concern is that it's our day and that's MY husband and this is what makes me and MY husband happy, not what makes that brat happy. When she grows up she can make adult decisions as well. Until then, suck it up just like i did when i was little.
My FDH and I are getting
My FDH and I are getting married next summer. I am having my daughter for my maid of honour, and FDH is having his best friend for his best man. It's a small wedding, so we're only having one attendant each. My son will be walking me down the aisle.
However, FDH does play the guitar, so he and his girls will be doing a song as I walk up the aisle. He will play the guitar, and all three will be singing. They have already started practising. It's a way to keep them involved without actually having to be part of the wedding party.
SS came to our wedding when
SS came to our wedding when we got married but SD did not - before we were even engaged BM told her she wasn't allowed to come. We planned it on a skids weekend and made all the arrangements for FIL to pick them both up and BM wouldn't let SD go. SS lived with us at the time.
We had all the kids in our
We had all the kids in our wedding. It was beautiful. Bm tried her best to let them come but dh was awesome and he got them. They were very happy to be there. I had 2 little boxes for the rings and the youngest 2 were supposed to carry them down the isle but the person that was supposed to handle all that didn't get them out for them. They were very upset as I was too. That was not cool.
These comments really just
These comments really just make me sad and angry...the skids are a part of your new family and your DH's. To each their own but it's crazy to me that a man would chose to be with someone who doesn't want HIS child as part of their wedding/reception.
When we get married, it will most likely be a very small one and low key. We rather keep the $ for a good honeymoon
now THAT there's no invite for kids, his or mine.
BUT they are a huge part of our life and very important to both of us, and we would likely have them participate in our wedding to some degree and be at the reception. We are merging together as families, not just him and I. So it makes sense they witness and participate. We've considered the sand ceremony where the kids have their own sand to pour in with us as well.
I know many disagree, but I firmly believe and have seen that if there is an approach of "him and I" only the stepfamily won't be succesful. keep saying MY day, MY husband, MY wedding...take that MY MY ME approach to life and this marriage and exclude HIS daughter, His family...and I'm afraid the division set now will likely be lasting you a lifetime.
A wedding is NOT all about ME. Especially if you marry someone with a child.
Overit2, to each their own.
Overit2, to each their own. And I would not be upset for someone's post like yours that says that they DID include their skids in the wedding AND reception. Because, well frankly, that's your personal choice and it's not something for me to get angry over....If you would re-read that reply post, you would notice that i said "me and my husband" "we decided" so it wasn't just "me me me " as you say. It was actually DH who brought up the idea to have an adult reception. I agreed with him since we both said that we have been to several receptions that would have been much more enjoyable without a million little ones running around. And we also decided to do so since we had open bar and a reception that ran until late at night and did not deem that as an appropriate environment to have children in. Please don't worry about the success of my marriage, we have our ups and downs like every couple but have a great relationship and life together, even if his daughter and all other children in both of our families weren't there at our wedding reception to drink and dance.
We eloped bc I refused to
We eloped bc I refused to have to deal with any of the inlaws and skids drama.
SD was in our wedding, along
SD was in our wedding, along with BD and BS. SS said he had better things to do.
SD was there and highly
SD was there and highly involved.BM tried to make my life suck all the way up until the final day.but hey,it was a perfect wedding and the only tears I cried were happy ones.
****IF**** they can behave themselves and smile pretty for the camera.
i say involve everyone who wants to be in on it! The more the merrier
That was my concern with DH's
That was my concern with DH's daughter...she doesn't exactly have a good track record of positive behavior and a thing called manors. I was worried she would throw one of her fits during the ceremony. But, she got to walk down with the other flower girl and sit with her so it worked out fine.
We did a destination wedding.
We did a destination wedding. I did not want to have any attendents so skids were not "in" it as DH and I were the only ones! Even if I went another route I would not have had them in the bridal party somehow, this was my day. I planned the wedding around what I wanted and what worked for me. We then figured out how to make it work for skids to come. If BM was going to be nuts or it didn't work out, too bad so sad. I told DH that the skids will alter the way I envisioned my life to be enough and that I would NOT plan a wedding around them also - and he totally agreed/understood. In the end, it worked out. THey flew down with my parents and we flew DH's sister out to stay with them and be in charge of them. Even though she just pawned them off on all of my friends any chance she got.
DH and I eloped. We ran off
DH and I eloped. We ran off to another country by ourselves and got married. It made all the planning so much easier. Dress? check. Rings? check. Plane tickets? check.
We held a reception for family and friends about 6 months later. All of my siblings and SS were involved. They each took turns at the microphone introducing the next event. I think SS gave the intro before our first dance together.
Well said. Yeah, skid wasn't
Well said. Yeah, skid wasn't the one that forked out thousands of dollars for the wedding, it was DH and I. Infact, hmmm yes none of the kids were paying an arm and a leg for a wedding (even a "reasonable" priced wedding gets expensive). We had counted it and there would have been 25 extra guests in just children that we would have had to pay a full dinner price for them to just sit there and push food around on their plate then start screeching and crying later in the night when they got tired? I think after months of stressful planning, if we wanted to have a fun stress free reception without whining and crying and shit breaking then dammit we deserved it
Oh I bet that in that
Oh I bet that in that situation no body scolded her about how she should have taken your feelings into consideration on her day right? no body saying anything about the blending of families?
Right, but you are just the
Right, but you are just the stepmom, so your feelings don't matter. You are just supposed to bend over and take it with a "yes, please" when someone treats you like crap. Your stepkids are A-holes, LOL.
The drinking/dancing
The drinking/dancing thing...I guess I don't see it as a big deal. Maybe a cultural or personal thing.It's not uncommon to have a kids free reception of course -unless you have kids I least to me.
My brother got married recently (he had no kids) but myself and several families had their kids around adults that drank, responsibly (most did ha!). The kids even danced w/us. I danced w/my sons, my nieces and nephews...they ALL had a blast. BUT dancing isn't an adult thing to me, it's a celebration thing when it comes to a wedding.
That is a good point, AD.
That is a good point, AD.
No, I don't think an adult
No, I don't think an adult should be forced to go. But if a kid wants to go and is told no or is somehow excluded? Different.
I also love the idea of eloping, believe me. BUT I feel our kids would be incredibly offended and to US, those feelings DO matter-a LOT. Even if they are kids that get on our nerves sometimes :0
Again, we just disagree, it is MY belief that when you marry someone with kids it's NOT only about you and him in that wedding or marriage, it IS a blending and acceptance of eachothers kids and families for life. I would NOT marry someone if I could not blend and get along with SOME semblance of care/respect and decency with his children or him with mine. Marriage IS about family to me. I would not marry someone who believed differently then I do.
I would never be comfortable marrying someone my kids despised, hated or couldn't stand, I'm positive my bf feels the same in that HE wouldn't ever marry someone that hated his child. we're just different people then you maux and your FH.
If neither of us had kids it would be different, sure.
I DO understand you disagree and think it's OK for it to be only about the adults and to hell with kids-that if you don't get along a FH should chose you and turn his back on his kids. I've seen encouragement from posts on this board for dh's to give up on their kids because the sm's can't deal with it. And again, I disagree. In fact the more I hear from you I'm starting to feel that his kids are actually right about you honestly.
"And again, I disagree. In
"And again, I disagree. In fact the more I hear from you I'm starting to feel that his kids are actually right about you honestly."
Wow, how nasty. And all because someone disagrees with your point of view. What a shameful, disgusting thing for you to say. I was actually trying to see your point of view on this, and you blew it out of the water on that last paragraph. You had me at hello, and you lost me at bitch.
A, I know you
A, I know you think everything was about you in my comment-in fact, it was not, I was not referring to you at ALL in my post. Just fyi before you defend yourself or respond to my posts.
And your first parts of response..pftt. Oh lord, just don't bother please. It's obvious we are talking about entirely different matters. Oh and another thing-I happened to have been exposed to a different culture growing up-my parents were as every bit American and embraced your "culture" as well. I live here now and embrace this "culture" as well.
There is however a difference in how kids are treated here..and if you don't believe me look around at the amount of fucked up kids in your 'culture'.
SSs were in our wedding. They
SSs were in our wedding.
They were DH's "best men." They each had one of our rings, so they were part of the ceremony. They were 6 and 11 when we got married. My cousin was Maid-of-Honor. It worked out well.
One thing we did that I recommend is putting some else in charge of the kids for the day. We put DH's parents in charge of the boys and that took a ton of pressure off DH.
We also scheduled the photographer so that he and DH and I went to a seperate location for some of the pictures. This offered us some built in alone time during our wedding day.
I hope so too. I had the same
I hope so too. I had the same scenario until BM started her crap and SD turned 11. Hopefully you can break the cycle.
OF course you shouldn't have
OF course you shouldn't have been upset, like you said you knew about it before hand so you can't play surprised.....that shit drives me nuts lol.
Good for you two for
Good for you two for realizing it's just for you two and going for it! That's great, and you are lucky that you are with someone who realizes that as well. Good luck and congrats!
Yea, this topic has come up
Yea, this topic has come up between me and BF before. He seems to think I want a big wedding because I am very close to my family. Honestly though, being the bride just scares the shit out of me. Marriage I am good with, but a wedding? The potential problems that could ensue just between my own family members is stressful enough--but add the kids and BM to the mix? Oh lord. Plus the expenses just seem outrageous. I dunno. I never dreamt of being the bride when I was a little girl, and I'd be alright just eloping. BUT if we do end up having a ceremony, FSS and FSD will certainly be included. If I tried to restrict them from being there I'm pretty sure we wouldn't be getting married. If they felt uncomfortable attending though (I don't think they would, but who knows how FSD will act when she's a teen), we wouldn't force them.
As a side note, I attended a couple family weddings as a kid with LOTS of alcohol all around into the wee hours of the morning. I think that's a cultural thing. The kids just ended up passing out in some chairs or on our parents.
We are getting married next
We are getting married next September and SS3 is the ring bearer and SD5 will be the flower girl. I can't imagine (in my situation) doing anything other than that -- unless we had absolutely no children involved in the ceremony.
My DH and I had a very, very
My DH and I had a very, very small wedding at his mother's house. SS wasn't in the wedding only because we couldn't get him while we were in town due to scheduling conflicts. We are planning on renewing our vows at our 5 yr anniversary and making it a big ordeal. SS will be invited and hopefully will attend and be involved. That being said, I think it is to each its own. If you want to elope, elope...if you want to have the skids there, fine...if not, that's fine too. I don't think anyone should be put down b/c of their own personal decision that they make on a very personal day. If the skids aren't included, I don't automatically think, "SM's marriage is going to fail and she is a horrible SM". But again, that's my personal opinion.
I don't think it's good to
I don't think it's good to force anyone to attend a wedding they don't want to attend, whether it be a SM or skids. It's a happy celebration of two people coming together, and if someone doesn't want to be there then you don't really want them there anyway. I don't think anyone is arguing that only kids get to decide; anyone can make a decision like that for themselves. Unfortunately some rude people are always going to criticize the SM, and probably be more lenient on kids. That doesn't mean, though, that facing more criticism means that you don't have a choice in the matter.
It was just us!
It was just us!
My SS was 1yo when we
My SS was 1yo when we married. He was there but obviously was too young to participate. In fact, my wife nor I had any attendants for our wedding. We had an announced elopement.
It was just her and I and the minister. I had a few friends and family there, she had a few family members there In fact, my wife nor I had any attendants for our wedding. It was just her and I and the minister IN the wedding.
I would have no problem having Skids participate if they are old enough and supportive of the marriage. If not, they can sit in a pew with everyone else.
We did a little of both- SS's
We did a little of both- SS's then 5 and 8 were both in the wedding. SS5 walked his cousin (Who was our flowergirl) down the aisle, and SS8 was the ringbearerr. They were in half the photos, then we had organised friends to pick all three of them up. We had a "party" at another location for all the kids who were invited to the ceremony, and organised food, video games etc for them to play and people to watch over them. We had an adults only reception, and this is DEFINITELY the way we would do it again. Kids loved being involved in the ceremony, and had an absolute blast at an age appropriate event with all their cousins afterwards. We got to have them in the service and didn't have to worry about any tantrums, tiredness or kids running through our dinner. It was fabulous.
We told no one we were
We told no one we were getting married. No family was there at all. We did not have the money for a big wedding. My family, who are all in a different country, would not have had the money to come to our wedding. DH asked a co-worker/friend to witness and another to take photos. Whosoever was offended by our actions (mostly DH's immediate family and my good friends) were not specially left out, so they had to come to terms with it. Also, this way we did not have to tell the kids or ex-wife anything, and chance them ruining OUR special moment.
We plan to have a big anniversary celebration one year (as soon as we have the money saved) and invite everyone.
We're having a destination
We're having a destination wedding in May and i really wanted an adult only reception and I didn't want SS there acting up to get attention. He's normally well behaved when FDH is around but when he's the only kid in a room full of adults he gets hyper and wants all attention on him. Anyhoooo I saw how much it meant to FDH sooo I caved, and he's the only kid coming
Havent worked out details yet but i think he'll follow the groomsmen up like a ring boy and then sit in the front row with the inlaws. That way he's ther so FDH is happy, and hopefully out out of sight, out of mind for me so I can concentrate on becoming my FDH's wife! 
I will have sd7 as the flower
I will have sd7 as the flower girl and she will be picked up and whisked away after the ceremony by BM's parents. She would hang all over my SO for the whole reception and I need some of it to JUST be about me and SO!!