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glam-mom's picture

whats a good present to get a 10 year old and an 11 year old (both boys)? and both skids... how do u react to when they see there r more presents under the tree for bio kids... obviously im going to buy my kids more then them and bf doesnt have the money to buy as much as i do... and im not gonna hide presents when they come over its my life and i can spoil my kids if i want to... im sick of rearranging my life to make them more comfortable... any advice?


oneoffour's picture

You get a tea towel for Xmas from your MIL.And all the other DILs get a 500 thread count sheet set as well as a hand made quilt you KNOW sells for $1000.00. And you feel how?

If you are sick of rearranging your life for them, move out because they are going to be for a long time. They can help their father earning less than you how?
How is it their fault? This is something totally out of their control. If they are brats or darling children will that change the amount of money their father can spend on them?

It is Xmas. Give them all some gifts and when the other kids leave bring out the rest for Xmas, Part 2. What harm is there in that?

sixteensmom's picture

You can't have more gifts for your kids than his. Especially ten year olds. Do they live with you? Will they have another gift opening at bms? Can u have some of the other items for your kids set aside for them to open when steps aren't there? How old are your kids? Can dh not afford gifts for his kids because he pays cs to bm? Will he buy gifts for your kids? Maybe you buy all the gifts for your kids and a couple for his.

I always spent more on mine than dh and bm did on steps but we both adjusted so all kids get about the same now.

glam-mom's picture

maybe u all misunderstood me i think xmas presents should be under the tree if i choose to get more presents for my children then his that should be okay... we buy our presents seperately as he cant afford all that i want to get for them but in the end we usually end up writing from us both. we open them seperately his kids r usually with their mom on xmas eve... but obviously they will see that there is more under the tree for my 2. and we share one child togther but the other has been in his life since age one so he considers her his own. and this is my house so no im not gonna move out over something so dumb. i dont see y theyd resent me they know im not theyre mom and im sure they get a ton of presents at theyre own home.

glam-mom's picture

and also no one said what i should get them!!! haha!!! i spent like 150 on each of them last year on my own when i first started on here i thought it was really helpful that people were going through the same situations as i but now i just feel like noone understands where im coming from at all...

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Agree. But I also think you shouldn't flaunt it. Put presents under the tree and save some of your bios in your closet hidden. Bring them out before it is time to open. Are you planning on opening them when skids are there or not? If they open while skids are not there then it shouldn't matter. If they will open presents at the same time bios do then have the same number of presents for hem as bios. Doesn't mean you have to spend as much. Just get cheap toys and stuff. So if bios have 10 gifts then each kid gets 10, but cheap gifts.

10 year old boy gifts...hmmm... Sports stuff, video games, scooters, skateboards...?

unbelieveable's picture

I'm going to agree with the last comment. Remember- these kids have like 4 sets of grandparents and step grandparents and etc. Etc. Etc. Your may only get one Xmas!! While stepkids may have 3 or 4!

sixteensmom's picture

Glams skids are not going to gave much if any Christmas at bms. She is a drug addict without family who cares who only got her 10 11 and 12 year old kids back out of foster care last year. Glams own 2 and 5 yr olds won't count the number of gifts but the older three sure will. Their holidays w glam and dad will be about all the get.

Glams 5 bio kid might have holidays with his bio dad ?

Point is, why hurt these kids feelings? They didn't do this.

starfish's picture

i don't think you should have to hide your extra presents for bios, but at the same time skids may get jealous and retalliate against bios (fight/break their new things/etc) and resent you (which they probably do already so wtf) even more. and if you did hide them, guess how surprised bios would be when they have tons more than expected? so that would be a judgment call on your part.

but i do think the extra presesnts should be opened when skids are with BM and not at your house.

ownpersonalopinion1's picture

We get each kid one nice expensive gift and then anything over that is left up each parent.