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Major Issues with StepSon - cant take much more.

karenemoy's picture

New to site but at the end of my rope. Found out Stepson was a drug addict paid for rehab and now we are paying for another program since he was recently diagnosed as being bipolar. His name is mentioned and my husband and I get into fights. He makes excuses for him all the time. He was thrown out of house now sponging off of some friends. No job, no plans to get a job, just sits around and feels sorry for himself. My stepson used and maninpulted me for years for money. Does not care about me at all. Sends text message looking for pity - tells everyone I hate him.

His mother is an evil, vile woman who only comes to use when she wants money.

I am so done. I see no end in sight and all people do is make me feel quilty because I wont take his crap - bipolar or not.


karenemoy's picture

That is what I keep saying then is evil mother goes around saying I dont care and tell my husband to keep things from me. He says he wants to reconnect with this family but then only calls when he wants something. He told his mother he confided in me about his drug addiction and that he tried to kill himself and I did nothing. And she believed him!

SillyGilly's picture

My SS18 is into drugs - I'm fairly certain he deals them as well. I have completely disengaged and I am done! All my SS18 does is feel sorry for himself but his situation is a result of his own choices. None of the adults in his life do/deal drugs so he went out and found that trouble. I am not responsible for SS. He has no reason to feel sorry for himself. I will not feel bad that I don't care what happens to him. Why should I care for him more than he cares for himself? I am not his mother or wife - and even then with his given behavior I wouldn't blame his mother or if he had a wife, from disengaging either.

Don't feel bad. THere is no reason for you to dedicate any more of your time, money, or emotions into a lost cause. I really wish I had something wise to say about you and DH. I hope someone else has some good tips.

ThatGirl's picture

Yikes, this is hard. I've got a SS19 who's a junky. He no longer lives with us (he just quit coming home one day, after dropping out of high school). No job, no education, couch surfing, cleaning yards and robbing houses for cash. We've decided he'll get no help from us. He sometimes stays at his mother's, and is supposedly still covered under her medical insurance. Hopefully, she'll get him into rehab, but it's not looking like it. I'm actually hoping he'll get arrested (like his best friend), as that might be the only way to get this kid to clean up.

My advice to you? Wash your hands of him if he's over 18. Your husband making excuses isn't helping, it's enabling. Hopefully he'll get his act together eventually, and then you can have a relationship with him. For now, he needs to be cut off.

SillyGilly's picture

I also hope SS18 is arrested!! I feel like it will make his choices *real* to him instead of liviing in poor-me land!

ThatGirl's picture

I feel like it's jail or the morgue for this kid. It tears his dad up, who checks the paper each morning expecting to see his son's name in there. We know he's been stealing from homes and businesses (this is a small town and everyone knows this is our kid), but he's yet to be arrested. I'm starting to feel like people aren't dropping the dime on him because they know us, but I've told people over and over to please do! I'd much rather see him in jail like his best friend, than dead like his other friend.