That stupid b*tch is trying to ruin my life
LK is my husbands ex wife she is the meanest most vidictive woman i have ever met in my entire life... she never spends anytime with her son and only has him live with her for the money that she recieves from child support and now she is asking for more! I cant believe it she makes 50,000 dollars a years plus gets 400 a month from my husband and is still asking for more. She lost her job a few weeks ago ( thank god she found another one) and when my husband asked what her plan was for their son her response was and i quote " im going to take you back to court for more money im really enjoying my time off to relax" my poor step-son is so starved for attention that when he gets to our house he is glued to my husband and i constantly. we asked him what he did at mommy's and his response is " nothing mommy slept the entire time, she is so lazy thats all she does" She doesnt even show up to his football games she has gone to 1 full game and that was he one she had him that weekend. she only shows up for the last 15-10mins of his practices, she claims to be "the best mother in the world" she has on more then one occasion tried to have my husband arrested for assault and then when she lost the case because he never laid a hand on her, she said he was harassing her. I just wish i knew a way to stop her!
- jwkstepmom's blog
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Basically your options are
Basically your options are wait for her to get hit by a tractor trailer or wait for kiddo to turn 18 so you have no legal responsibilty to deal with her. Wanna know how to survive? Ignore, document, avoid. Welcome to the club. Sorry.
thanks so much for everyones
thanks so much for everyones comments it just drives me crazy she doesnt even want my SS8 she just likes getting the extra money. I did do something that is probably a no on though I emailed her about the situation today. I know dumb move but I had had enough. you know she threatened my husband but saying " its a good thing you have a lot of cops friends, better for them to identify the body!" she is crazy she tried a few months back to break us up but telling me she slept with him in our bed she is psycho! COME ON TRACTOR TRAILER!
I tried to talk my DH into
I tried to talk my DH into telling BM that she could still get the CS if she allowed the skids to live at our palce instead. But he felt like she would freak out. He is probably right because she freaks out about everything. She has some sort of mental illness.
Is she a manic depressant? or
Is she a manic depressant? or bi-polar that what our BM is, she is on a hand full of crazy pills, about a yr ago she switched her medicine jesus i wish she would go back on the other stuff! We offered the same thing, she is still considering it.
Sounds like she's trying to
Sounds like she's trying to ruin your husbands' life and you're collateral damage. I second the 'document' thing; keep a notebook of all the crap she says that is threatening, etc. for court purposes and get a digital voice recorder to hang onto when you're having a conversation with her or DH is. Most states, as long as you're part of the conversation, you can record the other person in the conversation and it's admissible in court.
Hang in there- most of us are in the same boat
*wonders where she can trade
*wonders where she can trade in ex husbands for ones who pay this much in CS*
Hell Apples I am with you on
Hell Apples I am with you on this one. My DH pays over 800 a month. I am still waiting to find out where i can trade my x in for one who actually pays on time.... alone that amount.
imagr8tma, Wouldn't that be
imagr8tma, Wouldn't that be great? Make life so much easier!! I've heard of ex DH's giving away houses and paying for half the childcare, or even all of the childcare, I should measure up suckers for future
haha, just joking.
I'm a student which means I am living off the system, so technically I wouldn't see any of it anyway.. but imagine what you could do with that extra cash! The kids education would certainly be the best in the land haha!