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I get it… but I don’t. (sorry, long!)

Moon Child Step Mom's picture

Having grown up a child from divorce with two households of moms and dads and step dads and step mums and all of the family and chaos in between, I have a really unique view on raising children in the “step” situation… and I tend to step back and try to see things from everybody’s perspective, not saying that my own selfish personal emotions don’t cloud the water, but at least I try.

Our working arrangement with Mother Russia is one of keeping the peace while trying to be considerate at all times… “keep it friendly” is our family motto. Custody arrangements, visitation, holidays, have always been handled in the most calm, dare I say, loosie goosy fashion. No lawyers… no courts… no paperwork… just the parents of the kids workin it out and keeping it friendly. It’s the best possible environment for kids in a divorce situation to live in, right?

Here’s my cloudy water for the day… me thinks that Mother Russia has used the first year as a kind of test. We’re entering the second year as a “divided family” with the second round of holidays coming up. Last year we had the boys for thanksgiving (the BIG holiday for DH’s family… you know how family’s have the BIG holiday, right? Everybody with a trace of a family gene is in attendance… the BIG get together. Not only is it Thanksgiving, but its DH’s birthday weekend AND the start of hunting season… HUGE in his family!!!) and she had them for Christmas. All was right with the world.

This year DH and I have scraped and saved for months to afford the trip home to Pittsburgh so we could get the boys home for the big family weekend… and here is where we made an ASS of U and ME… we assumed we had the boys for thanksgiving, cause, you know, we did last year… she KNOWS how important that week is to DH and his family… AND she’s f-ing RUSSIAN!!! What in the hot holy fark does thanksgiving mean to her anyway..?!?!?

She strolls in last night and kinda casually mentions that she’s making arrangements to fly the boys out west to visit her friends for thanksgiving. *blink-blink*… what?
I got up, snatched the boys up and left the room to let them duke it out… the kids don’t need to be subject to what was about to fly around that room.

The long and short of it is this… SHE assumed we’d swap holidays, we had them on thanksgiving last year, she gets them this year… and so on and so forth. And while I see the Vulcan logic in that arrangement, at the same time, she KNOWS what this particular holiday means to us. And when DH tried to (in his defense) gently bring that up to her he got both barrels in the chest…

Barrel #1: “You don’t know how hard it is for me! I was thrown to curb… I have no family or friends here! All I have are children…”

Barrel#2: “And who knows how much time I have with thing in my head…”
(for those who may not know, she’s in the process of finding out what’s up with a mysterious cyst in her brain, the testing doesn’t seem too rushed or serious so we’re (again) assuming the doctors don’t think it’s very serious)

So there it is. Poor girl… what do you even say against that? You roll over and give her what she wants… to keep it friendly. Cause once you start putting up walls and making demands (“You know that’s MY holiday! Don’t you DARE fly those kids across the country by yourself to spend a holiday with strangers when I can’t trust you to safely take them to the park by yourself!” What do you care about this holiday for anyway..?”) it all falls apart and you end up in court paying thousands of dollars just to let some guy in a robe designate “fair” arrangements for you. And we don’t want it to get there… and she knows it. And she’s using it. Cause she spent the whole last year testing the waters… and now we’re going to see how this “friendly” arrangement is actually going to work out.

Sorry so long… just my therapy session for the day folks.


Mary Read's picture

Lay down the ground rules and lay them down quick or her version of "fair" is going to take more and more away from your family.

Doesn't sound like keeping it friendly means that she is going to be doing much giving. Eventually it will be all you doing the giving and all her doing the taking.

Trust me, being nice only works when you are being the nice one all of the time. When you start asking for a little of the giving then all bets are off.


Moon Child Step Mom's picture

That’s exactly what I’m afraid of… and this one is the gold medal CHAMP of playing the victim…

mom2five's picture

The really sucky thing is that the "guy in the black robe" would likely side with her on the Thanksgiving issue simply because you had them last year. It's really sucks.

Is there another holiday that she really, really wants? Could you offer more time at Christmas or Spring Break in exchange for cooperation during Thanksgiving? Do the kids have enough time off that you could split Thanksgiving. Maybe get them to her late Thursday after y'all have had supper?

I hate stuff like this...we seem to go through it every year with my ex as well as my husband's ex. It can suck the joy out of the Holidays.

Moon Child Step Mom's picture

Yeah… that’s the holiday shuffle I grew up in… early supper with mom’s family… late dinner with dads. But in this case we live in North Carolina (BM, kids and us) and DH and my family is in Pittsburgh (where we were trying to go) and Mother Russia’s friends that she wants to visit are in California!!! Hell of a commute for turkey… *winks*

We tried really hard to push the “other holidays” card… even went so far as to say she could have her say in the rest of them for the year (that’s how important this one little holiday is to DH) but she’s not budging. That’s what makes me think it’s more of a power play than a genuine want to be with her kid’s thing.

And again… what in the hell does thanksgiving mean to a Russian immigrant who spits in the eye of the United States every chance she gets..?

lifeisshort's picture

Moon child, it's really admirable that you all have been able to remain cordial and work with each other regarding the kids. Sometimes I think having a parenting plan and following it to a "T" is the only way to go, but you guys have been able to work without one well and it's nice to see that happen!

Regarding holidays, I understand what you're saying. Actually, when I was reading your post, I was thinking, "Yep, her DH thinks that he should have Thanksgiving every year, because it's an important one to him and he had it last year, and the BM is going to want to switch because she wants it to be equitable." It's interesting, the logic that we all use in these instances. To me, I think it's equitable and fair to switch holidays with my XH. I think if one parent has the kids for Thanksgiving one year, then the other parent should be able to have the kids the next year. Trading off seems "fair" to me. But that's probably because I hold each holiday as special and have no family around me. I don't give one holiday "extra" importance because of family get-togethers or activities. Maybe that's one reason she doesn't think along the same lines as you guys. And it's an important difference in reasoning...

It's funny, DH and I were talking about similar stuff this past weekend. We were talking about how sometimes we don't like it when we have to follow the parenting plan. Sometimes we can't do the things we want to or DS misses fun activities with us - but it's there for a reason. We need it to keep things fair and equitable between the parties. I have a narcissistic, controlling, unreasonable XH and sometimes I just have to hunker down and let the parenting plan do the talking. I'm glad for that. But sometimes it sucks because DS isn't here to go on a fun trip with us or see his grandparents that only come to visit us twice a year. It doesn't always work in my favor and it's not always convenient, but that's life. I don't let it get to me anymore. I just do my best, treat others fairly and try to roll with it, KWIM?

Best of luck to you guys in figuring this out!

Moon Child Step Mom's picture

Thank you snickers and life… both of you make a ton of sense in laying down a tangible “plan”. She’s all about doing things logically… if it’s on paper there’s not much room for assumptions.