The Other Woman
I didn't get into this step-parenting role very gracefully. There was a lot of secrecy in the beginning, which probably didn't help the relationship with Baby-Mama (BM). But, now its been 4 years into the relationship - 1 of us living together and the issues haven't changed. BM and I have yet to even have a conversation. I don't pick up the kid. I don't answer the door when BM arrives to pick her up. Baby-Daddy (BD) is away for two weeks and the Grandmother is going to pick her up to bring her over. This is partly my fault, I don't want to deal with the drama. I tend to be defensive and when that happens I cry. I don't want to give her the satisfaction of me bursting into tears. I have tried to gently increase my "exposure", I am in the hallway near the door when she arrives. I go with BD sometimes when he picks her up (I stay in the car). I have dropped her off once, but that was just plan wierd. BM was standing in the door way, hunched over with just her head out. When we arrived and she saw the kid get out of the car, she came running out of the house, jumping and swinging her arms around screaming the kids name, and saying, "YOU'RE HOME! YOU'RE HOME" The kid was completely confused, especially when I turned tail and walked back to my car (not my proudest moment) while BM is laughing (insert sinister villian laugh sound track). The kid is asking, "Momm why are you laughing? What's so funny?" Next time the kid comes over she asks me, "Why did you leave so fast? Mommy said you left really fast." Ugh....
To make matters worse, I don't have a lot of respect for BM. I want to... I really do. I want a reasonably acceptable relationship with her. I don't have ridiculous visions of Julia Roberts and Susan Sorandan in StepMom, but something tolerable. I would be ok with being able to manage drop offs and pick ups. But, I can't respect her. She is sarcastic and distant to the kid. She doesn't spend time with her. The kid has told me that, "Mommy is always busy. She is either studying, on the phone or watching her shows." Also, out of the last 3 weekends she was supposed to have the kid, the Kid left the state with the maternal grandmother (MGM), because BM had, "plans". I get that she is young and wants to date, but we have her two weekends a month, isn't that enough time?
Beyond that she uses the kid to meet her own emotional needs, the kid is nearly 6yo and sleeps with Mommy most nights. Not because the kid needs it (she sleeps alone here) but because Mommy needs it (to protect her). They shower together daily too...yeah it freaks me out as well.
We have a strict rule at our home - no one (including guests) are allowed to talk about BM when the kid is in the house. Its challenging though, and I think the kid is starting to figure out we disapprove of Mommy. As we won't let her wear the cheap flipflops the (MGM) buys her. MGM buys all the clothes btw, BM doesn't buy anything. We also don't approve of the clothes they buy her which are typically too small or too short. She is a big girl for her age and wearing skirts that barely cover her ass aren't appropriate. When BD complains to BM or MGM, he gets, "She likes to wear tight clothes." SHE IS 5 FOR GODSAKE - she will wear what is available to her. We buy her size 10 and they send her over in size 7.
So I am in need of help. I have read books but none give me clear guidance as to how to handle this. BD always reminds me I can't expect her to change, which is accurate, but I haven't figured out how.
- Mommy_Dearest's blog
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I am a stepmother and bio
I am a stepmother and bio mother. My children have had 5 or 6 stepmothers with their father, so I have a rather wide range of experience I think.
First, this chld is only 6 years old and I'd wouldn't take everything she says as the way it really happened. For instance, she says her mother is always busy, etc. That may or may not be true. There is nothing wrong witha six year sleeping with her mother. Nothing at all. I don't know about the clothes part. Over the years, when I was a stepmother who always seemed to get the stepchildren deposited on our doorstep with clothes that were either dirty, too small, didnt match, etc. found it was easier to not even unpack their clothes and just send them back as is. I always had spare clohes and shoes they wore at our house they I would not sent back with them. It was always the easier than getting upset, bitching about,etc. Trust me on this, one because i have had more fights and discussions than you can ever know about this clothes issue. It seems to be the standard them with stepkids. Just by an extra set of clothes, dont' say ANYTING about the clothes BM sent and you'll end up happier.
I am a stepmother and bio
I am a stepmother and bio mother. My children have had 5 or 6 stepmothers with their father, so I have a rather wide range of experience fromthe BM and SM side I think.
First, this chld is only 6 years old and I'd wouldn't take everything she says as the way it really happened. For instance, she says her mother is always busy, etc. That may or may not be true. There is nothing wrong witha six year sleeping with her mother. Nothing at all. I don't know about the clothes part. Over the years, when I was a stepmother who always seemed to get the stepchildren deposited on our doorstep with clothes that were either dirty, too small, didnt match, etc. found it was easier to not even unpack their clothes and just send them back as is. I always had spare clohes and shoes they wore at our house they I would not sent back with them. Sometimes they would cry over a favorite shirt or coat and I would let them take those home. It was always the easier than getting upset, bitching about,etc. Trust me on this, one because i have had more fights and discussions than you can ever know about this clothes issue. It seems to be the standard with stepkids. Just buy an extra set of clothes, dont' say ANYTING about the clothes BM sent and you'll end up happier.
Were you the other woman? Just be cordial and nice, but don't like you are nonexistant. Everytime my kids had a NEW stepmom, the first thing I did was be nice to her...because I wanted her to be nice to my kids and always worked. I found out that if I treated her decent, she always treated my kids decent and i dont know why that is so hard for BM to learn. I tried to get Christmas presents for the kids to give her. THIS ALWAYS WORKED....if new stepmama had children, I always got a small present for their birthday for my kids to give them. Small things like this do work.
Good Luck. Always remember that this child is only six and they are easier to deal with rather than a 16 year old. My ex step son lived with us at 6 and now he is 30 and still comes around. You will have an impact on her life more than you know and she will love you.
Look, my hubby dumped me for
Look, my hubby dumped me for another woman and I had hard feelings also. But you can live with bitterness or go with your life and get over it. The last thing I wanted to do with inflict bitterness, anger and hard feelings in my children towards the woman whom i would have to trust to care for them and will be apart of their lives. I don't want my children to feel like that. I may be angry and bitter, but i don't want them to do.
Been there and done that.
Kudos to you, lady. I have
Kudos to you, lady. I have never been in your shoes but I'm not sure I can say, if I were, I would be able to be as strong and mature about it as you.
That being said, I wouldn't waste your wisdom on BlendedFam... she's our local sh!t stirrer,
just to make sure the rest of us don't forget how wonderful she is.
On top of being extremely
On top of being extremely judgmental and cruel, you seem to be forgetting that it takes two to have an affair. It isn't like the BF and BM in this situation had a wonderful, sunshine-y life and the wicked OP came in and brainwashed him away - relationships are intricate and complicated.
Affairs are never a good thing and I am not for a second condoning that behaviour from anyone - that being said, you DON'T know the situation, you don't know what each of them did wrong in their relationship, you don't know if she cheated first, if he cheated first - and therefore it is far from your place to open your trap about a situation you are not part of and that the OP wasn't asking for advice or opinions about.
Not to mention, the OP hasn't confirmed that she was "The Other Woman" and in all reality may have been referring to the BM as the other woman - starting things out in secrecy does not necessarily mean an affair. Dating after a divorce or separation is tough and a huge transition, and not everyone is comfortable shouting their new relationship status from the tops of buildings. Some people need time to ease into it, and there's nothing wrong with that.
Either way, the origins of her relationship with her SO was not where her question was and therefore it isn't your place to interject such cruel and unnecessary commentary.
For someone who consistently speaks as though she's so much higher than everyone else on this site, you sure spend a lot of time on here - you would think you'd be enjoying your picture perfect life, instead.
Mommy Dearest - love your
Mommy Dearest - love your name-! Welcome to ST-!!
I get the idea the 'other
I get the idea the 'other woman' is BM - not that OP was the other woman.
But there have been plenty of people whose relationships started as affairs on here who have lasted as well as to my personal real life knowledge. I haven't done this but I don't judge those who have, usually there are issues that create that situation or they are looking for a way out of the relationship.
If you are there now, take control of your relationship and don't be afraid of BM. She has no more power over you than you give her.
I remember my mom wanted me to sleep with her when I was young and I did but even then I clearly thought it was strange and because she, the adult, did not want to sleep alone (my dad traveled a lot).
She is under no obligation to
She is under no obligation to have any kind of relationship with you at all. She didn't marry nor have kids with you. Her only responsibility is to co-parent with her ex. If you were the other women, you will likely never have any kind of relationship with her. And that's ok. There is nothing wrong with that. We are custodial to my stepkids. They live with us every single day. I make 99.9% of the parenting decisions for all the and step. Yet I have absolutely no relationship with my husband's ex-wife. He is the one who communicates with her. He and I may discuss stuff. But my husband and his ex are the ones who make the final parenting decisions.
And you really need to let go of the petty stuff. Who cares what kind of flip-flops the kid wears? Seriously. Is that really something you want to make an issue about? My kids have a closet full of expensive shoes and sandals. Most of the time they want to wear the 99 cent plastic flip flops because that's what most of the kids are wearing these days.
You are never going to be able to control what clothes mom or grandmother buy her. So let it go. Accept the fact that when you are non-custodial, you don't get a whole lot of say in the day-to-day stuff. You can make yourself crazy worrying about it. Or you can make a decision not to stress out about it.
As for sleeping with mom. Again, why is that a big deal? She is only 6 years old. And even if you think it is a huge issue, there is literally not one thing you can do about it.
And don't fall into the trap of believing everything a child tells you. Heaven only knows what that kid is telling mom about you and your husband. You don't want them believing everything she says about you, do you? Kids embellish, exaggerate, and flat out lie.
I'm not trying to be judgmental or harsh. But I've been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Just trying to save you a lot of stress. You are going to have to learn to let that kind of stuff go. Unless mom is upstairs doing crack off of a pimps belly, there isn't much you can do. Let it go.
naturalmom425, nicely put - I
naturalmom425, nicely put - I agree!!
Where's the darn **LIKE** button when you need it?!?! lol
naturalmom425, just the fact
naturalmom425, just the fact that your BM stays the hell out of your really DO have it made! lol
Same here with NOT using Facebook, etc... I find that my life has enough drama in it from all that is stepparenting related without having to deal with what goes on in the world of Facebook. If I want to communicate with my "friends", I just call them or email them in REAL life.
Same here - I try really hard not to sound "better" than anyone or "holier than thou", but I feel that I do have the gift of inspiring/motivating others and that I try to be as objective as I can with all situations. Same here, it's only because I did so many things wrong (unintentionally) in the beginning of the "step" thing (6 years ago) about a million times before I finally learned that I could CONTROL the level of drama & aggravation in my life. I had to have heart surgery 1 year ago (I'm fine now) and I SWEAR that all the BM/skid/BF drama and stress was a major factor in bringing it all on me!!
When I found Steptalk, I was so relieved to find that there were so many other women out there that had been through the same things I was going through at that time - it literally saved my relationship (not to mention my sanity). It's nice to know that you're not alone in this crazy world of stepparenting, isn't it??
My BF is SOOOOO lucky I love him so much (I say that to him ALLLL the time) - lol
naturalmom, hugs right back
naturalmom, hugs right back to you! You seem like a warm, loving person. Thank you for sharing.
It's funny...don't ask me how I got into this stepparenting world, either!! 6 years ago I was an early-30-something, single, professional, never-been-married, no-biokids woman who NEVER even DATED someone that had been married before - NEVERMIND HAD KIDS!! If you would've asked me back then in 2004 if I would've EVER been in a situation like this, I would've told you that you were NUTS and OUT OF YOUR MIND!!!
Fast forward to 2010 - I love my BF with all my heart (been living together for 2 yrs now & we share 50/50 joint legal & physical custody of SDstb16 & SS12 with his exW/BM) and I cannot imagine my life without him. Honestly, I feel like we were just meant to be.
My problems in the beginning mainly stemmed from our BM - her constant need to create problems where there were none, her lies, her accusations, I could go on and on. I went through her CONSTANT phone calls to my BF during the early years - just like so many others here - that were allegedly "about the kids, nothing more". I knew even back then when it was bullchit and I call bullchit when I see it. Thank goodness over time, my BF handled that situation (eventually ceasing to take her phone calls, letting them go to voice mail and only allowing emails from her and only regarding the skids). The solutions are there - and setting boundaries is SO key. It just takes time - and a HELL of a lot of patience!!
I find that by coming to Steptalk, I am able to sometimes "vent" my frustrations with the daily step issues (BM/skids) and get great advice so that I can handle situations more clearly and productively. It's like everyone here gives me the "tools" to allow me to "fix" my own problems/dilemmas - and then, in turn, I can do the same for others.
You're a lucky woman, naturalmom - it seems like you're on the right path and have this whole crazy step world within your control - and we're lucky to have you here!!
Actually I could've sworn I
Actually I could've sworn I read in an earlier "attempt" at a background blog that "Mrs. Perfect's" H was actually separated and NOT divorced yet when they got together - would'nt that make HER the OW?
I'm NOT judging, I'm just wondering if THAT's where the defensive response in her typical cruel fashion came from on this post? I mean, even when engaging others she simply stated she'd never been "dumped", NOT that she was never the reason someone else got dumped - that might explain taking a comment like that about someone else's situation so personally right? I also know when I brought up my recollection of this information when my own posts were being stalked & I was being attacked by this same poster before, suddenly I was reported to admin for "offensive" posting. Hmmm...
Just a thought. Again, not
Just a thought. Again, not judging, but I was raised with traditional Christian values that taught being with a MARRIED man is ADULTRY, so that piece of paper CAN make a BIG difference. I thought the whole point of "separation" vs. "divorce" is time apart to consider reconciliation, NOT to test the waters on the other side.
However if a man is NOT MARRIED, then technically he is fair game since he's already committing fornication anyway from a religious viewpoint.
Once again, I'm NOT judging anyone here, as I really don't care to police other people's lives, just offering another perspective here.
I'm reading your post as you
I'm reading your post as you were the OW. This is a hot topic for some of us. I originally found this site because my fiance cheated on me and had twins with his ex-girlfriend. No longer in that relationship. I explain that part to give you some perspective on what I'm about to say. None of which is meant to sound judgmental or harsh, but since it's writing and you can't "hear" tone of voice, here goes...
1. Decide for yourself if you carry some guilt or shame in how your relationship came to be. I get the impression from how you started your post that there may be some.
2. Realize that BM is entitled to those bitter feelings she may have. It is very hurtful to be on the other end of this situation. It is easy to assign blame to just the partner in the relationship or the OW from this perspective. It is easy to go back and forth in who you blame. Eventually, hopefully, BM will let go of that or it will eat her alive. But, that takes time, and while four years is kind of a long time, she has to do that in her own time. So, while I'm not excusing any behavior that is anything less than civil adult on her part, give her a tiny bit of slack for that emotion.
3. If you decide you carry some guilt/shame and you feel angry/defensive when you deal with BM, think about if your reactions are really worthwhile reactions or if they are these strong emotions. In other words, as I read in another post this morning, decide which "hills are worth dying on." Flip flops aren't worth it.
4. Let go of what you can't control. This is advice coming from the lady who two weeks ago in therapy said, "I know I'm a control freak. I can't help it. I just wish I could learn how to control it." So, I know ALL about how hard this can be.
But, life is so much more fun when you don't sweat the small stuff that you can't change anyway.
5. No matter what relationship you ever have with your SO or SD, you are not SD's parent. Respect her mom's role. Respect her dad's role. I say this for your relationship with SD. Kids pick up on these things, and parents push these things. That's not to say don't enforce rules or expect respect, but when it comes down to it, you're not the parent.
Welcome. I hope you find what you're looking for.