I don't know if this is an appropriate site for my question. (Long winded!)
I'm not sure I really fit here with this question. I am a stepmom, but not a biomom. I have found answers that maybe haven't helped me fix things in my situation, but have really helped me understand more about it. BM has custody of skids and we never see them. My question is about grieving (I don't know if that's the word for it) the absence of my skids. When I met DH he had full custody of both of them. BM wasn't in the picture at all. I went from no kids to being a mother figure to a 5 year old and an 8 year old, and being DH was working almost 2 hours out of town every day, I was pretty much their caretaker in the mornings and the evenings. It was a huge difficult adjustment for all of us. SS8 at the time wanted nothing to do with me because I wasn't his mom. SD5 at the time LOVED having another girl in the house. We lived this way for nearly 4 years before BM became a consistent part of their lives again and due to what BM claimed the circumstances to be (long ugly story) skids went to live with her. From that time, visitation with DH became a problem, as he wasn't getting any. We went through long ugly court battles and ended up losing. DH suffered terrible depression. He wasn't eating or sleeping and ended up losing his job because of it. That was about 5 years ago. Of course, it was very sad for me too, to lose them, but I can't imagine my feeling of loss was anything close to his. As time has passed, he has come through a lot of it. He was out of work for nearly a year, but has held work since he went back. We've not been through any counseling together or separate, aside from what few times he went with his kids. That was focused on helping them cope with their issues rather than helping him cope with his. He seems to have no interest, or feel like he needs any help in figuring out how to grieve that loss. If he were truly facing it and dealing with it, I wouldn't be concerned, but he seems to think that shutting it out is getting him through. I, on the other hand, think about it constantly. I'm sad about it daily. I miss them terribly, and I know he does too, but he won't talk about it. He just has the attitude that if they don't need them he doesn't need them. I guess it reaches the point you can't change their minds, but I still think he needs to face his sadness and worry and hurt feelings. He won't call them because when he has they haven't answered and they haven't called him back. If I start talking about missing them he makes a statement or two about it and then changes the subject. I NEED to be able to talk to someone about it, and I would LOVE for that person to be him...my husband, who I should be able to discuss anything with. I guess it's just too hard for him.
One of my sisters suggested I see a counselor to help me figure whatever it is I need to figure out to get this out of me. I feel silly, though...an obsessed stepmother who can't let go of the skids who hate her. It makes me feel like I belong in a padded room. So many stepparents can't stand their skids, and I'm not thrilled with the choices mine have made. I'm angry for their selfishness and thoughtlessness toward DH. Granted, BM has taught them everything they know about it, but I do understand that there comes a time for them to be held accountable for their actions and choices. They are now SS16 and SD13. I also have to consider that they are both at very selfish ages, but understand that at the same time age doesn't excuse actions. I have reached a point I truly feel for BM in that raising 2 children alone is a difficult task, however, it's one she took on by choice. I truly love my skids and feel for what they will have to struggle with for the rest of their lives. I don't know what they feel. I come from a very happy, loving, supportive family. My parents have been married 51 years now and love each other more than ever. I've never experienced what DH's kids have experienced. I feel helpless and lost and I just want to fix it. I know I can't, but I feel like I can't stop trying to. If I could get DH and BM to communicate...if I could get skids to understand how much DH & I love them...if I could get skids to understand the regrets they'll end up having down the road by denying themselves a relationship with their dad...I feel like I see so much more as a person not so involved in what's happened in their family.
I guess my question is, would it be crazy for me to go to a counselor by myself to try to fix my sadness, anger, and frustration? It makes me feel stupid for letting my mind get so screwed up with all of it...over kids that aren't even mine!
- stormabruin's blog
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I think what you are feeling
I think what you are feeling is normal. Counseling would help you deal with it better. You are just a good person who got attached and loved your stepkids...it is normal to be sad that they are gone. When I was married to my son's dad..I loved my stepdaughter dearly and really missed her...we still talk and she is 24 now with a baby girl of her own. Hang in there...it will just take some time.
Of course it's not crazy to
Of course it's not crazy to go see a counselor about this! I think that's a great idea. It shows how much you love these kids, even though they've been PASed. Maybe if you start going, you can show DH that he might need to see someone too. I think he's having a little pity party for himself and needs to realize that if he wants a relationship with his kids, he's got to keep trying to get through to them. Does he understand what PAS is?
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
My introduction to PAS was
My introduction to PAS was through this site when I found it just a few months ago. I got the book "Divorce Poison" from the library that very day and read it. I mentioned it to DH and explained the idea behind it. He had questions about it, but never read the book. I wish we'd have been aware of it having a name when this was all going on. We knew she'd been their ears and in their heads, but never knew of it being called anything other than the influence of a shitty mother.
I think DH is just tired of the whole thing, and he's reached a point where he feels it's hopeless.
I guess our best hope at this point is that as they get older and maybe experience real life themselves, maybe they'll feel the desire to know their dad again.
You should go to counseling
You should go to counseling and sort it all out, it wouldn't hurt. You are one wonderful woman. Hopefully your skids will see that one day.
"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus
I can't tell you how nice it
I can't tell you how nice it is to have somebody say that. Thank you.
No you wouldn't be crazy at
No you wouldn't be crazy at all! My heart was breaking reading your story for you, for your DH, and for the skids.
Do the skids live in the same area as you and DH? BM has been denying visitation since she got custody?
"Most couples have not had hundreds of arguments, they've had the same argument hundreds of times."
BM's story: BM came back
BM's story:
BM came back when she found out I was staying there with DH & skids. DH encouraged skids to spend time with her when she wanted it. They resisted at first, but before long, they were attached. She hadn't paid her child support and CS services had already taken her license. They were getting ready to put her in jail. She had DH bring skids to her one weekend and sat them all down. Said she had stage 4 hodgkins and 8 months to live. Naturally, skids were terrified and DH was upset. She'd been out of their lives for almost 6 years and had just come back. She was crying about wanting another chance to be a mother to her children. She was scared of dying in jail, etc. Skids wanted to spend her last 8 months with her, so DH went to CS services and wrote a note wishing to close their case so they wouldn't put her in jail. They went to the school in her district and he registered them there. The agreement was that he would get visitation at least EOW, and there would be no child support. She was living with her mom at the time. They blew off visitation, and he let them to spend time with BM. After a year passed and BM seemed to still be just fine, DH started pressing for some visitation time, and she started saying they didn't want to come. They wanted him to go to the beach with the 3 of them for vacation and wanted DH to move back in with them to be a family again. When he told them it wasn't going to happen, they got mad. DH took BM to court on contempt and she told the judge all 3 of them were terrified of DH and the kids didn't want to be around me. DH was ordered to take a parenting course, and he went back to court again. Then, the appointed Guardian Ad Litem told the judge that the kids had told her they were scared of him and he had a bad temper, so he was ordered to take anger management. He went back one more time and by then the judge had determined they were old enough to decide whether or not they wanted to participate in supervised visitation and of course, they've chosen not to. As far as her thing with the cancer, we got a letter from her lawyer stating that she never had stage 4 hodgkins, nor did she ever claim to. The living arrangements changed simply because the kids wanted to live with BM. DH showed this letter to SS13 at the time, and his reply was, "Mom told the lawyer she didn't have it because it was none of their business". So, that's how the custody change took place.
Wow stormabruin - just wow.
Wow stormabruin - just wow. I'm so sorry. ((((HUGS)))) Yes, get into counseling, and maybe after a few sessions you can invite DH to come along if he decides to go.
"Most couples have not had hundreds of arguments, they've had the same argument hundreds of times."
Thank you all for your
Thank you all for your support. I felt like an out-of-control control freak, because it's consumed me. What a great place for support. Thank you again.![Smile](https://prod-cdn-1.ststatic.com/sites/all/modules/contrib/smiley/packs/kolobok/smile.gif)
Holy crap.
Holy crap.
I second that. She's a
I second that. She's a dirty low life. She's going to get whats coming to her.
DH keeps telling me that, &
DH keeps telling me that, & I want to believe it, but it seems the dirtier she gets, the farther ahead she comes out. Skids seem to feel like she's "saved" them from their father-the father who stayed with them and loved and cared for them when she didn't want to. I don't get it.
God gives bread to the
God gives bread to the teethless one...
LOL, no for real, your story is so sad, it is sad because you truly care about them and you don't see them and they don't want you. Your husband's heart is probably soooo broken :(.
Have you thought about the idea of having a baby of your own, it might make you two feel "better" and mend his heart a little bit by having a baby that he can raise, and see.
"I will die on my feet before I live on my knees"
Chances of him having more
Chances of him having more kids isn't good. He was "fixed" after his daughter was born. We have spoken with a few doctors about it and have discussed it together. Between the heartbreak he has felt with the 2 he has and the money it would cost for us to even be able to try compared to the likliness of the procedure working...we've just decided it best we don't. If there were a guarantee, or even a good chance of it working for us, I think we would. He isn't over-the-top about trying, but would because he knows how much it would mean to me. I just don't know, after the loss we have experienced now, that either of us could deal with failure in trying.