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Thetis's picture

Anyone got any productive and safe ways to teach a 3 1/2 year old to be quiet in the morning? I don't think duct tape would work.

My tummy has been bugging me and yesterday was a long day. We had alot of fun but it was very tiring. So I ask Dh if he could keep Munchkin quiet when they get up in the morning. He says he'll try. So I wake up to squealing (you know that playful ear splitting squeal that girls have?) at 830am. I think I got 4 hours sleep last night between running to the bathroom because of my tummy, running to the bathroom because of Nudger kicking my bladder and well just being kicked.

I know kids will be kids, but I'm wondering if anyone has had any success getting the little ones to be quiet in the mornings? Or is this just something I'm going to have to get used to?


smith21's picture


Thetis's picture

lol Yup that could have worked!
I think its the whole getting up, using the bathroom and getting dressed that presses on Dh though. He can't seem to do it without a tickle fight or something.

herewegoagain's picture

I know my munchkin was usually quiet, but he slept w/us and stayed quiet until we were up...I have a friend whose son wakes up at 6am and someone always has to wake up w/him...I think that watching tv & setting up a morning routine is going to be your best bet...

newlymarried's picture

Spongebob always works for us! my 4 year old ss is the same way and it drives me nuts. Even on the weekends that i have an opportunity to sleep in I can't! He never shuts up! I MEAN NEVER from the time he opens his eyes in the mornings to when he goes to bed at night. even talks to himself when we try and ignore him! But usually a glass of milk and spongebob do the trick for a little while at least. and with him i take every quiet moment i can get!GOOD LUCK