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rjs1069's picture

So I am new to this site and thought i would say hello and tell everyone my situation. I have a stepson who is 7. We have a wonderful relationship. I love him to pieces, he means the world to me. We are very close and i have never looked at him like a "stepson". My husband and i have had a rough road but finally seem to be figuring it all out and are doing great. The BM is a complete bitch and psycho. to be blunt! We live in MA and it is very hard to get custody from a mother when the 2 were not married and we have sunk close to $10,000.00 into it and have had to stop. We dont and cant put any more money into it right now. SS has moved 8 times in the past 4 years.(w/ his BM) Gone to countless different schools has seen many boyfriends in and out of his mothers house. And boy does she have it out for me! She cannot stand me at all. When i first started dating my husband i tried to extend an olive branch and be the bigger person and be nice and whatnot. That did not work, still doesnt to this day. I am not mean or rude to her but Now we dont utter 2 words to one another. It is bad and very sad. I refuse to let her get to me, although with some of her childish behaviors its hard not to. If i see my SS out somewhere and he is with BM he is not allowed to say hi to me or hug me, he will get in trouble. She even once gave him plastic silverware to use at my house and she told my SS that he is not to use the silverware that I use because i have germs.I have been dealing with these types of situations for 6 years now and they are getting easier and easier to laugh at with each passing day. However, my heart breaks for my SS. He is constantly being torn emotionally at how he feels for me and what his mom wants him to feel towards me. I know he feels very strongly for and about me but has to hide it. To the point where over the winter he had a Christmas concert and his mother was not letting him say hi to me. As soon as she left the area to go congratulate her niece he came up and said "quick my mom's not around give me a hug" and he wrapped his arms around me. He makes all the heartbreak worth it. Us stepmothers and even stepfathers dont have an easy life. I enjoy hearing positive situations because they are so far and few between. As long as you as a person can go through a role as a step parent and can honestly say that you have done everything you can for your step child(ren) and have done nothing to cause problems for your child, husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend (etc) or YOURSELF and have treated everyone in the situation with a smile and are cordial then congratualtions and give yourself a huge pat on the back because you are doing it, you are doing the right thing. And you can go through life telling yourself and everyone around you, including your children when they are older that you did everything in your power to make the best of the situation given to you. And they will love you for it. They will respect you for it and learn from you.


vgill's picture

I hope that you always feel that way about your stepson. I hope that your future with your new family is a happy one, you are fortunate to have a ss who is young and can love you without a Bm's hatred interfereing!

LotusFlower's picture

Welcome rj!!!.....your story sounds very similar to mine in the my DH has custody of his children and they live with us 24/7....I have a great relationship with my skids because I always treated them with respect and I tried to always be understanding when they were being torn to pieces by the BM....stay true to who u and yur Dh are and yur SS will ALWAYS know u are/were there for skids were told to hate me, they would walk thru fire to save me, all because I loved them no matter what their BM tried to do to sabotage our relationship....yur SS is so lucky to have u, and I look forward to sharing stories in the future :)...always try to remember where the negative influence is coming helps so much!!

A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....

Kb3Hooah's picture

Welcome RJ Smile
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Kb3Hooah's picture

I don't see the humor in that - I think it's wonderful she has such a great relationship with her skid and hopefully that relationship will continue even into his teenage years.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

LotusFlower's picture

ya know steperg...I have held my tongue with you....but all you do is breed negativity around here....why don't u go start a site somewhere for SMs or whoever u are who just want to be SS is 16 and adores me....know why?...I always respected him and treated him fairly....maybe if u have such problems with yur skids, you should look in the mirror....

A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....

unhappy2happy's picture

Steperg, I am new to this site also, and I do not see the humor in that remark either. Let alone the LOL at the end of your post.. You can't be the same person that keeps saying you will pray for others are you??? If you are you are the one that needs our prayers.

RJ, Welcome to this site I am happy that you have such a good relationship with your little guy, and look forward to your stories. I will tell you I have gotten some great advise and have met some wonderful mothers step or not.

Good Luck

P>S> Sorry I just could not keep myself from responding to what I felt was a snide remark, I guess it was harder than I thought.

Stick's picture

Steperg - I have been reading your posts and so far, I think the ratio of an off the cuff somewhat nasty remark vs. true help seems to be at about 5:1... meaning for every 5 posts of yours I read.... 5 are just .. I don't know what... and 1 is helpful.

I am curious.

Either you are completely unhappy and victimized in your own home life so you enjoy coming here and wielding some "invisible power" to stir people up because you can't do it at home..


You think you are being helpful and we are just not "getting it"


You don't realize how crude and rude you sound because there is no "tone" online and we can't hear you so we don't know if you're just joking


You are just being a jerk. Not caring if you help or hurt someone. You are just saying whatever the hell you feel like.

I would say I couldn't care less what your motivation is. But I think that's not true, since I am responding to you. Curiousity could kill the cat, I suppose.... or just make me bored. I kind of have come to the conclusion that you are not going to be helpful most of the time.

And I'm not trying to be mean or debate you... but someday maybe you'll see to enlighten us all on WHY you are always posting at "arms-length".

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

hayuh's picture

RJ, I am new here also, but have been lurking for awhile. I love hearing your story, because your situation sounds a lot like mine. My BM is extremely manipulative of SS5. I love him like he is my own son, and have always treated him as if he was my own. I have always been respectful of his BM and their relationship, and the fact that she is his BM. We have always had a great relationship, and I know he loves me, both as a mother figure, and a friend. My "baby mamma" / BM, has for the most part always tried to manipulate him to dislike, disrespect, and ignore me. She is always chirping in his ear, saying bad things about me, and trying to keep us apart, and manipulate how he feels ab me. It has been very difficult for me at times, both emotionally, and stress wise with all of the antics she has pulled over the years(I will make another blog about that later).

My SO is in the military, and is frequently deployed. While he SO is on deployments, BM refuses to let any family members, including myself, see SS5. SO and BM, have joint 50/50 custody. Being as deployments can often be lengthy, you would think a normal person would understand that for a 5 year old to have their father essentially disappear (because she refused to let SS5 see his father off for the deployment, because it happened to be on her day, saying that it was to traumatic), is hard enough, that you would want some sort of normalcy maintained for them - that being, best case scenario, maintain regular visitation with myself, or his parents, and worst case scenario, he would at least be allowed to see or talk to them. None of the following happened. The most he saw of anybody on SO side of the family is myself. Twice, shockingly. BM let me come over to her house to see him, and when I was ready to leave, SS5 starting crying as I was holding him, saying he didn't want me to leave him, and he wanted to go with me - all the while clinging to me. The most heartbreaking thing I have ever had to do in my life thus far is gently pry him off of me and look into his crying eyes and tell him I can't take him with me. BM is just telling him to stop crying and eventually takes him from me as he is reaching out for me crying and telling me he wants to go with me. And I had to walk away from him - tears rolling down my face. I felt like I let him down, like I abandoned him when he needed me. Don't get me wrong, am very grateful, for whatever reason that possessed her to let me see him, but I felt helpless. I knew how much he loved me at that moment and how much he missed me, and everybody else. I can only imagine what all she put him through then, and what she continues to put him through today.

I take SS5 to school in the mornings on S0's days, I help him with his homework,feed him, bathe him, read to him, play with him,tickle him, spoil him on occasion, and discipline him when he needs it as well. Not to say that SO does not do these things as well, he is an incredible father and takes equal part in all of the care of SS5. I also get attitude, and spurts of ignoring me, I am not called, Mom, I get the cold shoulder sometimes, and often he will tell me that "my Mom told me not to __________" or "my Mom doesn't do that", or " my Mom does this better." SS5 loves his mom, and she means the world to him. Sometimes it is hard for me to watch. But I always, always, always tell him how much I love him, and let him know that he means the world to me. I understand that it is not his fault she is a bit crazy, and does or says the the things she does. All SS5 does is love. Eventually, he will figure things out for himself and see the way she is.

So ... sorry Rj, for the long post, I didn't mean to hi-jack your blog, but I loved your story, so I started typing and couldn't stop.

Stick's picture

Welcome RJS - Your story sounds so familiar. If I could just offer you some hope... don't listen to Steperg or some others. If you keep doing what you are doing - and be honest - with your SS .. he will grow up and see how f*cked up his mom truly is for doing that to him.

It's not that I would wish that on any child. But it is BM's problem, not yours and not your SS's. He will grow up to see that she is being mean and selfish. As he gets older and becomes more independent, he will not be afraid to show his love for you. Unfortunately, BM could push her own son away from her by her own insecurity.

Over here, and on the advice of SD's therapist, when DH and I were faced with things like that - we were instructed to let SD know that it wasn't her fault and that it was okay and that we understood. We also were to let her know that we didn't agree with it, but we couldn't trash BM at the same time. It's a very very tricky walk, let me tell you.

But... if you can make SS feel secure, while also affirming his feelings that what his BM is doing isn't right (without "trashing" BM) you guys will come out on top.

HUGS.... Stay strong. Hopefully, eventually BM will grow up and stop doing this... in the meantime... keep doing what you are doing!! Smile

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

Rags's picture


Welcome, I hope you find our community to be a good place to vent, contribute and pick up some useful perspective from others who are dealing with similar issues.

I like your attitude and your dedication to your family and your Skid. He will need your held and his Dad's help to deal with his BMs toxic vitriolic crap.

Best regards,

Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)

rjs1069's picture

Wow! Thank you all for the warm welcome! I am so excited to be here, and find a place that I can vent to, cry, laugh, share, give advice, get advice etc. This place is great! I have a great family, in-laws and friends but I don't want to always turn to them with questions, issues or be upset. After 6-7 years of it, it might get under their skin a bit possibly. So to be able to go somewhere where people go thru the same thing nd can easily understand what I'm going thru is such a comfort and a relief. I hope its not as addicting as facebook though! Haha! Thank you all for the kind words and support! Its good to see so many people make the best of their situations when it may not always be good or great. Looking forward to all this website has to offer Smile

rjs1069's picture

Wow! Thank you all for the warm welcome! I am so excited to be here, and find a place that I can vent to, cry, laugh, share, give advice, get advice etc. This place is great! I have a great family, in-laws and friends but I don't want to always turn to them with questions, issues or be upset. After 6-7 years of it, it might get under their skin a bit possibly. So to be able to go somewhere where people go thru the same thing nd can easily understand what I'm going thru is such a comfort and a relief. I hope its not as addicting as facebook though! Haha! Thank you all for the kind words and support! Its good to see so many people make the best of their situations when it may not always be good or great. Looking forward to all this website has to offer Smile