OT: Mind Blowing Quantum Physics
Holy Heck! A friend just lent me the follow up movie to "What the Bleep Do We Know?" called, "What the Bleep? Down the Rabbit Hole" and it is something that everyone should watch. It's a lay person-friendly movie about our world from the Quantum Physics perspective. It's amazing and life changing and will change your view of the world forever. I found it to be completely fascinating and really applicable to my relationship with my skids and my anger and frustration with my BM. It really shows that science has proven that we create/influence our own realities and lives and changing our attitudes can change our lives.
There is a part about that shows that particles act a certain way in experiments, but then when the exact same experiment is done, with no difference except that an observer is thrown in and the particles act differently!!! Seriously! That means that particles, pieces of matter, act differently when they are watched!! Everything in our world is made up of particles, including us, and so as observers we are changing and creating our world just by observing it.
Also, in our brains, our synapses fire constantly and when we have negative thoughts our synapses fire between nerve cells and those nerve cells become wired together and form a long term relationship. They continue to fire together and produce a negative chemical that is released into the body. If you break your negative thoughts, you can make the nerve cells fire differently and those negative connections break and you form new relationships with other nerve cells that fire with synapses and release positive chemicals, such as dopamine, into the body and the new nerve connections form long term relationships that increase positive thought.
If you can get your brain to fire using positive thoughts and form good nerve connections, this affects how you observe your world and reality. It is scientifically proven that positive thought as an observer can actually change your life and reality. You are actually creating a more positive world for yourself and your loved ones.
Another fascinating part of this movie is a part about water studies first done in Japan and now done all over the world, with the same results. What the Japanese scientists did was to take ordinary distilled water and put them in clean, sterile containers and have Buddhist Monks give them blessings and direct specific thoughts towards the jars of water (which were kept completely separate from each other). One jar was left as it was, just ordinary water. For one of the jars, the monks thought of the phrase "Thank you" and directed gratitude towards the jar. For another jar, they aimed love and loving thoughts at it. For another jar they thought about hate and killing. They wrote these words on the jars as well. They then studied the different jars of water under microscopes and saw that the plain distilled water had a simple crystal pattern. The Thank you jar had formed a beautiful and intricate snowflake crystal pattern. The Love jar also formed an incredibly beautiful and complicated crystal pattern. In contrast, the Hate and Killing jar didn't form a complete crystal at all and had a hideous, malformed and messed up crystal pattern. They were stunned by these results and then repeated the experiment many times. They also did studies where they didn't have anyone think thoughts towards the water, except for writing the words on the jar and they got the same results!!!! This is a hugely significant experiment for people, because we are mostly made up of water!!!! If our thoughts and intentions can change and create beautiful or malformed changes in water then think about what all of our daily thoughts are affecting ourselves and each other!!!!!!!
There is so much more in this movie that I haven't mentioned. So much cool stuff! I will seriously be thinking about all this stuff for a long, long time. I would highly recommend for everyone who can get a hold of a copy to watch it!!!! It really makes me think about how my own attitudes about my step-life, my husband, family, skids and the BM have created certain situations and how if I change my outlook I can create a better, more peaceful and productive future. All of our thoughts affect each other and our separate realities touch each other and cause interference, but we can still project positivity and happiness into our own and others lives. I still believe in venting negative energy, because I think all feelings are natural and as mature adults it is our responsibility to find a non-harmful way to express our negative feelings and thoughts. Venting is healthy and normal, but I think it should be done with the intention of getting the feelings out so that it doesn't affect the remainder of our days. This site is perfect for that!
Anyway, I am blown away by this movie and I thought it might be of interest to a lot of you guys. I can definitely apply a lot of the stuff to my own life and other than that, it is just plain old fascinating!!! I love physics (although I suck at the math!) and am fascinated by quantum physics especially. This movie is a highly understandable explanation of quantum physics. It's even appropriate for kids and I am going to make sure my skids get a chance to watch it. We have family movie night every friday that we have the skids and I know what our movie is going to be next friday!
- StepMadre's blog
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I saw that years ago. My
I saw that years ago. My favorite part is the water studies. It is definitely worth seeing. I may rent that this weekend to show DH.
"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus
Is this similar to what Dr.
Is this similar to what Dr. Wayne Dyer writes about in his book "The Power of Intention?" It seems to be the same concept...
Sounds really interesting!
Sounds really interesting! I wrote the titles down and look forward to checking these out! Thanks!
p.s. I am sending positive, loving, successful, thoughts - your way. ; )
I find this fascinating. In
I find this fascinating. In fact, I've taken these principles and applied them to manifesting what I want in my own life. I've manifested a great job, several homes, my fiance (be careful what you ask for), and my education. All from sitting down, quieting my mind, and focussing intently on what it is I want, then following my intuition for doing what was necessary to bring them about.
Once I tried an informal experiment to see if this was actually working. Every day for a week, I'd quiet my mind and meditate on a symbol. I chose a red key. I would visualize this red key every day for 10 minutes. I'd imagine holding it, turning it in my mind, and simply seeing it. About a week later, I was at my parents' house where they were babysitting my little nephews. One of the kids yelled out, "HEY! What is this RED KEY for???" It turned out to be a plastic snow scraper that, when turned sideways, looked exactly like a key. Not a perfect result but close enough to let me know I was on to something.
Since then, I've applied this to many areas of my life. Thanks for the reminder. It's time I got cracking on manifesting some solutions in our family.
By the way, my daughter tried the water experiment here at home, but it wasn't a controlled experiment because she used two different types of container. I intend to purchase some identical glasses so she can repeat it. Fun!
Thanks for the comments,
Thanks for the comments, guys! I'm psyched that you all are interested in this stuff too!!!
SBSteve, I see your perspective, but even though The Secret was really cheesy, these movies are designed with regular, non-scientist people in mind and they are intended to be easily understood. The Secret had good points, but wasn't created by scientists. Down the Rabbit Hole does have solid science behind it and quantum physicists have always been refuted because the results they have gotten are so shocking and challenge Newtonian Physics. If they described the dry and complicated math and science behind it and didn't present it in a regular-person friendly way, no one would watch it or understand it. It's true that these concepts have been around for decades, but they haven't been put in an easily understandable format until recently. I actually asked a few of my scientist friends about the science behind this and they all backed it up. My best friend is a Physics major working on her doctorate at Dartmouth and she backed up the science and agrees with the movie. I also asked my uncle who is a nuclear physicist for Lawrence Livermore National Lab, which works in conjunction with NASA and the Department of Defense and he also backed it up. He's been studying this stuff for thirty years and really knows his stuff. I have various friends that have degrees in physics (I didn't realize until now how many people in the the physics field I knew, lol!) and they were all fascinated with this movie and agreed with the scientists and theologians that were interviewed. Also the water studies are real and have been described and presented in other documentaries and books. The double slit experiment with the particles and the observer are also very real and highly documented and accepted by mainstream science. You don't need a quantum physicist to help you to come to basic conclusions. Like Selkie, many people have used these principles to manifest a positive, life that is created by positive thought and energy. The power of positive thought (and the placebo effect) and belief has been documented by both scientists and experienced by lay people. You don't have to be kooky and New Age to embrace positive thought and intentions. At the end of the movie, they give the educational backgrounds and affiliations of the people interviewed and although a couple of them are not scientists, the rest are respected scientists and doctors affiliated with respected and accredited universities and companies. I don't know why people believe that the scientists aren't reputable? Anyone with doubts can watch the end of the movie, or google the scientists in the film to see for themselves what their educations and affiliations are. Any person with a basic level of intelligence can come to their own conclusions when learning about some of the scientific studies presented in this movie.
I just encourage everyone to watch it and come to your own conclusions and get what you can out of it. Hopefully it will be as fascinating, helpful and inspiring for you as it was for me. My H and I are actually throwing a Down the Rabbit Hole party and serving quantum ice cream and rabbit hole cocktails.
We have a projector and a giant screen and plenty of squashy chairs and couches for our friends. The perfect environment to have your mind blown.
"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they will kill you." ~Oscar Wilde
I can watch the Al Gore
I can watch the Al Gore movie about Global Warming and believe it is so. That doesn't make it real though. I believe anything can be made to seem real by 'scientists' and the opposite can always be proven by another set of 'scientists'.
All very interesting stuff though. I'm not knocking anything... I am sure the power of positive thinking adds great benefits to one's life...I really should try it more. But I do think that most of this stuff is a bunch of hokey pokey nonsense. Just my 2 cents.
Well, to each their own. No
Well, to each their own. No worries, it doesn't bug me if other people don't agree with me. The Al Gore movie is a perfect example for a point I would like to make. For many important current events, there are a slew of movies in reaction, some high quality, some low quality. Al Gore is just one person putting a movie out there about his perspective of a global temperature phenomena that is being studied all over the world and by a variety of scientists, ecologists, environmentalists and politicians. Just because Al Gore put out a movie that may or may not contain truth, doesn't mean that Global Warming isn't a genuine scientific phenomena of concern to everyone. Also, I should point out that anyone who personally knows a variety of scientists will know that they hardly ever agree on anything! They argue worse than BMs fighting over a doughnut. They can present a topic that they believe in, but it doesn't take one divine scientist to "make it true," what usually happens instead is that various scientists will support and add their names to scientific studies that they believe in or not.
Whatever the quality of the Down the Rabbit Hole movie, and that can be debated with some people scoffing and others believing, the science behind it is very real. It's called Quantum Physics and you can major in this in college. The majority of it is not about hoky new age crap, it's about physics. Since we live our lives ruled by physical laws, the results of the studies do have strong implications for us. The film was designed and presented in a way that was intended to capture the imagination of kids and non-scientific people and the info is presented in a lay-person friendly way, so as to be easily understood but might turn off people who want textbook style physics info. The word "Science" comes from the Latin root "Scio," which means, "to learn." Scientists aren't Gods who say that this is so and thus it is. They are just people who are curious about the world and decide to devote their life to learning. Some of the same studies were presented to me when I took Physics as an undergrad and the random number generator experiment was conducted at Princeton, an Ivy League school. I could ramble on and on and point out this stuff that seems obvious to me. Down the Rabbit Hole is a movie designed to spark your interest in learning about Quantum Physics, not a P.hD thesis being presented at Cambridge. The science behind it is solid-anyone can look up the studies shown in the movie on their own.
I think the single most important thing in relation to all this is to watch things that make you think, spark your creativity, challenge your beliefs and make you enthusiastic and curious about learning. If it takes watching Al Gore yammering on about Global Warming (I just have a problem with his chin. and his voice) or watching an educational, family friendly movie on quantum physics then go for it! You can think all the science in it is wrong and it might spur you to study it on your own and come to your own conclusions. I think with all of these movies, and with learning in general, the intention is always and should always be that the viewer think on his or her own and come to his or her own conclusions. You don't have to buy one viewpoint just because it's presented well, you can think about things and make up your mind for yourself. Anyway, I think Physics and especially Quantum Physics are some of the most exciting and fascinating fields in science. Also on a final note, Quantum Physics scientists are used to being scoffed at, just as the scientist who discovered the earth wasn't flat was laughed out of his job.
Anyway, thanks for the comments everybody! All comments always welcome! Peace
"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they will kill you." ~Oscar Wilde