Ok.... I have been posting here for awhile now. I try to offer up advice and support where I can. I usually try to refrain from judging or anything.
But Yet, I post blogs and barely get responses. Is it because its not interesting enough? Because I am not bashing anyone? I don't get it. I thought originally it was because I was a newbie, but now I am not.
It seems like only blogs that stir the pot get the most responses. I'm sure this won't get any responses either. Just needed to vent.
- GiGi222's blog
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I have noticed this
I have noticed this too.
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
Wow honey, I am really sorry
Wow honey, I am really sorry if you're being ignored. that's terrible!! I try to give everyone help when I can but sometimes I just don't have anything to add or can't think of anything helpful to say. I'm sorry you're not getting the feedback you deserve.
Also wanted to add that even though I've been here a while...I still post things that barely get a response, a lot of what I post gets passed by most people. Sometimes people just don't know what to say, others just can't stand me
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
G, I try my best to read and
G, I try my best to read and keep up to date with everyone I have become close to (you included!) and who are on my buddylist (those are easy to keep up with since those blogs are listed at the bottom of the screen)
I know you need to work things out honey and need some advice in order to help you to do so. I hope I was helpful atleast in some way!!
(((hugs))) girl! You know you can always PM me anytime.
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
I'm sorry too Giana... I do
I'm sorry too Giana... I do try to read everything but sometimes I just feel like I have nothing to offer in the way of help or advice. I shall try to make it a point to be better at acknowledging situations!
Giana, I know that with me,
Giana, I know that with me, I tend to only respond to things that I a) feel very strongly about; b) actually have some experience about or some advice to give; or c) if I have neither, sometimes I'll just respond with a "I feel for you" if I sense that the person is really hurting. And then, I do try to pay extra attention to people on my buddylist, though I'm not always so good about that.
If it's any consolation, I generally don't get much of a response on the blogs about my own life, either. I more get them if I'm polling someone's opinion. I don't know. I think that if you write a blog where you really need input, it's a good idea to write "help, please!" in the subject line. There's so much to read on here, it's easy to get lost in the shuffle.
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
I'm sorry too Giana....I try
I'm sorry too Giana....I try to respond to the posts where I think I have some experience or can give some inspiration....I think sometimes we all just tend to get caught up in the posts that we are passionate about....but I'll try harder...its just that some posts, I really feel like I don't have much input.... I agree with yur perspective alot and am sorry u feel this way....
A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....
It happens to everyone. It
It happens to everyone. It may be that those who have established real life friendships on here, find it easier to keep up with each other. No one was commenting much on my blogs til my life fell apart as of late. And even now, since I stopped posting much about it I don't get too many comments.
I do think the controversial subjects/headings get too much attention.
I haven't been on as much either b/c I don't feel I can offer up much advice right now since my life is in shambles.
Giana I'm sorry you feel
Giana I'm sorry you feel that way. As much as I love it here, sometimes this site does remind me of being back in high school and I'm not one of the kids that's too different for the cool kids to acknowledge. I won't let that stop me from posting though. I hope that doesn't cause you to stop posting either.
The stir the pots posts you mentioned are naturally going to get the most attention. From what I've read your fiancee is very good to you, and his kids aren't that bad. Your life isn't as full of drama, and you're not dealing with some of the horrible issues as some others on here. That's a good thing.
"There comes a time when you have to surrender the idea of what your children could be to the reality of who they are."
Hi Giana...join the club.. I
Hi Giana...join the club.. I usually get 2-3 responses for anything I've written... perhaps Im not that interesting..or my posts not that desperate (More I'm just ranting).. but you know, I'm personally ok with this... just putting pen to paper.. or finger to keyboard makes me feel better... it's still a great way to get things off my chest. I'm laughing a little at Stories by Steve's post.. perhaps if you really want a lot of responses your Headline should always be about sex! "I Love Bondage", "My husband had sex with".. haha sorry I'm tired...and I found that funny... if it makes any difference to you... I read a lot of your posts... but I feel like if I don't have anything intelligent to say, or anything to offer your situation..I stay mum.
Most times I will read but
Most times I will read but not post. As others have said, if I dont have anything constructive to offer I wont really post. I also wont post if others have already posted what I was going to post. I feel there is no reason to just post and say "me too" or some other random nothing.
Giana - I am sorry .. I
Giana - I am sorry .. I have been in a weird head ... so my inability to respond to some has something to do with me personally right now.
Having said that... sometimes I just don't know what to say... or someone else has already said it. And since I am sometimes too wordy I think, I try not to bombard someone.
I apologize.
You have my attention!!
And please don't ever feel the need to not PM me, if I can ever help.
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
I post on most blogs that I
I post on most blogs that I read, the problem is sometimes they are way TOO LONG...I know I've been guilty too, but for my own input...I can relate to almost everyone one here in some way or another so I usually have something to say, but if there is a long backstory or too many long responses, I just can't take the time to read it all. I've offended people by missing comments and asking questions that were answered in some way that I didn't see, so I dunno, I definitely don't cherry pick on things or for certain people....just identify more with some than others.
You and I became members
You and I became members about the same time, right around the Ivillage shitstorm. I was offering advice like mad but then realized that by me recreating my negative feelings were doing more bad than good in the step world. I can't spend the day on here and then disconnect, my brain won't work that way. Also, by the time I get thru a thread that I really feel passionate about, it has already been said over and over and I feel silly adding more of the same drivel hours later.
I know that when I come on here, I go to the threads with the most drama in the title even if the rest of it isn't as drama filled. So next time you have something really important you need help in it....put something related to BM and death, DH or BF cheating, or SKIDS anything bloody or mean. That'll get them going.
Plus I have found long lost cousins and friends on Facebook and now can't stay off of it for more than an hour
Gianna, One thing I have
Gianna, One thing I have noticed is it seems to matter what time of day I post. On weekends I don't get much response but on Monday morning I seem to get alot more. Seems like there are alot of people on between 9-1 eastern time. Hope this helps
I agree with you. I also
I agree with you. I also agree it has to do with the time of the day. Sometimes in the middle of the day everyone is posting blogs at the same time, and so they move down pages quickly.