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bm doesn't respect me

bendetti21's picture

so I am still a girlfriend about to be a SM. and the BM doesn't understand she need to respect me. i respect her as her daufhter's mother, but as a person she is stupid and most of the time as a mom shes the same. but she doesn't think i have a say. my Fiance ,the BF, keeps telling her to respect me as part of the kids life. but she thinks my opinions and decisions do not matter. i don't know how to get this through her head. in her house her new husband doesn't want any part of his SD life. But in our house, i do. I have complete say as if i was her mom. on most days i'm the main parent figure. So what should i do about her and her idiotic dramafests?


RustyHalo's picture

I hate to tell you this, but this may never change.

I am also the main parent in my house most of the time and I have figured out that BM will never respect me, my opinions, or my decisions, but as long as the skids respect me in my home - all is well.

**my stepdaughters did not grow in my tummy, they grew in my heart**

mumzy79's picture

There is nothing you can do. Let FH handle any changes, items to be discussed. BM will not change EVER!!! I understand that you are a parental figure in your home, but she will never value your input. Okay a small sliver of a chance, but doubtful. Sorry, the earlier I learned this the better.

soverysad's picture

Don't worry about her dramafests, they say more about her than they do you. She won't change. You can only worry about your reaction to her. Do what you do in your home and ignore what she does in hers. It is the only way you'll keep your sanity.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

stepmom2one's picture

This is how it works (IMHO) the BF and SM discuss and make decisions. The BM and SF (usually) discuss and make decisions. BF tells BM what "he" decided and BM tells him what "she" decided.

To tell BM that you get a say is not what you should be doing. Who cares what she thinks? You and BF make your decisions at your home....he can tell BM it is his choice or "our" choice.

In my situation this is how it goes. When BM asks me or H a question we say "let me confirm with DH/SM". BM does the same "let me confirm with SF". No one takes offense and realizes that families make decisions not one single individual. BM wasn't always this way, she was like your SD BM. She may come around, I never thought BM would.

Shell97's picture

That's how it works with us. BM & SF discuss any issues and DH & I discuss them and then BM & DH make the final decision based on everyone's input. But the BM I deal with use to not be like that. BM would constantly tell DH that I(SM) have no say in what happens with their (BM & DH) kids. But after years of DH telling BM that whether she likes it or not, I(SM) do have a say....because 9 times out of 10 what they (BM & DH) were discussing affected me. And DH isn't stupid, he knew that BM was discussing it with SF before calling DH about it. But it has taken almost 10 years for BM to realize that I am not going anywhere and that in DH & I's home, I am the main caretaker of their girls and their (BM & DH) decisions affect me.

So discuss it with BF and tell him how you feel. Tell him that you & him make together make the decisions for your home and that when BM has a question....have him respond to her "I need to think about it and I'll get back to you." Then BF will have a chance to discuss it with you and then after the 2 of you have made a decision...he can call BM back and say "This is what I or We have decided." After doing that for a while....BM will hopefully catch on that BF & you have to discus everything first because their (BF &BM) decisions affect you too.

Hope that helps. Good luck!!

kidsaplenty's picture

Here is something that will make your life a whole lot happier. She does not NEED to respect you or believe your opinions matter. That is a need you may have but not one she has. Legally your opinions do not hold any weight. In your home they can hold whatever weight you and your fiance decide. The only 2 people that legally have a say about decisions with that child is their parents. Now, hear me right. I'm not saying it wouldn't be nice if everyone was amicable but don't wear yourself ragged waiting for that. You and your spouse need to respect each other and both have a say in to things that effect your life. He can then do all the communicating and present 'his (even if his is a combination of what you and he have decided)' part of the parenting choice to his x, like others have said. Don't put your energies into something that may never happen (trying to make her respect you). Put them into having a happy home right where you are.

herewegoagain's picture

I think you need to understand the difference between a parental figure and and ADULT figure...and no, my husband's child in my home will not be treated by me as if I were her parent, but rather as ANY OTHER ADULT that she must respect...If she goes anywhere where there are adults, she must respect the rules of that home and of the adults of that house, same goes in ours...whether she wants to see me in another way, that's on her...

Angel37's picture

Bendetti, you have to EARN that respect. It sounds to me as if you are pushing your way into the parenting and that's really just going to raise her hackles more. You need to step back, let your FH know your opinions in private and then let HIM deal with Mom. Not you. You have lots of say in your home, but outside of it, nope.

Now, that's not to say that if you back off a bit and don't be so pushy that she might be able to give you some of that respect. But you can't just demand the just doesn't work that way.

My ex's ex girlfriend was very pushy. She undermined me at every.single.opportunity...she thought she has more rights to my children than I do....things got ugly. The girlfriend that he has now is the complete opposite. She's amazing...she's always respecting boundaries and because of that, I'm more likely to let her cross those boundaries. She has earned my respect through respecting me and treating my children well. She didn't just demand my respect just because she's the gf.

I'm not trying to be harsh, but if you want to get along then you have to work at it, too.

Also, just because we bios don't always get all googly eyed over the overstepping gf doesn't make us crazy. Geez....

“Every truth has two sides; it is as well to look at both, before we commit ourselves to either”~Aesop

Angel37's picture

Also, just curious, but what decisions are you trying to make? Are they medical decisions? Schooling? Or just decision of what goes on in your home?

“Every truth has two sides; it is as well to look at both, before we commit ourselves to either”~Aesop

bendetti21's picture

the decisions that are being decided are like times to call the house, which airline flights to take, about computer usage, and many other things that are not medical. the school is easy- there was only one school in the area, nobody had a say where my sd went. Medical was just the same. we didn't know where to go so we had the insurance give us a list and there was only two in the area and told bm she was going to the one closest to our house. and how she is raised- me and my fiance have our rules on bed time, tv time, toy time, homework getting done. and bm doesn't care about her daughter except when she feels she should. when me and my fiance tell her no we don't agree with that.

the respect thing is she knows i have a say in the decisions with bf. but she just doesn't like that. when she calls and talks to me. she talks to me like a babysitter. and yes i do respect her when she calls. she just doesn't get things.
we live in ny, bm lives in fl. the other day there was a 2hr delay ddue to ice. when she called to talk to daughter. i said, "no she is sleping. there is a 2hr delay please call at 10am since she leaves at 10:30am? then i get attitude like "why is there a delay" and "well when is she going to school" and "why can't i talk to her now". I don't need that crap when i already told her everything, and i especially don't need it at 8am in the morning. Then also there was the facebook, thing where she couldn't see the pictures of daughter. she talks to me and tells me. I tell her "ok i don't know what your talking about. i will look into it later". then she continues wanting me to do it now. i shouldn't have to tell her 8 hundred times, i'm busy and talk to your daughter. this bm would rather fight with me and bf than talk to her daughter. its just disguting.

kidsaplenty's picture

She can not fight with you if you do not make yourself available for a fight. Let your dh communicate with her. Whether you have a say in things with bm she does not need to know or respect. Go ahead and have your say with him, in your home, there is no good to come from announcing it to her or trying to get her approval. Why do you need that? That is something your dh should be giving to you and he should be dealing with his x. I say this only because you are going to make problems that don't need to be there. Step back and have a happy life with your dh and sd in your home. Bm does not need to be a part of what you deal with.

Hate-Me's picture

look, ive been with dh for 5 yrs now, fist year was EXTREMELY rocky with BM, DH, and I. SS(7 months at the time) and SD(1 yr at the time) just started doing the weekend visint thing with DH and BM is just plain off her rocker and a terrible ass mother in every sense. As soon as i came into the picture its like a had a big fuckin red target on my forehead and all the attention in her family was directed toward me. I was the "HOMEWRECKER" even though there home was already wrecked and they were split up. This was their usual pattern, break up and get back together just to break up again a few months later. BM wasnt expecting for him to really mean it this time, so needless to say, she flipped her fucking lid. 5 yrs later, BM and I STILL fight like cats and dogs. She tells her children "you dont have to listen to StepSorrow, shes not your mama" and i polite tell BM "MY motherfuckin house, MY motherfuckin rules". her kids learned very quick not to cross me because the shit that flies over at her house is a no-go at mine. Moral of the story, focus on your home and family, and fuck her.

soverysad's picture


AC's picture

She might never respect you and you need to learn to live with that. It's just what it is. It would be nice if things were more civil - but most of the time they aren't so let you fiance do all the communications with her. I have been in my SSs' lives for 6 years, been married for 2 and my husband is the only one that communicates with the boys' mother.