just venting.......
i have to say kids say the darnest thing!! my ss is 3yr. we were in the store shopping and the bm called to talk to him like she usally does when we have him. anyways i guess she ask him what he is doing and if he ate..... and he said yes asia cook..i'm with asia walking we going shopping... then he said i dont want to talk to you i'm going shopping with asia... so i know the bm felt some type of way... then she call my husband thinking accusing someone telling him to say that to her... but noone did// he was on the phone with her himself... then she having a conversation with my husband that my ss should not call me mom.... but he never calls me mom... he always call me by my name.... the bm has her own relationship. and everytime i see her she always says hi to me... we have a good relationship i would say.. like a hi and bye thing.so i'm just writing whats on my mind.... how she could act so inmature.....
- asia's blog
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She's just jealous that he
She's just jealous that he loves you and you are doing Mom stuff with him.
yes ... i treat him like my
yes ... i treat him like my own child...i love him very much... and do alot for him.... hopefully onday he realize and appreicate me......
Maybe she was having a bad
Maybe she was having a bad day. Don't take it personal. And someone needs to tell her that toddlers attention span on a phone is not very good at all. When I want to talk to my nieces or nephews which are toddlers they say the same thing to me. They don't want to talk to me and they give the phone back to whatever adult is there with them.
Maybe your ss when he is talking about being with daddy he refers to you as mom and that is where him calling you mom came from...
yea you are right....
yea you are right.... because she said that when he is home .... he says talking and calling me mom... so she thought he calls me mom and telling mine bf( i should say, instead of husband)that he should correct my ss. wtf.. yea i think she is jealous...
thank you for the comments... it help..
Yeah, her complaint also
Yeah, her complaint also sounded like it was about jealousy.
She shouldn't be so
She shouldn't be so sensitive. My BS3 doesn't say bye--to anyone. He hangs up then says bye. LOL!
He is 3 she is expecting a bit much from him I think.
yes, she was probably
yes, she was probably jealous, maybe wishing she was with her son at the moment. or maybe she was having a bad day.