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just venting....

asia's picture

Hi everyone!!! i have a question. why is it everytime bf have some type of issue with bm he always takes it out on my.. or start acting rude towards me... he is a good man to me. but when he starts acting stupid.. i know he probably has just talked to her or their has been something her calling asking for money or something stupid. for example.. yesterday she text him telling him that its about time that ss doesnt need the car seat anymore... who doesnt know that..??? wants nothing to do with her... everytime ss is with us we take good care of him... plus bm has her own relationship so whatever is going on she should worry about that with him not bf. but i agree that if something is wrong with ss she should call.. but if there is nothing wrong there is no point of her calling for stupid random shit that has nothing to do with ss. sorry guys... sometimes i'm writing out my thoughts. this ever happen to you? --- i have told the bf that if he even realise he is doing this to me... then he feels really bad for treating me like that. and says sorry. he working on it. Smile


ultrak's picture

If he gets upset with himself for his action that's good, because he knows that it is not right. However, he must try harder to break this habit. Regardless, of how much BM gets on his nerves it is still unfair to you. Eventually you are going to get really sick of it and it can damage your relationship. And don't worry about writing out your thoughts, that's what this website is for. I haven't gotten on that much later, but when I first got into my situation this a great place to vent and hear stories from people going through the same things I've been going through. And I agree with u, she shouldn't have to call for random things. If she think he is to big for a car seat then she needs to buy one for her car. She called with that because she probably wanted him to buy one for her.

asia's picture

lol i agree with you.... thats exactly what i think too.... then the other day out of the clear blue sky she text him and was like " lets meet up for breakfast one day so we can discus about brandon, my treat". my bf just text back and said "yea ok". but he told me that anit gonna happen.cause the last time he felt bad that she hasnt seen ss in like a week so he was in the area and ask her out to breakfast so she can see him. he told me that was a bad mistake and he not doing that ever again. anyways thank you for your comments.. i love this website.. it really help me plus its good to know other women going though the samething....

StepMadre's picture

I don't think it's cool that the BM is so informal and intimate sounding with him. Meet ups to discuss the skids should be neutral and impersonal as much as possible. They are not social occasions like your BM seems to think. Your H needs to set a boundary with her so that she realizes that when he meets up with her, it is STRICTLY to discuss the skids and their welfare, not to spend time with her. Meeting at a park or in a coffee shop are better ideas and he should never let the BM buy him anything or accept gifts or treats from her. That crosses a boundary and turns the meets into something between the two of them rather than a neutral get together that's focused on the skids. Meals should never be involved with BM meet ups!!!! Meals are way too personal and date-like. I would throw the worlds biggest hissy fit if my H ever met up with the BM for a meal. Luckily, he detests even the sight of her and has good boundaries. When he meets up with her, I usually go along and if it is necessary that I not be there, he meets her in a local park at a picnic bench (no food involved!) or in a local coffee shop. Coffee is fine, but a meal is a big boundary no-no. He may have good mental boundaries and see the meal meet up as not a problem, but he is inadvertently sending the BM the message that he has a private relationship with HER rather than a co-parenting relationship, strictly relating to the skids. She is not his friend, lover, or wife. She is his ex and co-parent and that is it.

"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they will kill you." ~Oscar Wilde

asia's picture

yes i agree it anit kool... i know she is trying to do something fishy..... and on top of that she has a bf...

lynneranne's picture

Just make sure you are not taking him out of the car seat early. I know in Michigan at least you have to be 8 years old or 4'9 to be out of a car seat.

Just remember BM's are crazy in most contacts where steps are involved, they try not to think about them.

Life isn't about the days you have, its about what you do with the days you have.