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Do any of you watch Supernanny?

Anon2009's picture

I'm watching it right now. I have a cold and I love the nanny. She doesn't take cr*p from anyone! I think she could really help a lot of our families out. I hope that someday, she goes to the home of a dad and SM. The dad and SM could have full custody, joint legal and/or physical custody, or even EOW visitation. I really feel that Jo could help so many of us out. If you've never seen Supernanny, I highly recommend it. Jo is awesome and has helped so many people out. It's a great show Smile


PrincessFiona's picture

I think you've just found the next big tv reality series ! Super Nanny meets Blended Family Counceling. Sounds perfect. I'd watch.

stepoff's picture

I love Supernanny. She rocks! I think that's why I like her too. She doesn't take sh!t from anyone. I also like Judge Judy for the same reason. I like people with a sense of common sense and reason to them. But I've seen episodes with blended families. Yes, the issues are more pronounced when it's a blended family. But the remedies are usually the same.

misfit's picture

Supernanny is awesome!! There have been several spin offs, on the east coast anyway, but Nanny Jo remains the queen. I've used some of her tactics on Bacon and I intend to on my children. I love how she has the ability to actually TALK to children, even the little ones with limited vocabulary.

I've never seen a blended family episode but if the networks need more ideas, that is where the action in!! Or just a show about crazy ass BMs.

If you wish to give off light, you must endure the burning.

Elizabeth's picture

There was an episode where Supernanny visited a mom and stepdad. Mom wouldn't let stepdad discipline the kids, and Supernanny was just incredulous. She quickly rectified that situation! I'd love for her to come to my house and straighten out DH and SD16! They wouldn't know what hit them...

Storm76's picture

Supernanny is brilliant, and, at the risk of repeating myself from someone's blog a little while ago, a couple of years back I was working with families with pre-schoolers and one of the threats to the kids was 'if you don't behave I'll call supernanny!'

I definitely think they should do some episodes with blended families, especially if she worked with both families involved with the kids so they have to sort through different approaches to parenting to get on the same page.

Ani's picture

Yes I love to watch her show and sometimes I even have it on when my SS he is 12.5 starts to act maybe his dad can see how the nanny does it. She is great on handling kids and stressful issues. hope you feel better soon sweetie. hugs Ani