Trying to take the High road
I been fighting with myself lately because I am trying not to wish bad things on people. But BM just lost her job and was diagnosed with Breast Cancer within a two month period. She also had to file for bankrupt last year because her house was being foreclosed on. I would never wish anything bad on anyone because it can happen to me. But, she is such a nasty person it is hard for me and my husband to feel sorry for her. Before she was diangosed she acted as if I did not exist. Did not want to drop off SS if my DH was not there. Trys to talk down to my DH all of the time. But now, she called me to see how we will be able to help out with ss when she starts treatment and surgery. I hope this might humble her some but it pisses me off that now that she needs help she wants to act like everything is ok between us. I find myself looking forward to her suffering, which is so bad. I believe in karma and don't want it to come back on me.
- ultrak's blog
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What goes around, comes
What goes around, comes around three fold.
Do you think she's getting
Do you think she's getting her karma?
Karma is teaching her a
Karma is teaching her a leason.....a hard one at that. You teach her another one. Why not be nice to her and pray for her, send her a Get Well card, send a small vase fill with flowers with your SS home to her. Giving out kindness is more rewarding then wishing her illness. Good Luck.....your new friend Ani
I'd talk to her about
I'd talk to her about it...getting your anger and frustration off your chest might clear your head for the hardships to come when dealing with a broken hearted child and a sick BM. Just say to her, "you know...before all this happened I didn't exist to you and now that you're in a bad way...I suddenly appear to be good enough for your attention. Why couldn't you do all this BEFORE the bad stuff started happening???"
I can't say how it will be received likely bad of course but hey at least you got to get it out of your head and you can move on to make good choices that won't taint your future with bad karma...
~“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone"~ Audrey Hepburn
I kind of agree with this.
I kind of agree with this. I mean, you don't have to kick her repeatedly in the stomach, but I think that you can sort of use this as a "teaching moment" to nicely say, hey, I really sympathize with your situation and am so sorry you're going through this. But you've made it a little difficult for me to want to help you. Please remember this in the future.
"No matter how cynical I get, it's never enough." - Lily Tomlin
I don't really know if she's
I don't really know if she's getting her karma or not. For SS's sake, though, I do hope it humbles her and that she makes it through. I've seen too many young kids lose their parents to cancer. All I can say is just be there to support SS and fight the urge to say bad things about BM. Even though you and DH don't feel sorry for BM (and you have valid reasons to not feel for her), you both do need to support SS and not let him know that you don't feel compassion for his mom. But feel free to vent away here! I agree with Katrinkie, you need to rent the movie "Stepmom" because the BM in the movie got diagnosed with cancer and the SM had to take on more work.
Hey ultrak, I know it's hard
Hey ultrak, I know it's hard to look past the hell that she's caused your family. But in this situation, I'd just let it go. Your SS needs you right now and you know that she knows how she's treated you and DH in the past was wrong. Most times people tend to think about things like that when their life is on the line you know. I'm not saying be super nice to her and you guys start being BFF's or anything like that. But just focus on how your SS is dealing with all of this because life threatening diseases like this do take a toll on the children as well. But your feelings are totally valid. If I were in your shoes I'd feel the exact same way.
Yes, they realize what truly
Yes, they realize what truly is important and what is just flotsam and jetsam in the grand scheme of life.
Stay above the frey ultrak. This woman may be an awful person, but be better than her and forgive her even if it is for your own peace of mind.
OH my, that's so
OH my, that's so difficult.
First of all, I think there are many of us on here who deal with very nasty and difficult BMs. And I think most of us, like you, would consider ourselves to be good people in general.
But when good people are continually pushed to the edge, especially by very nasty and vindictive people, it is totally understandable that sometimes we would think, "God, I wish 'X' would just get hit by a bus and go away!"
And obviously, we don't REALLY mean it. It's just that wishful thinking that Karma would find them. And in your case, Karma came a-callin' for your BM. Is that your fault? No. And should you feel guilty about it now because you thought about it before? No again.
All you can do is continue to do what is right for your SS. Your BM should find her OWN support system- one that doesn't include you and your DH. I wouldn't go out of my way to be nice to her now just because she has fallen on difficult times. I doubt she'd do the same for you if the tables were turned.
It's human nature and not indicative of our true character.
"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"
I do sort of agree with
I do sort of agree with 5teens, too: BM should find her own support system -- she shouldn't be expecting you to help her out all the time with any little thing she needs.
HOWEVER: the kids are going to have a really hard time with this. So if you can take them when BM is getting treatment for the cancer, that will really help their lives to feel more stable and safe. Imagine how scared they are going to be during this time.
"No matter how cynical I get, it's never enough." - Lily Tomlin
Karma's a bitch. We can all
Karma's a bitch. We can all feel it and I firmly believe that what goes around comes around. Don't feel bad for feeling guilty!!! I think you are having the completely natural reaction. BM has treated you really badly and you guys have been in enemy roles with each other. Now that her life has gotten hard, it doesn't change what has happened or who she is.
That being said, I completely agree about karma. I would do my best to detach from her, pray for her (if that's your bent, it helps me a lot) and be pleasant and detached. Prepare to really be there extra for your skid though. (and I agree! Stepmom is EXACTLY your situation. I hate that movie and am leaning more towards "Stepfather" right now, lol. I think it might be really comforting to watch though if you haven't seen it).
I believe that everything happens for a reason and is to teach us important lessons. I think really tough things in life aren't necessarily bad and we often come through them way stronger (I know I have. I'm a cancer survivor myself and it made me grow a lot as a person and made me appreciate life a lot more and reevaluate who I am constantly).
Whatever BM is going through, and it sounds really rough, please don't be too hard on yourself for reacting the way you are. It's really hard to hate someone (or strongly dislike or disrespect them) and then suddenly have them fall into massively bad problems and then suddenly feel guilty over not getting along. BM's illness is awful for her, but it doesn't change your history with her and doesn't change who she is (it might change her a lot as a person). You are not obligated to be Mother Theresa with her. Being kind and pleasant is about right, in my opinion and mostly just being there for your skid. It's not your job to help or fix BMs life. She's going through really rough things, but I think that is probably her life path and she is meant to be learning things from this. This sounds really harsh, but it's what I really think.
My BMs life is also falling apart and I do feel really badly for her in some ways and don't want her to die or anything! I also hate her guts and enjoy it every time something goes wrong with her. She is such a wreck that her life is falling apart like a poorly made house of cards. I feel evil too, but I thoroughly enjoy it whenever she gets dumped (after one week or one night of dating, usually) and have been enjoying that she just got fired from the job where I lost my job because of her (I quit because it was intolerable and she harassed me and then was promoted to being my boss, I didn't get fired!) We have a long history of nasty arguments and all kinds of petty crap. Now, I don't interact with her at all and completely ignore her. When things are going well for her, she is queen bitch. I told her a year ago that her life would fall apart spectacularly if she didn't change things and that she was building really bad karma and it would catch up with her. She just sneered at me and kept up her ridiculous fake front of confidence. Well, now, my husband and I are super happy and slowly building towards a solid and comfortable future and we have a very happy and settled marriage. I don't talk to her anymore (totally pointless, as she is a crazy bitch), but her attitude towards me has changed dramatically. She knows that my predictions came true and now that the credit card companies have caught up with her and she is in collections for debt in almost every area of life (she just didn't bother to pay her half of the daycare fees for a year. Despite the fact that she made twice as much as we did and had a huge pile of CS every month from H). She got fired from her job and can't get another one (surprise, surprise). She is gaining weight (already at a hefty weight) and looks just awful. Her fake confidence has almost completely gone away and she looks terrified, anxious, disheveled and has no confidence at all. She even walks with her shoulders slumped and looking at the ground. She is spiraling into total catastrophe and for the first time there is no one to bail her out. Yes, I feel kind of bad for her, but on the other hand, I think all this awful stuff is the best thing that could happen to her. She has treated people badly for 30-something years and been completely irresponsible. She just doesn't pay bills or take care of her kids and has always been bailed out and never learned. Now she is a fat, ugly, dumpy single mom with barely any education and very little job experience. She is also really stupid and slow and has horrible social skills. All of her crap is finally catching up from her and the absolute best thing for her. She will either fall on her face and lose custody of her kids and become dependent on state care for the rest of her life or she will have to pull it together and clean up the huge mess she has made and step up for her kids. What she's going through is not comparable to cancer, and i'm really sorry your BM is going through that, but everyone has to deal with tough stuff, it's part of life and good for us. I think that even when people die, tragically of accidents or diseases, it serves some purpose spiritually for them and others. My mom had to go through having a kid with cancer and it was the hardest thing she's ever had to go through, but it just brought us closer and made us both grow spiritually and made us not take life for granted and appreciate the time we have with loved ones.
Anyhoo, that's my take on it. I hope your BM comes through everything okay, but please don't beat yourself up about not having a saintly, self-sacrificing reaction and having a huge mind blank of your history with her. Tough stuff does not erase the past and doesn't mean you owe her anything more than the courtesy you would show a stranger, and fellow human being. Take care of yourself and don't stress too much!!!
"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they will kill you." ~Oscar Wilde
Why is it so bad for being
Why is it so bad for being human? It is human nature to feel this way, just don't let it get you down!
'The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.'
Hey, Cruella, Thanks for
Hey, Cruella,
Thanks for your honesty! I want to clarify what I meant, 'cause I think I got misunderstood.
It's really hard for me to express what I mean by Karma and I never, ever meant to say that this BM got breast cancer because of her karma. What I meant was that people have their own life paths and that can or cannot involve horrible things like cancer. I interpret karma as the life lessons that you experience in life. Any life experience, joyful, mundane or tragic and terrifying teaches you and the other people around you important lessons. I meant to be supportive in the sense that this SMs opinions don't have to change and she doesn't need to feel guilt because she still has negative feelings towards her BM, who happens to have breast cancer. One reason that I never used to tell people that I am a cancer survivor is that I never wanted anyone to consider that when they weighed my personality. Cancer was something I went through, not a component of my personality. I wouldn't want someone who disliked me because of my wrong or rude actions to feel guilty because I had cancer and let this affect the way they feel about me. My cancer experience was something I had to go through. Enough people suffered (me and my close family and friends) and I would never expect anyone to change their view of me out of guilt or anything else relating to my cancer. I was eight years old when I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I am the youngest person in medical history to have gotten ovarian cancer and I was the youngest person in medical history to survive it. My medical info is in medical textbooks and my tumor is studied at Yale. I sure as hell hadn't done anything in this life to warrant ovarian cancer at the age of eight! I don't think that I did anything bad that resulted in some kind of cancer karma! I think that I was meant to get cancer because it taught me a lot of life lessons and made me grow as a person in ways that no other experience could. It was one of the most horrible, upsetting, scary, painful things i've ever gone through, but I don't expect anyone to pity me or feel guilt in not liking me because of it.
As far as this BM goes, what I meant was that she has created her own karma by being a nasty person to SM (and i'm sure she has good karma in other areas of her life). What I meant, and apparently didn't express clearly is that I meant that this SM should be able to detach from whatever karma path BM is on and not feel guilty because BM is going through something horrible like cancer. I did NOT mean that the cancer was a karma punishment. I think that the cancer is a part of this BMs karmic path and something she needs to go through to learn life lessons. I know how horrible cancer is, I survived it too. It's not a punishment, but it is a tough thing that teaches a lot. My aunt (mom's sister) died of cancer when I was twelve and I had to watch her slowly die for two years. It was agonizing and horrible. My aunt was the sweetest person on the planet and definitely didn't deserve cancer. I do believe that, even though it was horrific and she didn't make it, she was meant to experience cancer as part of her karmic path. I hope that makes sense?
I don't recommend an SM rejoicing and cackling and dancing around a fire, poking voodoo pins into a dummy of BMs boobs, that's not what I meant at all. I just meant that the guilt she feels is unnecessary. She can have compassion for her BM and she obviously does and still feel conflicted and hateful towards her. BM having to go through a hellish nightmare does not obligate SM to forget the past or let BM treat her badly or walk all over her. It is perfectly acceptable, in my opinion, to be kind and polite, just like you would to a stranger. SM is not obligated to do more. On a separate note, the skids involved will definitely need tons of TLC and that IS in an SMs territory. I'm all for that.
This BM will probably change a lot as a person (my BM is sociopathic and has not ever become a better person despite millions of chances and opportunities for personal growth. Her karma and karmic path are her problem, but my opinion, based on observation and interaction is that she is a psycho and doesn't learn from trials and tribulations. She is also not experiencing breast cancer, and so my feelings of anger and hatred are easier for me. I am working on letting go of them (hence this site for venting and getting it out of my system). I will eat my hand if my BM morphs into a kind, compassionate person and good mother because of the tough stuff she is going through. This might very well happen to this SMs BM because cancer is always life changing and usually makes people more compassionate (Buddha-suffering leads to compassion theory).
Anyway, I just wanted to clear that up. I love that everyone is so honest on this site, it's great to have the dialogue that's real about real and hard stuff. I hope I haven't offended anyone and my heart goes out to you Cruella for what you have gone through and are continuing to deal with. I'll include you in my prayers, for sure!
"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they will kill you." ~Oscar Wilde
Ooh, I also wanted to add
Ooh, I also wanted to add that I barely addressed the skids position in this (I don't feel satisfied until I have rambled on and on long enough to cure insomnia).
In my posts on this thread, I was almost completely focusing on the SM-BM dynamic, not the skids. They are going to need a hell of a lot of support and lots of understanding and comfort. I would go on, but I think it's been said. A mom having breast cancer is horrible, but the fear, sadness and anger from the skid point of view is horrific and tragic and everything possible should be done to comfort them and understand what they are going through.
Kay, that's my little two cents add-on.
"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they will kill you." ~Oscar Wilde
I am sorry to hear that you
I am sorry to hear that you have had to go through that. I don't believe it is karma, I think that bad stuff happens to good people all the time. I noticed that you used "had breast cancer". Does this mean that they got it all and you are starting on your years of being cancer free? You are in my prayers! {{{{Hugs}}}}
OMG Cruella! I am so sorry
OMG Cruella! I am so sorry to hear - you have been holding out on us honey! I was going to PM but I will just tell everyone, in case they are not aware, that You are a georgeous beautiful person and we TOTALLY get that cancer is not a judgement of our life. My sis had it 5+ years ago so I try to check on the regular. I love you honey and hope you feel better soon!!!! HUGS AND MORE HUGS!!!!! Susan
"What luck for rulers that men do not think."
Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)
I'm so glad you were able to
I'm so glad you were able to find out about it and get treatment! Your kids need a happy and healthy mom and they are incredibly lucky that they have you after being brought into this world by a heinous witch of a human being (anyone who abandons/neglects/abuses their kids has my eternal contempt).
Yep, I do believe in karma, but don't mind if others don't. It's a complicated thing to explain because people misunderstand all the time regarding the whole "bad things happening to good people" idea. No one I know that believes in karma thinks that bad things are a punishment. We joke about it, as I did earlier, but no one in their right mind thinks that cancer is a form of karma. That being said, I do believe that we go through horrible things as a part of life and our own personal learning experience (for the soul). It's a delicate distinction and hard to express properly. For the people who think that karma comes in the form of things like cancer or death I don't know how they continue to believe it considering that it seems like that kind of "karma" never seems to catch up with "bad" people. My BM has gotten away with murder and been bailed out of everything she's ever encountered (until recently) and I went through ovarian cancer as well as experiencing a lot of very traumatic things in my life so far. I know I am a nice person and it doesn't seem fair that I had to go through everything that I did. I see it all the time with great people having trial after trial and horrible people skimming through life with no apparent consequences. It doesn't make sense to believe that things like cancer are karmic punishments. It does make sense (to me, personally) to see all the hard things in my life as being necessary for me to grow as a person. This doesn't mean that I deserve bad things, it means that the bad things are there for me to experience so that I can grow and become more compassionate of others suffering. Anyhoo, that's my take on it. I completely respect others points of views and never expect anyone to agree with me. I believe in a weird hybrid of Christianity and Buddhism, so i'm used to standing alone.
I'm always interested to see what everyone else thinks too...
"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they will kill you." ~Oscar Wilde
Thank you all for your
Thank you all for your replies. I am so sorry I could not get to read them until now. This is why I love this website, there are so many people who are very support and gives you different points of view. I'm going to try to focus on my SS who is only 6, and try to make sure he knows he is loved. I'm going to try not to feel guilty and not go out of my way, but do what I feel comfortable with. Beause you all pointed out that the most important person is my SS. Cruella, I am sorry to hear about your breast cancer. I have a background in breast imaging and have ultrasound many cancers and have been there when a doctors tells a women for the first time that she has breast cancer. They were all nice women and did not deserve it. I will keep you in my prayers.
Crulla, I glad to hear it
I glad to hear it was only stage 1. And I think you did the right thing in having both breast remove. When you get lumpectomies you go back in the pool for screening at a higher risk. Again, you guys have made me feel much better about my feeling towards BM. I will not let it consume me. Oh, and I have seen Stepmom, but I think I may rent it again. Or maybe send it to her.
Yeah, your right. I do
Yeah, your right. I do think we will have to have a convasation soon. Can't keep ignoring then purple elephants in the room.