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This is a new low

ultrak's picture

I have known that BM does not like me mainly because she could not get BF to marry her and that I did. She does not want me to be a part of her son's life and will do anything to get her way. We have court appointed visitations with ss every other weekend and on most weekends my BF has to work at night from 10pm to 3 am. Well, she does not like the fact that he is left with me. Two weeks ago she tried to come and pick of ss when she found out that bf was at work. However ss and I was at my sister house so she did not know where I was so she claim to call the police on me and blowing up my phone. I had to stay at my sister house til 3am until bf got off work. At 4am she showed up at our house with the police, but the police never came to the door because they probably told her that they can not doing anything unless the child is in danger. So, this weekend after week took him home it was not 5 min did she not call and told BF that ss said that I have been hitting him when bf is at work. SS is only 4y/o and always wants to be with me. I have never touch that child because he is not mines. She is now on this big trip that I am manipulatig bf and how dare he take my word over his. I really don't think that ss said that, i think that she is putting these words in his mouth as another ploy to get rid of me.


Candice's picture

Ultrak, you need to give serious consideration to your relationship with your bf. He is in a trap with a highly manipulative person that will cause severe harm to her own child just to punish other people. This little boy will not always stay 4 years old, he is going to continue to grow up and possibly become manipulative just like his mother. If that little boy lies and creates bogus abuse charges against you, you are looking at a very long and hard road of destruction. 9 out of 10 case workers are going to believe a child over adults, and believe what a child will say and not always see the situation for what it is.

My first suggestion is to consult an attorney to find out what protection you seriously have from bogus abuse cases, 2nd to protect you, your bf should have grandparents babysit the child while he is at work. I know this totally sounds completely ridiculous, but you are not dealing with a rational bm who wants the best for her child, if she can have you arrested, she will.

I use to have a great relationship with my 4 year old ss, and now his is 13 and lies and manipulates just like his evil mother. I don't chance myself being alone with him b/c of the severity of abuse charges, and I wouldn't put it past him to lie just to get others in trouble, for whatever reward his mother will have awaiting for him for doing so. This was part of the reason my dh has decided to not help raise his son any longer, the mother is impossible to work with.

Maybe consulting a family therapist now, to see if that person could curb mothers' harm to her son.

Good luck,