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SD9 was up at 3am on Saturday!!!!

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OMG I wanted to rip her head off!!!!
It's Saturday night...DH and I go out to dinner with some friends and leave my BS23 taking care of SD9 and BS11.
Before we leave we get them dinner, make sure everyone is bathed and BS23 was going to take them to Blockbuster to pick up some movies.
DH and I return from dinner at around 11 or so. SD9 and BS11 are still up but they are each in their rooms. No problem DH and I are downstairs watching a movie and as long as the kids aren't bothering us we don't mind that they are up.
2am rolls around and I hear slamming and all sorts of noises upstairs. I go up and BS11 and SD9 are wired. So I say ok enough everybody in bed and turn off the tv's.
I go downstairs and 10 minutes later SD runs downstairs to hug and kiss her dad goodnight. Ok, whatever.
20 minutes pass she comes BACK downstairs asking if she can watch tv!!! I said "GET UPSTAIRS NOW and NO do not turn on the tv!"
Of course DH freaks out and asks why I can't let her watch tv until we go to bed. I said "because BS asked also and I said NO it's 3 in the freaking morning!!!"
DH and I go to bed a little after. I swear the little girl was up at 4am going into the fridge. It took all the strength I had to not get out of bed and scare the crap out of her. But I left it alone. I spent most of Sunday on the football field with my BS and he had to stay home and deal with her. Thank God Sunday rolled around quickly and he took her home.


NotsoHappyNewlywed's picture

go to drop off. BM lives 35 miles away there is no way in hell I'm taking that drive with him.
I love when he leaves to drop off. I get to sit in my silent and peaceful home and bask in the glory of what is my beautiful life when the SD is not around.