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I am so proud of my fiance!! :)

foxymama87's picture

I have to gloat!!

Last night I picked up SD9 from her mothers house. (she's been staying with her mother since Monday.)

After dinner SD9 wanted to load her iPod into her computer to download some games. Well She doesn't know how to do it on her own and asked DF for some help, He tries to do his best when Something goes wrong and she starts to cry because none of the games she wants are in her ipod. It was late and it was time for bed 8:30PM to be exact. DF told her he will help her tomorrow morning with it. But she kept insisting that she had to have it done that night. She started blaming DF, telling him he doesn't know what he's talking about, that she hates it here and that she wants to go back to her mommy's house. DF tells her that's fine but she will have to wait until tomorrow to go to her mothers like planned. She then proceeds to yell at him Telling/Ordering him No, to take her now, that she wants to go now, tonight because he is mean. Thats when she did it!... DF looked her dead in the eyes and said in a very stern matter, I quote!..., "I'm mean? you want to see mean? You haven't seen mean yet, I'll give you mean! How dare you speak to me in that tone!, I am your father not some friend or person you meet in the streets. You do not talk to me that way, you do not treat me that way. You will respect me! Go up to your room now! and no TV!"

SD9 proceeded to cry telling DF she's sorry but he didn't care, he was pissed. She had pushed his button.

I was freaking Ecstatic! I was in shock! :jawdrop: never did he speak to her in that tone, or discipline her in that way.(I'm more of the stern one. He usually lets her behavior slide.) I guess that night was his breaking point. I told him he did fine and she needs to learn. That he is not mean but a wonderful father who just lets his daughter control him when it should be the other way around.

I was very proud of him. About damn time I thought!! This is a good start and better late then never I always say!

There is hope after all!! Smile


herewegoagain's picture

Good for YOU, YOUR DH and wether he believes it or not, his kid. Too many treat these kids differently, allow them to walk all over them and then are shocked when the kid talks to them in that manner when they are 12 or 16...go figure. I love my son, but I put him in his place when he talks to me that way. Period. That is what a parent should do.

My DHs daughter used to talk to him that way...he always thought that he should be "nice" and "reprimand her in private", ie. not say anything but make me BELIEVE he 16 she tells him to F#$%#$% OFF, that he's an A#$%#$%HOLE, blah, blah, blah...and well, I proved my point. :sick:

purpledaisies's picture

I hear ya such a great feeling. I don't have it near as bad as some on here but the first few years I heard the same things form dh that most still hear. 'I only see them EOW' and 'they are from a broken home' and on and on...I told dh that my kids are from a broken home too and they don't see their dad b/c he is a true dead beat. But he has a chance to be a real father and he needs to take it. Of course there is way more to it before dh finally stepped up. But my point is I know that feeling. It is a GREAT feeling when these dad's finally see and step up! Good for you and dh and for his kid. He nor she will see it right away but it is great thing for them both.

smileygirl's picture

Biggrin Sounds great. Perfect reaction, hoping he keeps up the good parenting. Hoping I get to see a similar reaction sometime in my lifetime.

jojo68's picture

I hate to rain on anyone's parade but if it is anything like my Dh and his daughter tomorrow they will be all lovey dovey cooing, awwing and laying all at each other like nothing every happened and he will feel bad for what he did and "make it up her".

But at the time it is great to see them actual act like a real parent. Hope he keeps up the good parenting!