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I want to jedi mind trick bm

Mally's picture

So. last night after a long and boring day at work I go home. My dh is talking to me and tells me that my sd9 stated that her mother stated "Mally only buys you toys to keep you there" SO WHAT HOE BAG. I am so furious she better not call in the next couple days cause I just might say somethings to her that are not for childrens ears, AND if she said that what else did she say to them like the fact that SS6 has been distant which is very UNLIKE him. I'll jedi mind trick her. I am raising her kids paying for everything while she sits in nevada and does what ever she does where prostitution is legal :? who knows! but I am so unhappy with this lady. Granted I have always hated her and may have said something to the skids a time or two about her lack of responsibility. Lets face it she lives in another state she calls them when she feels like it, she never gets them anything nice to make them feel good. she says things and never does them. I just say she really doesn't follow through and I don't like her, and wish not to hear about her cause it makes me so mad. I don't tell them that she only buys them shitty stuff to keep them there. I am steamed about this though They are in my home 90% of the time and you put the perception that i don't care. I will get you back lady, when we take them away for good cause your such a shittay parent! GAH.


juliannbaker's picture

You KNOW you are doing the best for those kids and she is putting her guilt back on you cause she knows she is a shithole parent. Kids are pretty smart and they KNOW who does for them and who doesn't. Eventually she will get hers trust me it will come back to her. You get the best out of those kids and she doesn't, that is your payoff and something she will neevr have cause it sounds like she don't care a damn about being anyones parent for real. She is using her kids as a tool to get to you, don't let her. Let the kids know you love them and you love buying things for them and their mom is mistaken in what she says. Explain when you love people you think of them and want to buy them things when you can. Tell them you know they love you and you don't need to buy them presents for them to love you cause you already know they do. Don't do anything to her, she ain't worth the sweat off anyones balls for real.

boss_baby's picture

That comment may come back to hurt you. I'm surprised the administrator allowed it on there. Please take it off to protect yourself...

Mally's picture

Is that more appropriate. I was very mad when I did that post. I Still can't get it out of my mind that something may have happened to them when they were there. i wouldn't do anything to harm a fly its against my nature.