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The first day of child care other than me.

Mally's picture

So my mother bless her heart decided to take all three of my kids yesterday. I love my mom I really do. My SS6 had a rough time as usual and didn't feel that it was nessasary to share and listen while he was there. I guess he was splashing my one year old in the face repeatly with water. NOW let me explain that my 12 month old can take that cause he loves water. but let me induldge a little about my lovely stepdad. My stepdad I get it I understand the pain that he had when he was raising my brother and eye. I go through it everyday although instead of abuseing my step children I try to help them with their problems and teach them new things to help them in their lives. He verbally abused my brother and I and I am afraid that that memory of how much unperfectness comes back when my ss is around. He is too freakin hard on him and it makes me mad. Its not SS fault that he is like this right now. His bm desided she didn't care enough to keep his good habits going. anyways...breif moment of extream anger. So My stepdad is freaking out between my 12 month old with a huge amount of pain tolerence running around, and my stepson with his I don't have to listen to you attitude. he was on edge. I understand that is frustrating. But he sat there and put my ss down for it. WRONG ANSWER DUDE.. so now I am stressed beacuse now I have to put out the fire. is this stupid or what. SO I guess my ss can't listen. I will add that to the list. THANK YOU BIA*CH BIO MOM FOR NOT GIVING A SHIZZEL... MAY YOU DIE AND BE EATEN BY BUZZARDS YOU WHOOOOOOR3