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It was like having the taste slapped out of my mouth!!!

bumped's picture

All this time I have thought that dear little angel princess sweet pants SD9 was just that, poor little SD with the horrific BM...thinking...."Bumped, you should do your best to save this little girl from the wrath of crazy BM." So, I have been the very best I could, understanding, loving....everything. But, it all has changed because I now know why this forum actually exists FIRST HAND!
....About 8:30 pm Monday night I was preparing BDaughter and SD snacks before bed....washing some dishes....when all of a sudden....out of complete a voice so LOUD the neighbors could hear......SD bellows.........."DADDY, WHO IS THE MOST SPECIAL, IMPORTANT PERSON IN YOUR LIFE?". I dropped the cups in the sink, time stood still, the only noise in the entire world to me was sportscenter FH was engulfed in. FH then responds without hesitation, "You are sweetheart." Then, my head starting spinning on my shoulders.....2 horns popped from beneath my halo on my head, I turned off the water, turned around to drop in on the convo just to hear her BELLOW more...."DADDY, WHO IS THE 2ND MOST SPECIAL, IMPORTANT PERSON IN THE WORLD TO YOU?". FH must have felt the heat of 40 hells burning his flesh when he replied to SD, "Bumped". She then BELLOWS, "WHO IS THIRD...." This little list was very important to her....and as she mentally jotted this down, with a dog crap eating grin on her what use to be sweet little face, I realized at that moment, I JUST GOT PUT IN MY PLACE. Not to mention that FH got tricked into that one....and she got just what she needed....and my BD6 was just made to feel like she did not even exist. SOOOOOOOOOOOO.....I gave both kids their snack and immediatley gave FH the "GO OUTSIDE RIGHT THIS SECOND LOOK"....
Our conversation started by FH saying right off the jump....."THAT WAS WRONG, HUH. I DIDN'T REALIZE WHAT SHE WAS DOING. AFTER I ANSWERED I JUST KNEW" So we talked it over and decided to fix it....together.
But before that could happen.... FH picks SD up from camp the next day....she comes and sits outside with me and my BD6. SD already has this, "I have my important, special person list in my back pocket with my name at the top and I willl pull it out at any moment to put all you people in your place" attitude. SD looks me in the eyes, BELLOWS out to FH, "DADDY, I LOVE YOU", FH replies, "love you too." SD, still looking at me, says "YES" Then, still looking at me, SD asks me and my daughter6, "I WONDER WHO IS THE MOST IMPORTANT, SPECIAL PERSON 2ND ON MY DAD'S LIST?" My daughter looks at SD and says...."WHO CARES!!!! Maybe it's my mom." I could see the hurt in my daughters face, so naturally, I got angry. I replied, "SD, we all know and understand your position in your dad's life, we are fine with that. But I would apppreciate that when you are at MY HOUSE, you put your little list away. I don't want to hear another word about it. i don't make you feel second best, my daughter does not either, I would appreciate you not trying to intentionally make us feel like we are nothing." After the look of sheer, OMG, was wiped off her face, they both went to play. I was burning! FH came over to see what was the matter with me....I went through the whole last comment was clearly stated...."THIS IS MY WORLD, IF YOU WANT TO LIVE IN IT, CORRECT IT." ....and.....he did. He pulled her from playing and said she was equal, we are all equal and if he hears about the list again she will be isolated without TV, games, playing with kids, just like she isolated my daughter and I....


....I will not have any 9 year old running my life....belittle me....or intentionallly hurt me or my child. I have been nothing but supportive and kind to her....but, if she wants to play evil games, I got some news for her....I have been alive longer, and I WILL WIN! Wink


startingover2010's picture


Amazed's picture

I am glad you did what you's awesome!! And good for DH showing his daughter what's up!! even more awesome!!!

The thing that impresses me most about America is the way parents obey their children. ~Edward, Duke of Windsor, Look, 5 March 1957

Crizzle's picture

We are all reveling in your victory! I am happy for you!

"They say God doesn't give you more than you can handle. I just wish he didn't have so much confidence in me."

PnutButta's picture

Reading that gave me a headache...literally. What a manipulative stinker!! God bless the man that marries that girl....

Good for you for nipping it in the bud right away.

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on." ~Robert Frost

Public.Enemy.No.1's picture

I don't react "big" enough, I think. I think you let him know in no uncertain terms what you WEREN'T willing to put up with, and RIGHT AWAY, too. If I'd had such a dramatic reaction to some of SS8's stuff, maybe I wouldn't be here whining all the time! Smile

Public.Enemy.No.1's picture

One more thing, I think that the thought process you had with the crazy BM is similar to a lot of us here. Ohhh, we need to save this poor kid, no one else in their life knows how to raise a kid properly, and they need us soooo badly. YOU know, it appeals to the "mommy superhero syndrome". Also, our DH's usually like to fill our ears with stories about BM's ineptitude, and if we wind out trying to make up for it, it's a happy side effect for them. Problem is, I don't think anyone truly appreciates it, and we wind up feeling betrayed by children when it really becomes obvious who their loyalty lies with. Well, actually, feeling betrayed by everyone, if the truth be told. Even with all the work I've done to serve and help and lead, I have often found myself in a situation where I feel hurt and embarrassed because ppl act as though I've really overstepped, when I've been the ONLY ONE stepping at ALL! And, my intentions were pure. How hurtful!

bearcub25's picture

That is how I was made to feel. I didn't want to raise the skids...mine were grown and I wanted to have an aunt type of EOW thing, with fun visits. Took them places, printed out coloring pages, bought little stuff for them, signed the oldest up for tutoring b/c he was flunking, and picked him up b/c BM is too lazy to get off her fat ass and do anything for the kids.
I get to sleep on a couch b/c ss9, yes 9 freaking YO, has to sleep with Daddy or he cries to go home. I got spit on, stole from...the list goes on.
I don't really care anymore....I just don't interact anymore.period.

JMC's picture


That's exactly the words I used on SD18 (then 16) when she decided to show off in front of her friends by putting me down and being a total spoiled brat. I also added that I knew what games she was playing and she'd better watch out because I had played them too and I was older, much more experienced and a hell of a lot smarter than she was - she was shocked! Of course she ran to DH bawling & squalling about JMC being mean & threatening her (I did not threaten her, btw. I even called her out away from her friends so as to not embarrass her) We were at the ballpark watching a minor league game which we treated SS, SD & her friends to pizza & the game. I found another seat in the stadium and proceeded to watch & enjoy the game - all the while SD & DH were scurrying around trying to find me - they were frantic, thought I'd left the ballpark. This is also the same time she told everyone she hoped our plane crashed & everyone died except DH when we were on our way to Jamaica for our wedding. These kids need to learn some respect - lord, I can only imagine what my parents would have done to me for pulling some of the crap these brats get away with now.