Cutting hair
I've seen a lot of blogs lately about cutting S-kids hair. We had the same problem with SD. Her hair is very fine and very straight and has absolutely no body. Well, DH got tired of dealing with the knots and stringy-ness of SD's hair and had it cut several inches to just above her shoulders. It's very cute and it has some bounce now. So, the Wookie will be here around 3:30 today to pick up the S-kids, and I am anxiously awaiting her reaction. I'll let you know. It will probably be nothing more than a nasty e-mail later. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
- onehappygirl's blog
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I think of it like this.......
does BM consult you before she cuts SD's hair? Right-O.
SD wanted to get her hair cut when she was with me once. I should have just done it but instead I had her call the Beast Bitch and of course the woman threw a freaking hissy fit. Two months later SDs hair is so jacked she can't even pull it up in a pony tail anymore.
Why is it that BM's think they can dictate when or if their kids get hair cuts if they are with their father? Like I said above, she doesn't ask does she? No, so why should DH have to "Ask Permission" to cut his childs hair? Ughh. Now you got me started.
~all you need is Faith, Trust, and a little bit of Pixie Dust...and sometimes a machine gun~
One Happy Girl
The most important question is... How does SD like her haircut?
IF BM decides to throw a fit or send you a nasty email... ask her what kind of message she is sending to her daughter? About something that grows back? Hair should be seen as an accessory and not as the be all end all of this little girl's self esteem. Tell BM to stick that in her pipe and smoke it!!
We had this issue
every single freakin time the sd's would visit (prior to living with us). Mostly it was always b/c EVERY summer (I kid you not!) they came to us with lice so bad that all you could do was cut their hair. Bm didn't care they had lice. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure she would find someway to get them infested just before they came to us so I would have to spend the summer getting rid of it all. Those girls had waaay more treatments than they ever should have. One summer I was fed up and had SIL cut it "boy" short. Boy BM was fired up. I just told her. "Look ya skank, dont send them with lice and we wont cut it"! Idiot!
That's . . . just . . . NASTY!!!!
I can't imagine having to deal with that all the time. OMG!!! LICE???!!!! I would cut the hair too - as short as possible. And the boys would be practically shaved. YUCK!!!
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
That is our thought! She is his child and if he wants to cut her hair, then he has that right. Besides, BM won't cut her hair at all. She wants to grow it long, and SD doesn't have the type of hair that should be long. I agree with you completely. Also, I had my BD's hair cut too. It's very short, almost pixie-like, and it is ADORABLE!!! Her father is going to hate it, but since it's his choice to see them only every other weekend, he doesn't get a say in the matter.
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
I think the bottom line is this.......
if you and the x have a good relationship then it's nice to ask. I mean honestly, if DH and I weren't together I'd appreciate it if he consulted me prior to cutting our daughters hair. That's why I had SD call BM. But again, if it were something my DD wanted I wouldn't object ya know.
Asking is good, it's nice, it's admirable, and it builds nice roads instead of burning bridges.
However, in you case, and in Sia's, cut that damn hair! This BM is being ridiculous.........she just wants to emphasize that she has control over ALL THE WORLD!!!
~all you need is Faith, Trust, and a little bit of Pixie Dust...and sometimes a machine gun~
One Happy Girl - forgot to add
This is coming from someone though, who just took her SD to get pink streaks done throughout her hair and her whole bottom layer of hair is bright pink!! SD was soo happy! I haven't seen a smile like that on her face in a long time!! Whatever. She's a teenager and it's a phase.
BM knew better than to give us a hard time. She has done enough damage to the girl's self esteem with her dumb little comments and we hae already straightened her out.
Hair will not make SD a better or worse person. !! But it can make her a little more self confident if SHE likes the way she looks!!
DH asked me if we should put streaks in SD's hair. Even if it was just a wash-out color. He wanted to see what the Wookie would do. I opted out of that one, but it still would have been hilarious!
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
thats funny
I never thought about doing that. That would have been soooo funny! Damn I wish I would've thought of that! And I LOVE the wookie did you come up with that one?
I call her Sasquatch here at home, but someone had already taken that nickname here on ST. So, I went with Wookie, because she reminds me of Chewbacca on Star Wars. They both have the same hair color.
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
Kool aid
You can do temporary streaks using Kool aid - it's easy to do and washes out after a few shampoos. A lot of the college kids at the university I work at do it - I've seen just about every shade there is, lol!
Yeah, I just posted my long ass rant about SD8 with the 3 last paragraphs all about the hair issue! It completely sucks. There's no reason why we can't just take SD8 to have her hair cut without BM's approval, however, SD8 would probably not cooperate. She went from wanting her hair cut to agreeing with BM that she wanted to keep it long. And at almost 9-years-old we can't really force her to go along with having it cut....can we?!
We've had her hair cut without BM's permission a few times in the past. BM wasn't happy, but oh well. BM never asks for permission before she does things to SD8's hair (just like you said, Jen). BM has dyed it bright colors, at my husband's dismay. BM has attempted to do dreads (when SD was like 4!), which was basically a huge knot of hair on the back of her head. My husband saw that & had a fit! BM recently tried to talk SD8 into trying dreads again, to which my husband vehemently told SD8 "NO!". The worst was about 2 years ago when BM cut SD8's hair. OMG!!! She looked like Joe Dirt!!! And I am not kidding! The funny part of that is that BM had the same haircut...trying to make SD8 her "mini me". I'm dying here just remembering how hilarious they both looked! The only sucky part was taking SD8 places & being completely embarrassed. Sometimes I wish she could wear a shirt that says "My mom did this to me. The woman I'm with now is my STEPmom.". lol.
My BD13 lives with her father- for the time being- but just out of respect for the other parent and input, he would call me when she wanted to get a hair cut or color job, he will consult with me first. Asking what I thought of a certain style or color.
I was forbidden to
cut SD's hair....BM was growing it to donate to cancer patients....great idea in theory if u ACTUALLY do it....SD cried and cried while other kids got haircuts but she couldn't.....then BM finally cut it...ummm...and threw away the I what u want to do if u have a BM who is a disgusting human being....if u have one who actually gives a rats ass about her kids, then by all means consult her....I learned the hard way....
"You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar"
Yeah, nice lady! I'm actually wondering if this is the real reason BM won't let SD8 cut her hair. But if it is, it wouldn't be to benefit the cancer patients, it would be to have SD8's picture in the newspaper. (Our local paper always puts pictures of the kids who donate their hair. And yes, BM would sink that low!)
It wouldn't surprise me at all. SD8 & former SD11 have had their pictures in the local paper several times. (Mostly because BM sent in pics.) BM once wrote a letter to the editor & it got printed, so she went around telling everyone that she "got published" in a newspaper. lol. The kids told us that BM was disappointed because she had also sent in a picture of herself to go with the letter & it didn't get printed. WTF?!!
BM loooooves to make
hair appts for SDs when they're with me so I will take them.... (and pay for them of course!) This has been going on for years and I got tired of it.... So last time we had an appt I took them and let SD10 get the CUTEST little bob cut you've ever seen... it was adorable!! BM didn't want her to cut it that short but SD10 wanted it and I thought sucks to be her, she should have taken them! SD14 had an appt for highlights and she really really wanted some red and blonde streaks so again... why the hell not? It's just hair for pete's sake! It looked really really pretty but BM had a coronary! :evil: I figure I've probably fixed it so that I never have to take them again.
I lOVE that WSM!
that's great! Does she now take them herself? }:)
She hasn't asked me yet! LOL
But that was back in April or May and if you can imagine it is now the end of July and the girls haven't had a haircut since!! SD14 has longer hair and the color faded and blended nicely and doesn't look bad at all but SD10 seriously needs hers trimmed back up... I trim her bangs myself ever so slyly so it's amazing how her bangs haven't needed trimming...
Since school is starting soon we'll see if they get a new 'do' before then but I feel it's a safe bet that I won't be taking them! 
I would cut it
Of course I've never had to deal with the BM telling me what I could and couldn't do but if the child was in my care, and he needed a hair cut, he would get one. If she wanted it cut differently, she should get to it before me }:)
Same with my BS. If I don't like how my EH cuts his hair, I better get it cut before he gets a hold of him
been there done that...
SD wanted her haircut soooo bad. She too had long straight very thin fine hair. SD would ask her "mom" to cut her hair but was always told "only pretty girls have long hair" the time I had cut my hair really short so we were sure the comments were directed towards me. The wicked witch had to leave the state for some family emergency and SD was left with us for a few weeks during that time SD called to get permission because she was under so much stress from dealing with home stuff she was agreeing to everything so we went ahead and cut SD hair. It was sooo cute and was manageable by SD and she loved it! A week later the wicked witch came back and OMG sooo much drama which led to me getting a second restraining order. Wicked witch totally put SD down constantly called her ugly and all other kinds of names.
A few weeks later they went to court and wouldn't you know it she had a stipulation written into the new order to state "neither parent will alter the appearance of either child without the prior WRITTEN consent of the other parent. APPEARANCE will be defined as piercings, tattoos (permanent/temporary), hair color, hair style, hair cut"
DH did cut SD hair since that court order and she called her attorney funny thing was she was told at the time of the order her hair was short therefore DH would only need written permission to change SD hairstyle from the way it was at the time of the order. But it didn't mean she stopped putting her daughter down or calling her ugly. SD loves her hair and has even let me know it's almost time to get her hair trimmed.
Funny thing has happened since SD haircuts...wicked witch has now started cutting SS she has no training in doing this...she is a secretary at a petroleum company by no means in the arena of haircutting. We know she is doing this to get under the skin of DH but he doesn't fight with her about it. We try to let it grow out and take him to get a professional hair cut but each time it starts to grow out even a little she gives him another home haircut. Eventually SS will speak up like SD finally did and the home haircuts will stop but until then poor baby goes to school with home haircuts that look so awful.
How horrible that BM would tell her own daughter she's "ugly" !! Doesn't she get it? Doesn't she understand what damage that does to that poor little girl's self esteem? How did the SD handle that nice exchange?
They don't get it do they?
The self-esteem issue I mean! SD14 has crappola self-esteem already and after I raved about her hair and how grownup and pretty she looked she was feeling so good (since she knows I'm waaaaay cooler than BM, she loves my opinion). Then BM opens her fat trap about how she couldn't believe I let her go goth, etc etc... the kids hair was dark blonde with white blonde and red highlights... goth? Huh-uh.. not even close. But it sunk SD14. BM is such a bitch. I think she's just jealous because I'm blonde and she's got this flaming red hair that none of her kids have.. thank GOD!
which time?
the first time it happened I was there and the exchange was horrible to witness. BM ran out into the street out to our car and started hitting the windows both were I was and the back trying to get to my son! SD stood on the porch and just watched I could see her crying and there was nothing we could do but drive away. SD was grounded for the entire week she was with BM and BM made it a point to take SS alone toy shopping and to the movies. SD was told that is what she gets for allowing DH to cut her hair.
second time SD was prepared and knew she was in for it with her "mom" but wanted it cut anyway. She really enjoys being able to comb her own hair..I've recently introduced her to product and flat iron! BM has long straight just blah hair...DH says the entire time they were married he would encourage her to change her look but she wouldn't. I was not part of the exchange the 2nd time around but when DH returned home the phone rang and it was SD screaming hysterically and we could hear BM in the background "tell him tell him that you are in trouble and it's his fault. He is making this happen. Look at me daddy look how ugly I look." she went on and on and it went from bad to worse in a matter of seconds. We heard a loud smack SD screamed and the call was dropped. DH called back but no answer, he called the police and met them over at the house. Of course when they showed up she came with her suzy homemaker attitude and had no idea what he was talking about. Luckily the officer was also a divorced dad and didn't take her word for it. The officer went into the house and checked on SD he could tell she had been crying but SD never admitted that BM smacked her but we all know she did. BM says she slammed the phone down onto the sofa and that's what was heard. Yeah right.
SD is only 9 but has now started to see BM true colors and has started to pull away from her a little. She has no intensions of having the same hairstyle as BM. BM used to blame me but I have grown my hair long and it is a very dark brown and that has not made SD want the same hair color or style as mine...she just doesn't realize she is getting older and starting to know what she likes and what she wants.
Oh StepmomPatty
My heart is aching for that little girl right now!! I am just so sad for her. She is going through physical and emotional abuse.
I'm sorry I don't know your situation well enough ;... but how would you feel about getting that poor girl out of there?
The reason I ask is because of what I see with SD over here. How years of emotional abuse (the whole, why do you look like that?) made her insecure and shy to the point of almost crippling her socially. It's a lot of damage to undo and we are going at it with counseling.
DH didn't even think he could get, let alone really take care of a little girl. But he is obviously the much better parent and SD just adores him. He saved her all those years she lived with her mom, by making her feel good about herself and that she mattered. When it was clear that him and I were going to stay together, we were able to get SD to be with us.
Now SD says she hates her own mom!! I feel like your poor SD is heading down that road.
Sorry if I'm hijacking this post. I just worry when I read posts like this.
We are trying...
Hubby has been to court several times to gain primary custody but has failed each time. They have another court date next week for another attempt and if that one fails he is going to throw in the towel and give her primary custody to allow her to move back to her home state and hope the bad mouthing with stop. He has been fighting for years now and it has taken a toll on his physical health as well as our marriage. I think she does a lot of what she is doing in order to get what she wants and that is to be able to go back to her home state where all her family is. She is out here all alone by her fault alone...she cheated on DH remarried and cheated again then ended up with new boyfriend but that recently ended and she is now stalking her ex. Needless to say she has burned every bridge and has NO ONE out here but I don't feel sorry because she has made the decisions that have led her where she is today.
Its sad that what...
Its sad that what I'm about to say is a true story. Its so ridiculous, it should be a lie, but I swear its not.
My FH and the father of BW's little girl kept on her to get the kids haircuts last summer while she had them.
Well, she got their haircut alright.....
She did it herself! (If you've read my blogs, you'll know this bat shit crazy bitch is LEGALLY BLIND!)
FH got a call from BW's baby daddy in an outrage (he picked up BW's BD before FH got SS8 the day of pick up)...Needless to say, the kids got their hair cut again that day...
What a dumb bitch. She can't see, but she thinks she can cut hair.
God I hope both of her kids don't end up as stupid as her.
my dh didn't ask
he couldn't stand his son having hair to his shoulders and over his eyes. BM does tings all the time concerning the kid without consulting him so why should he pay her the any respect by asking her first. He looked like a 9 year old loser pot smoker and DH had enough. he flat out told the kid, I can take you to the barber and have it cut or I can shave your head myself....those are your two opions, you pick one. And SS picked the barber and it got cut. Period. And he looked so cute and handsome and cleancut afterwards not like some dropout pothead at the age of 9.
Sadly, SS12 and SD6 both
Sadly, SS12 and SD6 both have BM nasty frizz ridden hair genes. I have actually "trained" SD's hair to be less frizzy and more managable just by getting her into a conditioning/brushing habit (BM won't wash/brush SD's hair, which is why I had to teach her). SS12, on the other hand, has his mom's mentality, "people should like me for who I am, not what I look like". Somebody on here one time used the term BoBo the Clown... that would be SS12's hair. She'd let him go MONTHS with out a cut, he'd go at least a week without washing/brushing it. Finally I made DH in charge of keeping it cut. In fact, he refused to come down for a few weeks b/c he didn't want to get it cut. I know BM said something along the lines of, "I like your hair. Don't you like your hair? Who cares what other people think. You look fine."
I finally had to tell him his hair looks like filthy crap to get him to understand. He starts crying and said, "I hate my hair and it looks like S--T. I don't like it this way." He then let us take him to get it cut. Now, why on earth would any kid not like their hair but not want to change it? My guess is BM b/c SHE likes it and SHE approves of it.
When I first came into the picture BM would be upset if we sent back SD6 with her hair done in a braid, or pigtails... my guess is somebody said she looked cute and since BM doesn't do anything with the skids hair she'll be damned if I get the credit.
DH said when they were married he tried to get her to do something different with her hair other than the "hippie crunchy" look she was going for but she didn't change.. and she still hasn't!
"I aint no Carol Brady"
Same thing here
My SS has beautiful curls in his hair and we would give him that clean cut spike messy look - was so cute with gel and everything BM couldn't stand it so she now shaves his head bald. Everytime he comes over he is still trying desperately to gel it and spike it but with no hair. Said his BM and her F*^% Face husband (sorry that's what we call him) won't let it grow out.
F*^% Face also cuts my SD hair (his mother use to be a beautician so he know all about it) Her bangs are always uneven and looks like a rat chewed the ends off at the bottom. She is so scared to let me take her up to the salon to get it trimmed up even.
So come the beginning of the school year I will take my 2 BD and my SD come hell or high water I will have her hair trimmed nice for school.
I told my ex I was going to get DD's hair cut...
by my sister, who is a hairdresser (and a GOOD ONE!)...My daughter has pretty thin hair, and it's me who get's up and has to brush that stringy mess every morning before school etc. and he asked me not too cut it short...(Since she was very small, I have always kept it short, cute little bob, stacked in the back, whatever...) I was not very happy, but I didn't end up cutting it. I mean he doesn't have to brush the mess every day...only every other weekend... anyway, just thought i would share my hair cutting story...
Oh and one time, before my daughters first haircut even, my stepmom chopped her bangs off into this hideous, above the eyebrows "look". I was furious.
Totally think you are in the right
Hubby has 50/50 so it has been up to BM and I to get SD9 hair combed for school each morning. BM wanted hair to stay long and straight because it was less work for her to do in the mornings but when DH explained it was cut to a length SD could manage herself it would be saving her time. The problem was I am a stay at home mom and took the time in the mornings to put cute ribbons and other things her SD hair so when she went back to BM house she wanted BM to do the same and BM refused stating she didn't have the time. I even bought headbands to make it easier for SD to use while at BM house but BM sent them back and said they weren't needed. In your situation since you have primary physical custody you should be able to make these decisions and maybe just inform the other parent.
I would never. At the moment
I would never. At the moment I am on good terms with my SDs BM. But even when I wasn't I never did this evern know SD has asked me to take her for a hair cut. BM would tell SD how cute the hair cut was and then when SD goes to bed she would call, text and write us NASTY HARRASSING things. To me, it is not worth it.