OT - Endometrial Ablation - anyone had it?
I'm scheduled for one next month. My doctor has explained to me the benefits and the risks, and I have opted to go through with the procedure. I'm a little nervous about it, but very excited that I only have one more heavy period to get through.
If you've had it, please tell me what the recovery time was, how long before I can have sex again, any pain? What was your experience?
- onehappygirl's blog
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it ROCKS!!! Haven't had a
it ROCKS!!! Haven't had a period since I got it done in March 09.
I recovered in a week bc I had laparoscopy to remove endometrial adhesions too...and they removed a giant fibroid before doing the ablation also. But if I would have had just the ablation, it would have only been a few days for recovery.
No pain with sex...was doing it within a few weeks
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
Can I ask what that's for? I
Can I ask what that's for? I have inappropriate sinus tachycardia & I know about the cardiac ablations but I've never heard of this.
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
they use a laser to
they use a laser to detroy(ablate) the uterine lining. Helps with heavy bleeding problems or issues with fibroids so the chance of recurring fibroids is greatly reduced.
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
I'm pre-menopausal now, and
I'm pre-menopausal now, and my periods are very heavy. The ablation will burn the lining of my uterus causing scar tissue, and from what my doctor tells me, from now on I will either have very light or no periods.
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
Can they do this for
Can they do this for endometriosis as opposed to the laparoscopy?
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
The way it was explained to
The way it was explained to me...endometriosis is endometrial tissue growing outside of the uterus and the ablation only treats the inside of the uterus. I had class 4 endometriosis w/adhesions and it couldn't be treated with the ablasion that's why i had the laparoscopy at the same time then I had to take a pill for 6 months to kill the rest of the endometrial tissue they couldn't get to...
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
I had it done in October.
I had it done in October. The pain was pretty mild and probably could have gone to work the following day but it takes me a while to recover from anesthesia. The spotting lasted for maybe a month which kinda sucked. I was never told how long to wait for sex but have heard some were told 3 weeks, some were told 6 weeks. I waiting maybe 4 weeks and all was well.
The doctor is not giving my
The doctor is not giving my anesthesia for it. I will have Valium and Vicodin that I am to take before the procedure, so I'm sure I will be pretty loopy when the time comes. Truelight is going to sit with me during the procedure, which I like.
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
oooh...I was out cold for
oooh...I was out cold for the whammy of a surgery I had. but if it was just the ablation, I would have just gotten local. the worst part is numbing the cervix but being loopy should help you with that.
You'll do great honey and it'll be a relief to get rid of such heavy periods
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
I also had no anesthesia.
I also had no anesthesia. Just the Valium and Vicodin. Very mild discomfort was all I felt. DH was in the room with me the entire time and we actually watched it all on a monitor which was very cool.
I had it done a year ago.
I had it done a year ago. Procedure itself was easy. I had it done in the office. A bit of pain directly following when my cervix was recovering but then easy peasy. Had one other day off work to recover. Very slight spotting for a few weeks, no sex for 4-6 weeks. For the first 3 months no period at all or just some spotting. Then my period returned and slowly went back to worse than before the procedure. I eventually ended up having a hysterctomy so all in all I wish I had gone there first. Good luck, I hope you have good results !
I had EA & a tubal done May
I had EA & a tubal done May '07; unfortunately, it didn't work very well for me. I still have moderate periods, bad cramps, major mood swings and my periods last just as long if not longer than they did before the surgery. The surgery itself wasn't too painful, but I was sore for about a week. The surgeon went in through my belly button & made a second small incision about two inches from the first one; I had general anesthesia and was back to work after two days. No nookie for two weeks!
I bypassed all that junk and
I bypassed all that junk and went straight for a total hysterectomy! LOL Compared to what I went through with prolonged super heavy periods, this is a dream to not have to worry about any of it anymore. Two of my girlfriends here have had ablasion done and they both had their periods return to the very same as before and wish they hadn't bothered, but that's the only experience I know of personally. Wish I knew of something better to say!!
Best of luck to you!!!!!!!!!
Whoohoo! Cheers to complete
Whoohoo! Cheers to complete hysterectomies!!! Due to ovarian cancer and endometriosis (what was God thinking?!) I had a complete hysterectomy and it is heaven. I don't have to worry about periods, ovulation or anything like that. I can wear white shorts or pants anytime I want to and not worry about getting my period unexpectedly. I had such heavy periods before (that were incredibly painful) that I had to wear those super, super plus tampons AND a giant, bulky pad. At times, I seriously considered wearing Depends as well, lol. I absolutely LOVE not having a uterus and ovaries. The downside is not being able to have biological children. That was the hardest part for me, but we are going to adopt a baby and I'm sure I will love her as much as I would my own kids. I didn't want to pass on my genetic problems and if I had a girl she would be at high risk for cancer and endometriosis. It's a very serious and personal choice, but it sure is great to be free of all that period stuff. I do have to take replacement hormones, but I don't notice a difference between then and now, so it's no big deal to me.
I hope the ablasion works out! I've heard mixed responses from friends, but most of them had light spotting or no periods afterwards. You should be feeling fine and up and about pretty quickly. I think ablasion surgery is a great first step and being cautious and not going for more drastic surgeries is a good idea. It's ideal to do as little as you can get away with rather than going all out. I love not having to deal with it, but my hysterectomy was kind of a no choice thing. I could have kept one ovary and my uterus, but my life would have been one of almost constant pain and misery. I chose adoption and a pain free life instead, but my situation was unique. It's so wonderful to know that there are so many fellow hysterectomy and ablasion girls out there. We also save a lot of money on not buying tampons and pads!
Anyway, i'll be sending happy thoughts! I hope you get better fast and have great results.
"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they will kill you." ~Oscar Wilde
Oh, also, for all those
Oh, also, for all those girls out there who haven't had a hysterectomy or an ablasion, my little sister told me about this thing called a "mooncup" and she absolutely loves it. Here is the website www.mooncup.co.uk. You can wear it for as long as you want because it holds so much fluid and it doesn't leak at all, no matter what activity you do. It's reusable and can be used for years, doesn't have any dangerous chemicals (tampons have some scary chemicals), is comfortable, clean and totally sanitary. There is no risk of toxic shock syndrome too. You just take it out when you need to and rinse it out and put it back it. Easy peasy. My sis was raving about it and wants to get one for all her friends. It completely eliminates the need to buy pads and tampons and you can save tons of money by never having to buy them again. You don't have to remember to carry tampons with you and you don't have to hide a little box of tampons at your boyfriends house
Anyway, I don't get periods so I don't need it, but if I did, I would absolutely go with the mooncup. Total genius.
P.S. She says it is the best brand, but she's also heard good things about the DivaCup and the Keeper too. You can google them to get their websites. I guess it is just a matter of personal preference because they all do the same thing and eliminate the need for tampons and pads, but they have small detail differences.
"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they will kill you." ~Oscar Wilde
I had it done about a year
I had it done about a year ago....best thing ever. I went from using half a box of tampons to a few per period. I had no problems after...just do what the doc says. Good Luck!